Long live Donald Trump.
Every Fucking Day
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Ummm... no sweetie, he lost by a massive margin. Hillary Clinton won by over SIX MILLION votes.
She is the true winner. She is who the American people chose. Any time a drumpf supporter tries to brag, I laugh HARD in their face, and educate them with the facts. It feels good being on the right side of herstory. Drumpf is literally the least popular candidate of all time.
She fucking won
Muhh six millons.
Before the election
>Electoral colleges are great
Lol so true
Viva La Trump. The King. The man. The myth. The Legend.
This is pretty much me. Liberals are just trying to control the narrative and regain support to stay alive. If Trump wins re-election they are in deep shit for the next several elections. Shills try to consensus crack here for multiple reasons but they're easy to spot.
King of Pop = Jackson
The King of all Media = Stern
The King = Elvis
This is gold. Now they come on Sup Forums and try to insult us but they are 10000000% fucking losers.
>the most populous state (aka new york, california and texas) should decide for the entirety of the USA
What part of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA you do not understand? United? States? of? America? You think there is STATES (plural) in the country name only because it sound fancy or some shit?
i still jerk off to this
Muh 6 million.
Maybe you should double down and try to get even more illegals voting on your side... oh wait. You can't! Cause Pres Trump will kick them out!
I think you mean GOD-EMPEROR
you couldn't be more wrong lad. Sup Forums is always wrong about shit like this. that's why in the weeks before the election I KNEW trump was going to win because the majority of the threads were "hillary and soros are rigging the elections" "its all over drumpfkins" "even though we're going to lose it was fun while it lasted lads"
Double-Agent Pence
Comey's betrayal
Obama arrested
Clinton arrested
the list goes on and on. Sup Forums is always wrong. and trump is reddit-tier.
So many groups attacking at the same time... I wonder... N-no Must be just a...
Do you have a fucking point? I can't seem to find one, just a bunch of words mashed together. We memed Trump hard, there was very minimal memeing of Geert or Hofer. Trump is Reddit-tier, fuck off nigger this is the presidency we're talking about, comparing him to Sup Forums's view of Reddit is stupid as fuck.
Trump took on the goddamn world. Had a pussy video / audio released on him and still won.
You cannot defeat him. He fucking feeds off drama and these dumb shareblue fucks do nothing but create his energy source.
Goddamn. I'm 100% when I say I am proud as fuck of him and my fellow Americans that we made it happen.
God bless all of us.
>mfw going to my Campus on Nov 8 and seeing everyone like this
I have my criticisms of the trump administration, but it's almost 100% directed at the GOP itself.
I love watching these dumb cucks waste energy attacking Trump's character etc. because the Teflon Don is impervious. Every step of the way they make them selves look foolish, especially when you see how all the important issues are quietly addressed out of view while they rail against him on made up fake news
I live in Berkeley CA and have two liberal parents, this is how life is for me every day.
yeah my points were the very first sentence and the very last sentence of my post you sperg. between those two points are very brief outlines of my reasons for believing so.
if i were a betting man, I would put everything on the opposite of what Sup Forums says will happen. I forgot to mention brexit, which most bongs said would NEVER happen.
Fuck off CIA, stop using taxpayer money to shitpost.
> 5 Year Old Burns Donald Trump in Viral Video
I will miss this Astro turfed shit from the election cycle. Like Cindy Little Shit saying some stuff her daddies who adopted her told her to say was going to swing the votes in Michigan or North Carolina. Lmao.
He won Pennsylvania. Lmao. Goddamn Trump you beautiful bastard.
That nigga got in twitter and called The Republican Party losers and said he'd show them how to win.
Then won. Love him.
What Uni user?
Good one.
uhm, do you not understand that the race was about electoral votes and not people?
months and months of "he can't possible ever win" turned to "he's doing the worst job EVAR!" at break-neck speed. Is there even a point to listening to those who were so wrong ever again?
> every fucking day
Every fucking day
And on top of all of this he beat someone who thought SHE had it in the bag.
Oh man you know those queers had the "you got beat by a girl" memes lined up and ready to go. Oh you know they did.
But they couldn't use them because Clinton is a fucking Loser. The democrats are fucking losers. Hell I think a large portion of he Republican Party are losers. But Trump, he's a fucking winner and that's something you shill faggots will never know. Winning. Goddamn it feels so good.
>Oh man you know those queers had the "you got beat by a girl" memes lined up and ready to go
They'd still be throwing them around in the radioactive fallout of YAASqueen's war on Russia.
Who has the pasta about how some liberal was going to start a new thread every day about laughing at our tears?
Yeah. They thought it would be some divine irony if this 'sexist pig' was beaten by a woman. Guess what? The divine irony was on OUR side.
Win after win after win after win after win after win.
I want these leftists in the media to be lined up against a wall and shot.
I don't give a shit about their constitutional rights, I want them mass murdered.
of course it's a fucking leaf
Trumptards are special snowflakes who believe they are facing constant persecution. They are more or less SJWs of another color..
Trump won, enjoy it, your utopia awaits you..
>you're wrong, and Sup Forums is wrong and Trump is reddit
Your reasoning is just a random string of some names, I still don't get your point at all. "Whatever Sup Forums thinks, think the opposite"? Is that it? Because that's retarded, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that your point isn't retarded.
Remember the 6 million.
Winners never rest. Get fucked faggot.
It is hard to see any winners over the constant crying and complaining about how persecuted you are by everyone.
This is good stuff. Almost has a nugetty flavor to it. Delicious.
Do you wan't to be on the list?
don't bother hitting enter next time kid
Sad to see I understand the country legislation and power structure better than most Americans, shit suck. It's like most American do not even understand what made America great in the first place and the reason states even exist in the first place. The fact that trump got elected imply the electoral college and the system work as intended aka every states has an influence on the flow of things on the federal level, even if they are underpopulated compared to the more populous northern states. If it was truly only about the total quantity of votes then states like california and new-york could decide what are the rule for the entire country, which kind of go totally against the entire purpose of the country aka be a land of freedom where EVERYONE can be heard and have influence, not just the elites of the biggest populations centers.
>"Whatever Sup Forums thinks, think the opposite"
and add
>"Whatever reddit thinks, think the opposite"
>Is that it? Because that's retarded, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that your point isn't retarded.
honestly, yes. and thank you for giving my retarded point the benefit of the doubt.
I see what you did there
Stay mad faggot. Please stay mad.
>walking through life oblivious
amazing the way filthy calvinist anti-intellectualism is seen as a good thing in the states
Take your pick Paco.
>thank you for giving my retarded point the benefit of the doubt
Rotating banner nominee 2017.
whenever I see a "drunpfkins blown out you are stupid haha" post I always imagine its being written by a hambeast like in the top left of that comic
I have a feeling its not far off the mark
Stern is a massive faggot. Always has been.
Epic and stolen.
we need to gas these leftists or maybe nuke em because we wouldn't need to spend money on infrastructure that way.
Trump is President. He won what counts in a landslide victory.
That is technically right.
The best kind of right.
I can't stay mad at you.
But they did rig the elections.
They didn't rig it big enough though to win. They really believed CNN and MSNBC about the bullshit polls. That is why Hillary didn't have a concession speech ready, she thought the rig had the election in the bag. She was not prepared to lose because she didn't think Trump had the support he had.
Can't wait for when the election investigation results Trump has the FBI investigating right now.
don't hold your breath. remember the special prosecutor he was going to assign for hillary's case? I don't know if the people that surround trump take him seriously. I would love to be a fly on the wall in one of his cabinet meetings
She's the president? Even CNN ant that crazy
God they are so stupid and retarded
I know there had to be at least one smug guy in there, betting on Trumps victory... Imagine the fucking smug on that.
I don't really care if he prosecutes Hillary because he ended her career and kept her out of the White House. That statement was made less than a month before the election and was mostly a rhetorical barb in the debates, that worked. The Clintons have nothing left to do except die.
bumpu so shills can see
Yeah, Washington is too corrupt to even think that an investigation like that would happen.
It will always be like that until people decide they have had enough of the corruption. I am surprised the public is allowing Hillary to get away with everything she has done without going to trial. I thought once everyone saw how blatant the difference is between the poor and the rich/political is when it comes to breaking laws, some sort of civil unrest would happen.
Guess this country has become too faggoty, and only use civil unrest when there is not really a real controversy, just when dindus need new weaves or pookie on the corner wants a new pair of shoes.
if trump locks her up, I'll eat my words. I hated clinton so much that I actually liked trump during the election cycle. she did the same thing with obama. how can one be so intolerable to the masses and yet still have the support of democrats?
We all know it was really 9 million.
>Press F in remembrance of the 12 million.
why are you diminishing the suffering on the 15 million?
Go back to molenbeek, ahmed
This is so sad. I hope they win next time.
How could anyone guess "Catching Mexicans" knowing that the first letter of the first word obviously cannot be C?
Drumpf may be dumb, but he's not stupid.
Sweet, sweet fresh bait