Do we have any updates on Operation EagleEye?

Do we have any updates on Operation EagleEye?

last i saw, shia was hiding in some bushes with a baseball bat. stream has been down since then.


I heard he planted the flag but the cops were there and he got arrested.
He didnt go to jail, but was fined and his drone was confiscated.

What would he even be charged for?

If he hasn't put another flag up and the stream is down, what is he trying to protect?

Probably some airspace violation depending on the drone.
Maybe trespassing too.

The camera was still there, and he probably knew about the drone hijinks since he browses Sup Forums.
He got booted off the property by the owners because anons set fireworks off down the road and it started a brush fire.

There's no way he's gonna try again.

Shia might have gotten our boy

Wasn't there a rumour he was headed to or in Australia? If that's true, he's going into the wolf's den of shitposting

Please be real. He has no clue, holy shit.

his dignity

This flag will stand as long as Trump is POTUS, in a sovereign foreign country.
That will teach em!

i really hope he hasn't given up, this has been the gift that's kept on giving so far,has anbody thought about trolling him harder so that he starts his shia world tour? calling him shia LaBluff and shit

That shit is long gone freind. He's a multi million dollar actor standing out in the middle of Tennessee defending an empty flag pole with a baseball bat

It's too late for that

There's going to be a breaking point. He's gonna have to give up eventually because no matter what you do, you can't beat a bunch of autists with alot of free time and alot of obscure knowledge

I assure you we will take it down as well if that becomes the case, and replace it with a Make Australia Great Again hat :D

God knows we don't want him here libbing up our state. There's good people here!

Idea: post a country that Shia could try to put the flag in to escape Sup Forums and possible results.

>Shia goes to Israel to plant the flag
>thinks he's safe since "Sup Forums wants to gas te kikes"
>doesnt know Israeli Sup Forumsacks exist
>flag gone the same day
>replaced with picture of mr shekelstein holding the flag

All that would mean are more people to join the Knight's Keklar

Putting the flag up in a different country is just a sad defeat. He'd be memeing himself for us

how hard is it to just hack his website and post whatever the shit we want?


That is a very noteworthy proposal


This sounds like something that hacker Four Chin would do.


If he does browse Sup Forums just wait long enough and he may get redpilled


There's no way, repeat no way, that HWNDU would be in any way fucked with in Australia.

>mfw his password is his mother's husband's name


Why? All you aussies have nothing better to do

true. What i meant to say is i wouldnt freeze, then coat in resin a week's worth of turds and superglue them to the footpath adjacent to the camera

Ahh. I believe in you user. All we need now are confirmation on his whereabouts. Anybody have any leads on social media?

ask and you shall receive

Trump meatspin

Replace it with a basic rundown on formal logic and ethical debate.

This seems to be the next logical step at this point. However, Sup Forums tards are anything but logical.

>A wog politician

Alternatively, some image of the word "Us" with a Trump-Wall dividing the 'U' from the 'S'.

Nothin beats a classic

Even more relevant

don't let your memes be dreams

Nah, I want something a little more artfully done than this. I want it to be something that really shows them that they've been outclassed. This is just trolling and will be disregarded as such.

Well if it's to be more than just showing the powers of shitposting, you're going to want it to be a very well thought out political message directed at the left from the "anonymous majority"


>not tongue-in-groove

>october 3th

Are you a time traveller?

we do things like this, levee nigger

Tiptop kek


What about going full blown anonymoose region and hacking the Moving Image Museum's Twitter

*March 10th

I saw the first round of capture the flag with Shia not too long ago and I salute those who has brought down that fucking liberal to his knees with a taste of what actual intellects is and Kekistan's capabilities. I have a feeling there will be a round 2, and I wish to aid those who are challenged by the Shia with my head as well. Will keep taps to Shias works and any other leftist that thinks they can take on Kekistan to capture the flag. Hopefully I may join the circle of kek. Cheers to those in the Kekistani war on liberals, and here's to a round two to this on going war.