it must be stopped.
It must be stopped
Other urls found in this thread:
Airforce ready
It is pure evil.
What's going on in here?
divine intervention
Not any time soon.
Pooforce ready
>Getting mad about people gathering.
As long as they gather in the Middle East then leave them be. It's only if they enter Europe that we should slaughter them without question.
Oy Vey
>That pic
Please make it go away.
If I was president, I would organize an extremely-sensitive black op involving a massive bomb attack on the Cube at peak-traffic season. Then deny the shit out of it and ridicule anyone who accused me of doing it.
What's in the box?!! Tell me!!!
>yfw Pajeet is your greatest ally when everything turns to shit
Nuffin much
A tear from home.
When everything turns to shit, you need people used to standing up in it.
>Then deny the shit out of it and ridicule anyone who accused me of doing it.
Spotted the kike
>Nuffin much
So bunch of KKK dudes in robes? That makes no sense.
It will never be stopped.
checked, and nice pepe, I dont have one
Thank you for this sensible chuckle, i needed it
>North Korea nukes The Kaaba, hailed as saviors of the world, International Holiday declared to celebrate the Great Leader Kim-Jong Un.
Best Korea
>high birthrates
>hates degeneracy
>dislike for jews
>no nu-males
We could just join them tbqhwyfam
i have been there like 4 times , we dont worship the kabbah we worship the god of the kabbah
But India, this is your airforce
its starts here and spreads out to the world this main cube must be destroyed.
>implying that isn't amazing
And this is yours
It's just an idol mate. They'll have a new one up and running within the decade.
I am moslem
Allahu Ackbar
pol btfo
Honestly this, but I would be dishonoring my race
But India, I'm not a muslim
It's the black cube of Saturn.
Nuke that center of satanism with a colbolt salt warhead. Fucking kiks have made the west weak.
Hexagons are cubes now?
Those lines that can be used to form a 2D cube are the same as the wakling pattern of six legged insects ( ants for instance )
hey it's that thing from evangelion
what was his name? Ramen?
well if Kek has anything to do with sandniggers, i'm out.
ramen! ramen! ramen!
[spoiler]ramiel and it was terrifying in the movie[/spoiler]
>Doesn't understand the symbolism of the kaaba or my pic
Stay bluepilled
>ants exist in four days at once
redpill me then