/afg/ Alt-Fem General - Make White Babies editon

This is a meme campaign to get young girls/women interested in traditional values and families.

A traditional alternative to (((feminism)))

These threads are about figuring out how to do this.

An /afg/ thread will be started at 7 PM EST every day

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Hey we need to do something about instagram. My recommended feed is filled with black people, black babies, mixed babies all after I searched "babyfever". Shit is annoying.


Is pegggin and femdom within a ethnonationalist couple justified? No public promotion of degeneracy or else

Memes and meme ammo


Sharing the memes everywhere is the goal. IG is a great place

ugly manly practical font, too easy to read, cmon man, also women like purple and pink, not green

geesh you are such a dudebro

Discord link


For sure not if the dildo is black.

take this autism back to Sup Forums where you belong

Not a bad meme desu

obviously it's white-pink.

shut up seppo fag

Caption Ideas.

"Children keep love alive as the sun gives birth to each new day."
"You man will hold your hand the way he will hold your child"
Lust isn't love, Romance starts where the family begins"
"Every day with your kids is the best day of your life"
"raising a family grows your happiness'
"make the best choices for yourself and your future children""Support your man if you love him."
"What are you looking for in a husband?"
"A good father watches out for his family"
"The best things in life are free"
Pic of happy family??
“Don’t just stand there holding hands, create something with your love!”
“Being a housewife doesn’t make you a slave, it makes you an equal partner in creating the next generation.”
“what do you want in life? If it isn’t raising a family, ask yourself why.”
“Your own heartbeat is your constant companion. How wonderful is it then to carry another beating heat within you? The beating heart of someone you will share the rest of your life with.”
“A father and mother together will gladly face the world together for their children.”
“The best life is shared”
“The best mothers love their children long before she carries them within her womb.”

Then its probably ok if your wife is submissive outside the bedroom.
Not like I really give a fuck.

Then we start pushing in our versions. Its cleat (((they))) want to steer our society into a new Brazil.

Kek wills it
Take this bump

Bretty gud user.

Women just seem too much work and effort considering the amount of shit that is already out there to encourage them to go the other way. Even if you manage to achieve your goal, you have another problem.
That is a vast majority of good men who have opted out.

You're welcome to try it, but don't be surprised when she doesn't respect you or leaves you for not being a fucking man.

From what I've heard, that never ends well.



would everyone be ok if i sent these memes to alt right chicks on twitter so they could post them instead of me. I feel like these would look better and carry more weight coming from a female? Any concerns?

Hell yeah motherfucker

>implying Generation Zyklon isn't real

The younger generations will save us all, but we must work to save/protect them from (((their))) evils

Are you saying we should meme MGTOW out of existence?
The problem with those men is that the legal system favors women 10x.
"Getting divorced because she fucked another man? Never see your kids again because her lawyer told her to say you hit her once."

idk how low the media will spin it. "uses images from racist Sup Forums white supremacy" would be your only concern

Spread them anywhere you see fit, user.

To the oven you go pussy niggers

the eternal kike strikes again


Now these are some breads I can get behind

Have a bump lads


MGTOW is almost just as toxic as feminism. the only thing that makes feminism slightly more toxic is that MGTOW isn't as popular. I take Varg's stance on this, ignore them and let their beta genes die out.

how are pics of handsome fathers with children?

>implying teens care about the main stream meteor
>implying we aren't the new counta cult chure

Memes are the future, user. Meme will change the world

Imagine coming home and this is your family. 10/10 happiness right there

Do you autists think you will appeal to women? You iditos are the type who scream WOMEN ARE TOO DEGENERATE NOW REEEE yet think you understand women

#AltFem is the hashtag for this mission correct?


sadly, women are retards

MGTOW isn't toxic.
Many MGTOW want to be fathers but society is too fucked up by Feminism for that to be a viable option.
I think they could be, (some of them anyways) allies to our movement IF we at some point talk about legal rights. (More as the alt-right than Nat-Fem)

if the caption is on point, it works

We shouldn't push just having families, we need other ideas. Young teens will just get bored of it.

fuckin brits man...no wonder our ancestors wanted to break away from you

Alive, breathing songs of life, strength to be, no fear, simply be. The wild will always shake up things. It does not put up with fake. Simply come out the cave , be on it. Rights, when violate need to be seen, and heard so the reality is seen thru the mirror that ones sees upon holding thy eye to it, just to see.

No hashtag short of #Femininity
We haven't agreed on an official # yet.
probbably not Alt-Fem tho. that is just for Sup Forums


natural femininity

what do you think we're doing this for lad? I'm turning 22 in less than 2 weeks. I'm doing this as much for my personal future as I am for the future of my nieces and nephew, and all white children.

great actually. it'll encourage men and women.

the woman sees a loving husband and father. the man sees his sweet little buttercup.

It's true though no woman wants alt """"""feminism""""""" feminism is about equality alt feminism clearly isn't because it supports traditional gender roles. If I was a woman I would not join at all

This, none of the images in this thread will appeal to women. I don't know how women work very well, but I do know they're not going to follow some fringe meme movement on social media. They like to follow authority, they like to follow pop culture, you would need some kind of 'Traditional family' television show for them to watch to even get a movement like this off the ground.

From what I can tell, the most effective way is to just go out there and talk to women. I've had decent success just conversing with them about these subjects, and being unapologetic about my views. It helps that I have a wife; being wanted by a woman provides you with credibility on these topics.

What other ideas?
The overall goal as I understand it is to meme gen-z into stable white families. Mostly by getting girls maternal and nurturing instincts firing at 110%

sorry but Sup Forums isnt an hivemind. people do think for themselves here

I honestly kinda like #AltFem.
People are already using #AltWild and #AltTrad.
It's like we're saying there's an alternative to the false idea of femininity that's pushed on them. imo

A great place to start pushing this stuff though would be at the "loleeta" crowd on instagram. They are full of a bunch of teen girls who want "older" men. However, they are really in love with the 50s aesthetics and already very feminine.


idk, Alt-Fem works as "Alternative to Feminism" which I keep hearing most girls/women can't stand today. Would also act as a female outreach program for the Alt-Right which they are severely lacking.

Can ladyboys be alt-fem too?

Ima get banned

The concern with alt-fem is that it will push away the more left-leaning bluepilled girls that we want.
most christian conservatives are already in the right mindset.

Perhaps get them to learn how to sew, making their own clothes. Get them interested in gardening, make it seem like knowing how to cook is the best new thing.

no because a central point of the altfem is procreation

but men and women aren't equal. Some are good at things the other are shit at, and vice versa

Alt is a negative connotation now, it'll only push moderates and bluepilled girls away

Most of these are okay, but some of it seems like a dorky church trying to appeal to the young people. I'd focus more on the angle of women being able to actually create life and how amazing that is if you really think about it. Appeal to their egos, don't try to appeal to a sense of honor by saying "become a real women". They don't think that way, you can't use the same style of propaganda on them that is working on young men.

I reckon 99.99% of people in the alt-right already take issue with family legal rights. But MGTOW stands for "MEN GO THEIR OWN WAY". The main part of that movement is about checking out of society, the family and doing your own thing. It the equivalent of women who are brain washed by feminism, check out of family life and work all their life for that higher business position. Realising when they are about to hit menopause that they made a mistake and they want children. We don't need to encourage anti-family behaviour.

You're all doing the Lord's work anons, the hatred of promulgating our society and culture that has been beaten into white women has to be reversed. I'll be firing up my shitposting account on twatter and getting some of these airtime, keep up the good work.

calling the movement Alternative to Feminism is NOT a bad idea

10/10 good thought user.
still the name for the movement needs to be discussed at length.
If we bill it as Alternative to Feminism I could get behind that.
I still think that NatFem will spread more effectively.

I agree i think we should stick with #AltFem
also the whole "ALT" movement has a lot of name recognition now

Man you guys don't understand women at all lol

it'll be fine. Left-leaning will either wake up when they realize how crazy the left is or will get sucked into the crazy in which case they weren't the kind of people we want any way.

The name "AltFem" is desirable as in the mind of the female reader, they can still feel they are empowered and choosing "feminism" while rejecting actual feminism.

kek seems to like the idea

honestly we don't want moderates or libtards in the "ALT" anyways. Also the AltRight is growing exponentially so i don't think it has as bad a contain as you think

these guys are tackling it at a good way as well. images won't work. you need talk shows, women want to be talked into it.

Something to keep in mind is that we can have multiple hashtags with different goals and different aesthetics to appeal to different demographics.

enlighten everyone then, women whisper.

>implying the young will be turned off by what the mainstream considers "evil and taboo"

calling it a "meme" campaign could discourage some from the get go

Meme campaign is internal terminology you abject retard.

I agree women are attracted to aesthetics. we need more trad women in dresses memes

They'll see it nothing more than what it is. You guys don't understand "Alt" is now a negative connotation. They relate it to nazis and the instant they see what the movement is about, family values, women staying home, housewife, they'll just completely disregard it.

>actual feminism
you mean (((feminism)))

At least while on this site

We are doing kinky shit for almost two years now. Women don't think less of you for being confident in your sexuality





good point user

Hey! That's cultural appropriation!

yeah normies mustn't know our power

we can't change the past. it happen now we need to deal with it. stop whining like a bitch

Multiple campaigns
also Alternative to Feminism sounds really good and if done properly become appealing to lots of women.
especially if we don't go overboard with the 1950s shit.
I'm totally happy with babies then career.
I'm sure most women will be too.

god tier kek
fuckin love aussies

Think about how ridiculous the young see the left when they "declared war" on a frog cartoon? To them, they see the Alt-Right as a funny thing and would promoting even just as a joke because they know it will piss people off.

"Alt" as a prefix will do nothing but good for us with the young

Then I guess I'm not in favor of this movement. Boo!

(((they))) ruined women, and used women as a weapon to turn men into beta cucks. We're just using (((their))) tactics against them, user.

Also: Thread theme