When did the world start going downhill, Sup Forums?
>pic related
When did the world start going downhill, Sup Forums?
>pic related
in the 60s
When the British were stupid enough to give control of their treasury to the Rothschild family. It REALLY started going downhill once Britain discovered tea though.
The world is degenerate and people have lost their ability to keep a moral compass and guide others away from degeneracy. Especially in the west, which is the part of the world that matters most.
May 1 1945
When normies started using the internet. I don't think the internet is a place for normal humans to be. I think it's only for autistics.
August 8 1588
As soon as we gave women the right to vote
when you developed depression
This stuff always happens.
Children and teenagers just want attention. This is just a new phase in getting it-changing their gender.
Last phase was "coming out" and before that was like smoking or something.
I can't wait to see what the new phase will be after this one.
>197 kids
>want to become the opposite sex
Gee I wonder why they don't specifically mention how many want to make the transition MtF compared to FtM.
Is it because it'd make people think too much?
Don't you remember?
Apparently they don't.
Matrix was right, they didn't realized that it stoped being their world.
1913, the year the federal reserve was established and (((they))) took complete control over the US economy
1945. The last chance of the world to combat World Jewry
people be like
>Gender Dysmorphia is an extremely rare condition that deserves our sympathy, and not a product of sociopsychological preassures, nor a mental illness.
But the real world be like
>Why is it doubling year over year
Day one
>When normies started using the internet. I don't think the internet is a place for normal humans to be. I think it's only for autistics.
So people who like to think.
It's more than wanting attention. In this day of the Internet and online posting they will never be able to forget that one time they wanted to be girls. If that isn't enough to destroy them, the hormones will ensure they are completely mindfucked and ruined. This is not just a phase, this is worse.
Sandniggers didn't even exist prior to that.
>gender dysmoprhia is not a social construct
>gender is a social construct
Checked. How do we wake them up?
When we discovered agriculture
Alternatively, when social media became ubiquitous
410 AD the sack of Rome.
pic related
Underrated af.
10 september 2008
swedes are the sissy race
Fucking cancer op
meh, kids love attention, they get it by pretending to be trannies because that's hip now
this too shall pass, as soon as another teenage mutant ninja turtles-type show comes on they'll all be into bestiali-oh fuck
(((wanting to)))
>world in any year after ww2
>going downhill
shut the fuck up you retards
For the East the Imperial Edict of the Abdication of the Qing Emperor on 12 February 1912
pic related
I understand why the Nazis burned books now.
those legs tho
I'm sorry.
Giving women the right to vote ruined everything.
June 28, 1914
Not siding with Germany/nipnation in ww2.
>When did the world start going downhill
Genesis 2.2:
...and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
The next day.
>normalize gender dysphoria psycopathy
>feminism and slut culture has torn men and women apart
>people think other sex has it easy
>people can't have the other sex, decide to be the opposite sex
I don't believe that statistic at all. As far as I know, most children that have any amount of self awareness wonder about gender. Little boys and girls are too similar to understand the differences, so when the people raising these children refuse to accept the truth, they make the kids think that feeling weird and girly about playing dolls or something with a girl is a legitimate feeling and that it means that they're supposed to be a girl.
Everyone has weird views and little "conspiracies" that they believe when they're kids, one of mine was that I thought that I was born a girl and for some reason was raised as a boy through some conspiracy by my parents and presumably doctors. Obviously that's fucking dumb and I let it go when I wasn't a dumb little kid anymore, I didn't turn into some mentally deranged demifluid pansexual queer furry tumblrina SJW like kids these days are because their delusional parents fuel their delusions.
I just fap to traps, that's totally different
Transgenderism is 21st century Wether effect.
What is the Werther effect? It was the first documented effect of media induced hysteria in the 18th century. Keep in mind mass media was in this peroid either the town cryer or books.
So in 1774 Goethe published a book called The Sorrows of Werther. About a tragic fop (precurser to emo) who dressed in blue coat and yellow trousers and ends ups killing himself by shooting himself in the heart. There was rash of immidiators that dressed the same way and ended killing themselves in precisely the same manor.
So what does this tell us?
That some people are highly prone to suggestion. That suggestion can even be suicidial or homicidal in nature and people still follow through.
Case in point: advertising wouldn't be a multi billion dollar industry and arguably the basis for our entire economy.
ISIS recruites with termendous effect with internet advertising.
The rash of Columbine immeditators which coinsided after the release of the movie Heathers and the MTV music video by Pearl Jam- Jeremy.
Transgender is the Werther effect. Mass media and social media is conditioning these confused adolescents thinking there is something wrong with themselves that chemical castration is the obivious solution.
To the contrary, technology and science is uplifting the world
Mostly after 1940's. 1945 was the death knell.
The Brits (((promising))) (((them))) their own land in exchange for moneys to win a war.
CIA gains power
Once TPTB realized that the world had too many people, aka the boomer generation, we were fucked. Enter the bilderberg meetings.
Plans are laid down:
>Minimize birth rate growth
>Maximize death rates "naturally"
This brought the advent of bullshit pollutants such as chemical laden foods and fluoride in water, highly chemically addictive foods, laced tobacco, scientifically engineered bio-weapons and diseases become manufactured.
TPTB decided that the world needed less people and we had better slow down on the population growth.... or else (((we'll do it for you))). War, famine, sanctions, disease.
Look at countries that aren't in control of their population growth and think about how they are "looking"
Immigration Act of 1965
>When did the world start going downhill
read the Bible
The day sony stopped producing the ps2
i'd also like to know how many immigrant kids face this dilemma
not really. there's no point in having nice things and safety if the cost is falling into a pit of meaningless despair and nihilism, which is the apparent consequence for possibly a majority of people. in which case we'd be better off without technology and science.
This post should be elucidating to more people than it will.
kek in 10 years all of Sweden will be trans
>when did the world start going downhill
28 July 1914
They'll have a cure for that
This will fuck up their life more than smoking or coming out ever will do. We had a chance to stop this, and we had a point of no return. We've passed it.
When adults started taking their children seriously and letting them make adult decisions instead of telling them no.
Sadly, the truth. The great thing about Sup Forums is there are very little gatekeerps apart from the mods. Unless there's some shadow algorithm sliding threads. It probably mostly bots replying to bot threads. If not bots it's pajeets.
not only is the problem intensifying but the solutions they attempt and propose are becoming less and less effective, even often harmful.our culture is hemorrhaging the kind of crucial, wisdom that is far more important than technical data.
turn of the century
That they were given the right to vote suggests society had problems before that
1923 - The Institute for Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung) was founded, planting the seed for the Cultural Marxism Virus that has infected our Woman
1933 - The United States went bankrupt and handed over the production of its money to (((them)))
1945 - Hitler didn't win :(
Transgenderism is a disease, they need a cure.
They are normies. But i wouldnt call them normal. They are the majority. But theyre more like cattle. But i agree that whatever normal is, they shouldnt be on the internet either. It shouldve just been populated with us "weird, non normals" if youd like. But what your reffering to as normies are more autistic than us desu
When the first man listened to the first woman
It started in the late 19th century but kicked into high gear in the 20's and then again in the 60's we are currently undergoing another uptick in degeneracy, perhaps it's too high gear, hence the backswing, pol, Trump, Brexit, etc.
Traps were someone's little boy who got tricked into this transgender bullshit you sick fuck
When western women were given the right to vote and sufferage
If the west is the part of the world that matters the most, why is it that the foundation of western civilization (Christianity) has failed to survive the 20th century? If Western civilization was so great, why have the people left the tradition to decay? Can a tradition that can't sustain itself really be considered a great tradition anyway?
The answer, by the way, is no. The greatness of Western civilization was at its height in Ancient Rome and in steady decline when the countries Northern Europe superseded Rome in importance (the bastard sons of Roman civilization). The East has a much stronger tradition, a much superior culture, a morality and a tradition that is alive and well and the future lies in the East.