>implying you give a fuck about North Korea
>implying this isn't all just an act to distract you
America, keep your filthy, imperialist, rapacious hooves fucking OUT of True Korea.
Implying you give a fuck about North Korea
Hey commie if you like North Korea you should move there.
I would, and I'd prefer it if it weren't turned into a Goldman Sachs-ruled (or in your case, Lotte/Hyundai-ruled) nuclear wasteland by the time I get there.
And your brothers and sisters are JUCHE. You should know better.
Yeah I do know better and if you spent less money on shitty communist flags to hang up in your room while your parents let you live with them you could buy a 1 way ticket to Pyongyang and claim asylum like others have.
Don't be a pussy, join North Korea. That is unless you're full of shit.
North Korea is going to fall, and it's because North Koreans want it to fall.
North Koreans say Hail Kim Jong Un during the day, and clandestinely watch South Korean TV shows during the night.
Here's what's going to happen
>China and Japan agree to a hands-off policy except when their boarder security is in jeopardy, i.e. shoot any invaders, but don't invade
>The USA provides tactical support from carrier ships and missile cruisers, providing air support, bombing, bunker busters, etc
>The South Korean military invades with it's full force, including a full scale ground invasion, naval search and destroy/blockade, and joint air operations with the US Air Command
>North Korea launches nuclear missiles at Seoul and a Chinese boarder city, which are shot down by American THAAD missiles †
>Most of the north korean forces when encountered surrender or disband the military.
>Only those who have been brainwashed will fight to their very quick deaths for Un.
>Un commits sudoku before killing his family and pets
>South Korea officially annexes the Northern territories and begins the process of reconstruction.
>Any pockets of resistance will be easily overcome not with bullets, but with meatballs, since the people have been starving
Just for some perspective: Top paying north korean government officials get paid DPRK ¥23,000 per week, which is not even enough to buy 1 kilo of rice.
† If a missile hits a Chinese city, expect every red blooded Chinese man, grandpa, and boy from all over the mainland and the diaspora, riding pickup trucks to the North Korean boarder to kill north koreans
this is embarrassing. the norks boast of their military might, yet they cant even kick any sort of ass.
>North Koreans say Hail Kim Jong Un during the day, and clandestinely watch South Korean TV shows during the night.
Only people close to borders can watch South Korean TV transmissions.
>Here's what's going to happen
No. Getting North Korea to South Korean standards will stagnate South Korean economy for decades. South Korea isn't going to attack as North Korean military is still capable to do a lot of damage to them.
What actually will happen.
>Worst Korea just waits for the Best Korea to have coup replacing Kim Dynasty.
>No immediate re-unification to keep economy of south in working order.
>Let NK gradually improve its economy for couple decades.
>Only people close to borders can watch South Korean TV transmissions.
black market DVD's, USB's and mobile phone 3g transmitters
>black market DVD's, USB's and mobile phone 3g transmitters
Not exactly common items in Best Korea. Only available to party elite.
NK has plenty of oil and itber natural resources. Sounds like they need some democracy desu
you know nothing
every north korean has to live on the black market. that's the only market there is
>You cant drop bombs if you cant afford planes
>Un commits sudoku before killing his family and pets
I can't help but notice North Korea has a bunch of rare earth minerals (((they))) need. And they are nationalist, and don't have on of those fine (((IMF Banks))).
Its almost like, somehow, a communist country is mysteriously not under the control of the Rothschilds (red star) and they need to be brought (((back into line))) with some (((Freedom)))
I'm just mad that you didn't post using the North Korea flag
>chinks producing nothing of value being isolationist
Wow that's never happened before
Holy shit I've never gotten quads before
한반도의 토일이 절대로 발생할겁니다. 허락하세요
I don't give a fuck about north korea. I've been saying for years that they are a fucking irrelevant non-country and pretending otherwise is a waste of time and energy. To describe them as a paper tiger would be a gross understatement.
First time here kid? heh... I was like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip, NEVER check yourself. You aren't on reddit where you give yourselves upboats. No sir, no upboats no downboats NOTHING. You just wandered into a den son. A den filled with hungry wolves ready do devour the poor lamb that just sauntered on in. Your only option to adapt. You don't like it, well reddit is down the hall.I hope you don't go tho. I hope you stay and learn our ways. See ya around...kid. Oh and one more thing. Checked.
I'm going to North Korea in may, should be fun.
north korea has plenty of natural resources, but no economy to mobilise any of it
Remember this guy won a boat race when he was 9
>True Korea
True Korea needs to become dead Korea.
Hahahahahahaha! That statement implies that North Korea has more than 100 long range munitions, including jets and pilots.
Sup Forums cringe thread
He would never leave his comfy basement to go to Korea and be executed by firing squad as the cia operative the true koreans know he is.
Oh boo hoo we blew up some smelly towelheads who want to destroy the west
South korea doesnt want the DMZ to fall because the Skorea would have a zerg rush of refugees from Nkorea.
But yeah, in reality if SHTF tomorow between S and N then this would happen
>Sk airforce takes out every military target in 24 hours
>in those 24 hours seoul gets hammered hard, and a few other port cities.
>in those 24 hours the norks will push for a massive attack all over the DMZ
>Sk army will get a kill ratio that will be discussed for decades.
>china will cut all ties with NK because it doesnt need a buffer state anymore and they need the west for economy reasons.
>Enter the US, maybe the japs
>full on invasion by SK and Yanks
>most of the norks surender when they find out the nightmare is finaly over
>some places fight until the last man.
And then they rebuild.
East germany is still recovering from Soviet rule, Nkorea will take at least double that time.
Threadly reminder that an all-white version of North Korea is Sup Forumss wet dream.
The day séoul is made into a radioactive wasteland as it deserves, i'll pop a bottle of champagne.
>implying it isn't already
here are roughly 30 pictures you never seen before
based Ryan Dawson has the right idea
These pictures truly break my heart.
We need to help these people, and fast.
That lack of diversity must be horrendous to experience, we need to open their borders, and install a central bank, this infamy cannot continue.
Look I don't feel like joining pointless wars that don't help us first but North Korea is a shitty country and we should not aspire to be like them at all.
>I would
So why don't you fucking go then? Oh wait, it's because you suckle from the milk and honey your betters have created for you. Fucking dirty parasite scum.
North Korea is too busy shitting on their own people.
Indeed, death to ethnostates, may they all burn to the ground.
I don't hate Japan and they are basically an ethnostate.
Jong-Un, is that you?
>based korea calling faggOPs bluff
I needed to see this post
>and it was all done under the Obama administration
Japon don’t have closed borders, foreigners are just lazy fucks that won’t learn the language or are criminal subhumans.
If North Korea is so great then just move there, they could probably use the event of an American defector to further brainwash their people into thinking the US is a shithole
Based Koreabro
That's because the US is the world police. No one else wants to step up to the plate, yuropoors I'm looking at you, so we have to be the ones to clean the scum from the earth, and now we're the bad guys?
You don't clean the scum by eating it and making it part of you, 55%-sama.
kick the united states out of the americas
Japan is very xenophobic. Also very ethnically homogenous even with all their english teacher going their. I respect that.
We aren't 55 percent we are 63. Stop citing that stupid meme.
And that's entirely due to their genetics.
The constitution imposed on them by the jews enables immigrant flood, which again didn't happen because foreigners are just lazy fucks that won’t learn the language or are criminal subhumans.
Japon is not an ethnostate, it's a civic nationalist state that happens due to circumstances to maintain racial near-purity.
If we did that then who's tit will you leafs suckle on?
Ah yes, sandniggers are "caucasian" and so "white" for you mongrels, i forgot.
I don't think that's true. They are unwelcoming to foreigners,and they don't let any nigger in. Something America should do more.
That's how we clean the scum, assimilate or die. It worked for us this far, we're still number 1.
>one of these countries dropped volatile concentrated amounts of liberty on 7 hotbeds of Godless terrorism.
If you don't delete this I will time travel and let Germany occupy you forever.
I dunno, I think we are number 1 still but we need to do something about all these degenerate shitskins and illegals or we will start to fall.
Well we got fucked from the start. Thank John Wilkes Boothe for that. We had a plan in place to send all the freed slaves back to Africa, but poor old Abe got killed by a Jewish hit to prevent this.
Of course they let niggers in, as long as they fulfill condition for a visa.
Some even got permanent residence through marrying.
Of course, to get a visa you need to be somewhat useful and not a criminal, and to marry you need to find the one in hundred thousands species traitor japanese woman, so their number are below 10k, but there is no law barring them from entry, each time one fulfill the condition his citizenship request is approuved, etc.
Japon is a civic nationalist state, and you only like it because you are a jewslave born into mental slavery.
The simple fact you equate dictatorship with Evil with a big E means you are a traitor to your race, happy with universalism.
Maybe you have no choice though, maybe you are simply half-human, the product and goal of the jews, a rootless bastard perfectly happy and confortable to have an identity prepackaged and sold to you, and to live among people that don't look like you because you are an hybrid without equal anyway.
Unfortunate that is. I guess we'll have to do our best and hopefully hit at least 75 percent in the near future.
>yet another universalist comes out of the woodworks
So far means until 1965.
Now that you accept non-european filth, say byebye to your little maçon social experiment, New Man.
I'm pretty sure I've never claimed to care about North Korea.
Trump is the best you guys got, and he can barely deport the ILLEGALS.
Illegals immigrants were never the issue, the subhuman citizens were.
Unless you are willing to slaughter or deport them, with citizenship stripped, which is impossible due to the jew making countries sign a treaty making striping citizenship from mononationals impossible, you will never reverse it.
The subhumans maybe bring Humanity in the mud with them, the jews may be orchestrating all of it, but traitors like you derverse a special punishment.
At this point, i don't care if you're a traitor because you're a clueless retard, or a willfull self-hating maso.
Death would be too kind for you.
I never equated dictatorship with evil. I said North Korea was a shithole and we should never aspire to be like them. You have way too much text for nothing. But you are clearly a retard if you don't think power corrupts. You see all those dictators in Africa or Central America.
>they are all niggers and shitskins XD
Really? What about the Greek Tyrants of old? Or what about Nero or Caligula? What about Bloody Mary? Stalin or Lenin? Should I, an individual on this Earth submit to their imperfect rule just because fortune gave them leadership? Someone potentially inferior to me in every way, or insane, and I must submit to them otherwise I die? I say no. You fucking stormfag LARPer. You are the worst kind of scum. Rejecting the Jewish overlords for other imperfect tyrants. You unironically deserve a firing squad to reject the ideals that progressed western civilization forward. You don't know how shitty autocracy is for the peasants, masses and plebs. But of course you are French. Your very nature and genetics is to be submissive and bent over by anyone and everyone. I spit on you and your defeatist ideals you unironic Cuck.
What has France contributed to anything?
Haha, doesn't matter, we're still the best. Also last time I checked France has no room to talk.
If you fuckers manage to pull off the unthinkable and elect La Pen, I will no longer make fun of France. Hell I'll go one step further, you're gonna want to screencap this, Elect La Pen and I will announce France as the greatest country on Earth, far better than the US.
I lay the burden on you. If you guys actually elect La Pen I will forever be in France's debt.
Your post, no, your whole being can be reduced to this snippet :
>individual on this Earth
I'll make you drown in your own blood, universalist traitor.
south korea needs to burn in hellfire
Le Pen is married to a jew, you clueless retard.
She's financed by the russkies, who are controlled opposition, you dimwit.
The simple fact you keep somehow thinking the problem can be solved through democracy means you do not understand the power play.
You do not understand the demographic.
You do not understand the set of behaviour of the diverse groups.
I hope it is not too late tbf lads
Going to be tight, but there's a shot !
DPRK wouldn't so corrupt if they had control over the southern half of the peninsula. While DPRK is ruled by a dictatorship, you guys are ruled by liberalism
>That's because the US is the world police
I'm sure you will, you and what army? You are your army of surrender cheese eating wine drinking smelly monkeys? Are you going to poke me with your white flag? I don't even think you know what a universalist is because you don't understand the American mindset you woman of Europe. I am an individual who cannot be trampled upon by a collective. This is due to my firearms and my constitution. That doesn't mean a nigger is better than me though. Because of the capitalistic society where hard work, innovation and smarts gets you ahead, I hold more value to society than a nigger who drinks and shoots up all day. I provide for myself and I don't need daddy government to wipe my ass unlike you.
Then who do you think should win, dumbfuck?
Well that's interesting but it's too bad you have no Napoleon to save you. All in all you have just called everyone a jew, when in likely you are the jew of the thread. You have no evidence of anything and I think you are a jew trying to subvert our Western system of individual value. (which was established by White Europeans).
So remove the welfare state, you universalist nigger.
Good luck, pic related.
It literally doesn't matter. Only a military coup followed by genocidal fascism could change anything, and it won't happens.
Oh, i am deeply aware european are universalist since the ancient greek, probably before considering how the etruscans have fallen, though there no written record of the events surrounding said fall.
Yes, european are humanists on a genetic level, and will reap the reward associated with it. Read the following to see what reward :
( SPOILER : it's extinction )
And wait until Japan gets nuked? fuck you I don't want anime to die.
>more peopple is good
durr suehtsuhtusht ihjii hituehjurt
>come to Sup Forums
>see a thread defending North Korea
I...I don't believe you are a leftist?
You know that term was made by jews to ease the creation of the New Man ?
You know Europeans ( which is what you should say you mental jewslave ) never used the word "white" before WW2, after which we have been mindcolonised by the jewish american mass media ?
Even europeans was hardly a thing, there were french, italians, english, scotish, germans... And so many regional variations, too.
But now, it's just "white", "african", "asian".
Soon, "people" will be needed, since more and more of said "people" are rootless mongrels with no way to pin down which fucking race they are, à la brazil.
A big retarded mass of directionless mongrels. It could be argued you united-statian are already there, if your healthy ancestry research industry is any indication. Willing to pay a lot for what you lack, roots, instead forcefeed meaningless "values", than can be and do change each generation.
Stop smoking drugs leaf, you're incoherent.
This was a joke, drug usage is genetic, you will never stop until someone put a bullet through your brainstem.
>drug use is genetic
bhbes aueua hah
I hope to remove it. I tire of paying for spics and nigs to pump their filth out onto our great nation. Also one study is not going to change my mind. You lack the nuance to delve into why the Romans and Greeks fell. Stupid fucking frog. Also I used white to simplify a point. I don't specify Anglos or Germanics because I assume people don't understand what those are until they prove it. Fuck off with your
>no ur teh j00 XD
bullshit. Your nation sucks dick compared to our nation of shitskins. We are a superpower and it was due to our individuals and their dreams not a government forcing them to do something.
B-but Obama got the Nobel peace price.):
Oh and our nation of shitskins you call it? They aren't the one running it. It's Anglo, Germanic, Slavic immigrants that are interested in keeping us strong. It's not Tyrone down the street in the ghetto smoking crack and being a playa.
>posting capitalist propaganda
Your nation of shitskins was 90% european up until 1965 you clueless retard.
The europeans are what made you nation great, along with the incentive for high-IQ individual to immigrate.
... You are a mongrel, an actual mongrel, isn't it ?
Your father was a nigger, mother was european ?
Half-spic ?
Is the picture in OP not supposed to give me an erection? I feel like its not, but here I am all diamonds.
Your digits speak the same truth you do, user.
Freeload if you must, but don't be fucking ungrateful about it, you scumsucking piece of shit.
Wtf I want to bomb North Korea now because of this shitty post.
You autistic frog. Your ilk are the kind who spews the
>le ebin 56 percent may may xd
and then you turn around and go
>ur white actually
We are still fucking better than you even at our worst. Our nation as a whole is better than you than you are right now. Isn't that just pathetic? But you in your autistic frog mind thinks i'm saying that niggers and spics make us better. Because like I said earlier, you lack any sort of nuance and deeper understanding. I have to spell everything out to you so your mind can't possibly misinterpret basic sentences and ideas that an 9 year old could. And YOU want to lecture me on the world? YOU want to call me the mongrel? YOU want to claim that our republic is a mistake? Go shove a baguette up your ass faggot.
Nice pasta faggot
what happened in 1980? should be: Reagan declared war on government and institutionalized irrational tax policy