The controversial billboard went up Friday as part of the annual three-day Art Detour event in downtown Phoenix

The controversial billboard went up Friday as part of the annual three-day Art Detour event in downtown Phoenix.

The billboard’s owner, Beatrice Moore, who also commissioned the display, said the banner imagery would remain up as long as Trump is in office.

“Some of these issues are so important you can’t not speak out,” Moore told 12 News.


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I like it.

Ahh I can feel the liberals already...

>OMG A SWAZNIKSTAR? CALL MY LAWYER AT ONC- oh it's next to a picture of trump? that makes sense. Carry on, business as usual.

Some of my irl american friends have mentioned that electing trump has led to a resurgence of black-on-white racism.

Is it pro or anti trump?

Best billboard ever

>those swastidollars

>said the banner imagery would remain up as long as Trump is in office.
I swear I have heard this before.

It must be destoryed

You're alright, leaf.

>mfw hwndu all over again

paintball gun drive by?


Not sure, but I approve.

Drive me to Phoenix and I'm your man.

Ha ha ha, she is just faking it for publicity, billboard publicity cost a fucking fortune, you can be sure she will bend over for the first fucker who give her a reasonable price to put is ads on there. Honestly, its can easily go in the tens of thousand per day, even more in high traffic area and by highways.

>all these Liberal faggots unintentionally making Trump look like a turbo badass

I like it.

what a lazy fag, didn't even make his own clown mushroom cloud art.

I think it's a very brave decision. I mean, who has dared to criticise Trump? Just a few lonely voices, like the democrats, and the media. And the actors, and academics. And comedians, and popstars. And other republicans. But apart from these, who else has been willing to stand up and be counted?

Is anyone here autistic enough to give someone a lift to Phoenix with a backseat full of paintball guns so we can shoot up the board? Cuz I'm autistic enough to join.

I'm sure this is anti-Trump, but it just makes me like him more.

I think its pretty pro Trump. Its badass and should not be fucked with.

Potato Nigger things that is an insult


>the banner imagery would remain up as long as Trump is in office
Are they trying to talk to us?

>The billboard’s owner, Beatrice Moore, who also commissioned the display, said the banner imagery would remain up as long as Trump is in office.
wink wink, nudge nudge?

I love it, looks badass.

This is honestly the most insulting part of this. This "art protest" is basically 5 minutes in adobe photoshop put on a fucking billboard. Only a lib should think they deserve praise and publicity for zero effort.

Dont paint ball it. Just go do a roman salute (hide your face)

those fucking cringy clown mushroom clouds, why the fuck are they everywhere

I like the swastidollars tho 2bh

If you want them to take it down, make a pilgrimage down there and pose in front of it, and spread it on social media.
The liberals will do your actual dirty work of tearing it down faster than you can shout 'Hail Trump'. Perhaps we can get them to turn on the smug artists who put it up and burn the neighbourhood down.

>This was commissioned
>Someone was paid probably over $50k to fuck around in GIMP for 30 minutes and shit out this Sup Forums-tier banner

billboard is based as fuck.

Didnt notice clown before

Waiting for some of you beautiful autists to go down there and paintball the entire thing...

subtle redpill that currency is control. I like it.

yeah nah if you don't have currency then what do you use to trade scarcities?

wasnt that clown cloud from the last fucking twisted metal game? isn't that copyright infringement or some shit?

Other scarcities, or rare minerals like gems, silver, and gold.

We handled civilization for thousands of years without a basic form of currency, yet trading was commonplace at various markets all over the world.

We should mobilize. I don't Sony wants their IP being used for political reasons without their consent. Who do we contact?

Actually yeah, here

Have fun with it, sizes should be up to spec as far as the flag goes

For those who want it

I vote we use that symbol as the new swastika

>tfw Horsey and other retards imagined a future in which Nazi-esque Trump propaganda would be up everywhere and they turned out to be right because they themselves are paying to put it up

The people behind this are such retards that they don't even seem to realize that by calling Trump a fascist and getting away with it, they absolutely prove that he isn't one.

>they probably don't care and are just trying to get famous through provocative virtue signalling

Keep it up, I say. Those anons talking about attacking it aren't thinking this through.

Fly a flaming drone into it?

Not sure if I am to be offended, but it shows our President as a very powerful persona. How is this a bad thing?

somebody did this high res version yesterday

It's pretty awesome t b h.

Liberals need to realize that anything anti-Trump will either be ignored by us or better yet coopted as pro-Trump propaganda. It's hilariously damaging to their own cause.


>try to ridicule Emperor Trump
>Pay for billboard for the next 4 to 8 years
>Came out with glorious Sup Forums masterpiece instead

This needs to become a statue

Spread on twitter giant pro trump billboard put up by beatrice moore.


Its such an unoriginal and pointless image too.
>paying to put this up

Should be a banner for Sup Forums

/chandler/ here, I am about a 30 minute drive away. I am awaiting orders

My offer still stands about the acetylene torch and the steel beams, just need the $ to fly out to Phoenix.

Stand up and fight, anons!

>Some of these issues are so important you can’t not speak out

"When asked what these issues were, Beatrice screeched and skittered off into the distance."

does anyone even use twitter anymore?


Not sure never used it

Oh fuck Trump's gonna get us money oh shit nooo!!!

>hey guys let's put up a billboard depicting Trump as some sort of mad man and call it art.