I've noticed how the trumpposting is starting to die off.
It's almost as if people are realising they made a massive fucking mistake by voting for him.
I've noticed how the trumpposting is starting to die off.
It's almost as if people are realising they made a massive fucking mistake by voting for him.
Trump has never been more (in)famous. Why do you care anyway? did america bomb your family?
It's almost like the election is over and he is President now, so we can put more effort and energy into other things.
Yeah i really do regret voting for him.
I hope they never give him the nuclear codes.
It's almost like you getting fucked in the ass Muhammad.
shutup you stupid fucking brit
>sharebluesample03(rename before posting).jpg
>It's almost as if people are realising they made a massive fucking mistake by voting for him.
Yeah nobody could have seen this coming
>elect a literal retard orange neocon reality show star
>turns out he's a fucking disaster
0/10 nope.
right, because Clinton would be better? kek
Every other thread is about Trump, this is ground zero for Trump posting.
>when every body of politics in the world is so irrelevant that everyone posts about one man
Kinda wish there was some variety desu
Nope, we just left the board to the shills and redditors for now.
Faggot right winger says what?
>Taking money from House Saud as a presidential candidate is a lot different than negotiating with House Saud as POTUS.
Clinton was in their debt and would have likely expanded greatly on Obama's policy on supporting House Saud's Salafist militants in Syria, while Trump has the US Air Force actually targeting both al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Thank you America for Trump now please invade us.
Right on schedule too
>negotiating with House Saud as POTUS.
hey, can you spare a blue for me?
what would lead you to believe that?
Trump has already done more than Obama did in 8 years in less than 4 months
>Trump has already done more than Obama did in 8 years in less than 4 months
He passed healthcare reform?
o wow obasma thanks for the huge insurance company handouts wow gr8 healthcare
i love high premium high deductible insurance that im forced to buy le kek
Our lord and savior, the orange jesus has saved us all!
Yeah Canada sells them weapons too. So does Britain. I don't like it but that's how it goes. Trump cutting off support to the "moderate rebels" in Syria (most of whom are not Syrian) and getting serious about killing jihadists of both ISIS and al-Qaeda is really all I wanted for xmas. Trump delivered.
>Yeah Canada sells them weapons too.
>Why doesn't an international board only care about one country?
What does being retarded feel like?
so it is written by shariablue, so it shall be done
>implying Sup Forumsacks vote
I regret not voting for him desu senpai
>He agrees dons travel ban
There's a 24/7 rolling pro-Trump orgy thread glued to the front page by sheer force fo awooos, but seriously we can't let him have the codes to the nuclear missiles.
How did you lose to us CTR? How is this even possible?
Trump posting dying off probably has to do with anger over his support of a pile of crap health care bill.
He got a good SCOTUS nominee and the wall seems to be moving forward, still WTF is up with not just repealing Obangocare and making a bill that is almost the exact same thing?
OPs pic says it all.
Brits are snobs. We have a cultural history of class elitism - queens and dukes and shit.
In America you have the American Dream where a blue collar worker can achieve anything if they work hard enough. Outside of New York and California., blue collar Joes are revered.
The UK are elitist pricks. Class is a huge thing over here.
That is why I'm surrounded by snobby wankers who don't like Trump
>"Ugh, an orange reality star, president? How GAUCHE. And he said the p-word once as well - simply AWFUL."
Burgers, please get Trump to make immigration easier for whites with something to contribute, like me. I'd love to come and MAGA. I'm sure there are some pretentious douchenozzles from NY who would love to swap with me and live in pozzed Londonistan in my place.
Americans will never admit to themselves that they are idiots.
Oh wow, that reaction only show that you don't know shit about what is happening abroad
That guy is the next heir to the throne of Arabia, and his uncle the current king named him so instead of going with the tradition that the eldest member of the family is to get the title, which is honestly a good thing because the one who was supposed to be the heir is nigh senile and going into his 80. But that might cause a shitload of problem for the entirety of Arabia companies are owned by members of the royal family, so there might be ONE HELL of a civil war happening in Saudi Arabia in the coming years for the loyalist and the supporter of the new heir will go against one another. Its pretty much a ticking bomb with the oil starting to dry up (they are taking more exponentially, of course 20 years ago with the tech of back then they expected their reserve to last way longer but they augmented the debit/outflow since then) and well, beside oil Saudi Arabia has barely any industry and must import a shitload of food to feed its own population. Even their military is mostly mercenaries. So imagine if at once nearly the entire country economy stop to an halt, no food comes in for a while, the uneducated populace asking for answer and the royals dragging them into their silly civil war to get a senile old fuck made king.
It is going to blow the fuck up, it will be incredible to see.
>Tfw you realize the dome spoken of in the end of day prophecy isn't Jerusalem dome but the Green Dome, tomb of Mohamed (inb4 they blow it open and see that there are no corpses)
My god these CTR shills don't get it and to honest, lets be glad they never will.
Keep thinking "we cant let him get the cheat codes" propaganda will change our minds, Keep using pissgate McCain as the "republican" expert, who thinks everyone is a Russian spy. Keep saying conservatives like Bush wouldn't agree with Trump. Keep telling yourself the black, gay and hispanic vote matter. It served you well, We won without ANY of it... 2020 MAGA-A