How is liking foreign things racist?
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In whatever way starts a fucking race war, bong
>it's only cultural appropriation when white people do it
I'm getting really fucking sick of this shit
I'm a spic and have gone full blown cowboy culture, not Mexican cowboy, the American shit
How come when I out a Haggard tune on the jukebox nobody at the bar tells me some shit like "put some Vicente Fernández on you beaner! Haggard is white culture?!"
Why must liberals be so fucking cancerous? God damn it, I mad!
I loved iron fist and I'm tired of hearing that casting a white person as a martial arts hero is rasicm y'all saying only Asians can do martial arts
I love how it's actually doing okay. I mean, I don't really like comic-booky things anyway but criticism was LITERALLY the floating, shrieking head of AIDS Skrillrex.
That is all that mattered to the vocal critics. I mean okay, let's say it was a bad show with bad acting and bad special effects. That didn't matter to the critics. All that mattered was
Alright, I would like blacks, asians and hispanics to stop using electricity, that's cultural appropriation
Why do liberals think this is racist?
niggas just mad we bleaching blacks, asians, and hispanics
Cultural appropriation is absolute nonsense. Fucking radical leftists need to be removed.
The phrase 'cultural appropriation' is in English.
Please stop appropriating Anglo culture by using it.
It is the meme. Not true of course, they just preserved theirs.
Our turned into things like fencing, boxing and wrestling. The actual martial part being infantry training.
It's quite interesting the progression actually. Fighting with a rifle and bayonet uses the exact same techniques as the one and a half handed sword used by knights.
These mindless, shrieky things. At what point does a person say "Fingernails down a chalkboard? I want to be personification of that!"
I wonder how many people are only on the alt-right bandwagon because these imbeciles drove them to it. They built their own Hell.
Iron fist is and always has been white
Everything white people do is racist
If white people stopped existing, they would be racist for not leaving their knowledge and wisdom behind for the subhumans
>a really fucking large majority of the people are asian
>asian girl who repeatedly punches the shit out of Big Guys
>our favorite nigress plays a major role again and she acts like fucking wolverine winning fights from professional martial arts hitmen
>a shitload of black supporting characters
>they even brought back the dyke
>even a fucking Indian businessman
>boohoo a white character is portrayed by a white actor
The series is fucking rad so far though
I want to see liberals in cartel execution videos. Have I been radicalised? Is pol evil?
watching Iron Fist right now, it's pretty good so far
only on episode two, but the Asian chick is cute and the fights are nice.
Only wish the MC would have lifted for the role. He's been doing martial arts for 15 years, he should look like a gymnast. He doesn't look like he really works out
Being white is racist. "Cultural appropriation" = "Stop liking what I like, whitey."
Yes, but the good kind of evil
white lead characters, some higher asians as villians and as side characters. Few to no nigs. Its pretty great. No homosex as well. The jews must be wailing in agony right now because I am on episode 9 of this and still kinda liking it
7/10, which is appreciated because pretty much EVERYTHING else is a 3/10 at best with its sjw propaganda
I'm in the same boat.
I used to be such a lefty guy in the 00's too :(
Is it evil to want to cut the cancer from your body?
kek you one chill hombre, tacobro.
I was on the fence about starting this. Now that I know it's triggering the lefty retards, I will definitely be starting it.
((THE VERGE)) also made a video about the
>I wonder why thes disabled the ratings and comments
it's really not good, and i loved DD and liked JJ
Isn't it amazing that they launched an entire media blitz attack against the show because the star didn't toe the SJW line when asked about the show?
Their commitment to trying to destroy anything that doesn't conform is amazing. Always this coordinated article blitz tactic too, from the lowest "Geek Culture blog" to supposedly legitimate news outlets.
There's really no fucking difference between the blogs and the "news", as seen in how they operate jointly and in how they report on each other in some human centipede fashion.
>How is liking foreign things racist?
Not liking foreign things is also racist.
Just accept that leftists hate white people, they don't hate you for what you, do they hate you for what you are. They will always find an excuse to hate you and if you stop doing the thing they complain about they will take that as an acceptance of you guilt and hate you more for it.
Leftism is contradictory and incomprehensible if you try to understand it by its stated goals. When you accept leftists are your enemies and just looking for any excuse to attack you then leftism makes sense.
I have never known a single Asian person who taught martial arts to be offended by a white person being into it as well. This shit always comes from white leftists.
American Cowboy culture is an appropriation of Vaquero culture so I guess you are re-appropriating it. Either way it's fine I guess. This is all so confusing.
It's starting to look like the left really are Mudslime activists. It's all in the following article. :
The thing you need to understand is that there is no rhyme or reason to this nonsense.
If it involves white men, these marxists will hate it. That's really all there is to it.
Vaquero culture and what I do are completely different things
The only thing I have in common with vaquero culture is the boots I wear
That aside, cowboy hats are American, Mexicans wore sombreros and jeans are American as fuck
Outlaw country is completely different to anything beans put out too
Everything is racist. Everything is sexist
Cultural Appropriation is such a bullshit concept. There isn't a culture on the planet that hasn't appropriated shit.
The show is far from perfect, but as an Iron Fist fan it upsets me that his TV show is the target of the next anti-white crusade.
Remember when Benadict Cumberbumper went to Asia and beaome a wizard?
This guy does it and it is not okay?
under (You)'d
In my opinion it's acceptable to watch a Marvel movie on netflix with friends because they suggested it. But if you are watching a made for TV capeshit show you really need to think about your time could be better spent
This guy isn't hot user. I literally can't even with you right now.
urgh, I can't even
He's a white guy recruited by Asian monks to fight an evil clan of undead Japanese demon worshiping monks who took the war global.
It's not cultural appropriation.
The Asian monks and secret societies took their war against an ancient demon worldwide and started recruiting non-Asians because these demons want world domination and started recruiting non-Asians.
Think the original comic book character was Asian and they made him white.
He's been white since conception at Marvel.
SJWs who don't know about comics think the character is Asian in the comics but he's been white all along.
I need this to be an actual thing. willing to send help with sending leftist kankerscum
Some SJWs don't like Iron Fist 'cause too many character remind them of Trump.
Danny Rand: Donald Trump
Harold Meachum: Evil Donald Trump
Ward Meachum: Trump Jr
Joy Meachum: Ivanka
Colleen: Melania
Bokuto: Putin
Madame Gao: Hillary Clinton
The Hand: Eastern Countries
They needlessly made The Ancient One a white woman. The problem is these people blame ALL WHITES for it when it's the choice of a select few people.
Doctor Strange and Iron Fist have always been white and traveled far away to do so. The greatest problem is they want to teach that multiculturalism works but say white people aren't allowed to do anything which if anything validates the Alt-Right mentality to an extent and they're too stupid to realize it.
They're nothing but moral busybodies.
Like the 90's rightwing christian conservatives, always looking for something to get pissy about.
But now instead of think of the children, it's think of [insert minority].
Kinda silly if you think about it... they equate being a minority to a helpless child.
Gao's faction of The Hand: Clinton Foundation
You faggots have been saying this for decades. There will never be a race war.
Grow up.
>There will never be a race war.
yeah it wont be a race war, its going to be a class war.
and guess which class most niggers will be in?
>Liking a comic book publisher that has always been liberal in the first place
The problem SJWs have with this show...
1) Actor played a gay in Game of Thrones but plays a straight here.
2) Blonde, blue eyed heterosexual male protagonist.
3) Protagonist starts off a virgin
4) White guy/Asian girl romance
5) hot female lead characters
6) Joy Meachum reminds them of Ivanka Trump
7) Trump triggers.
You'd believe SJWs would compare Harold Meachum to Donald Trump. Then again, might be too much of a relatable villain since Harold did a bunch of bad stuff for his family and isn't the worst guy in the world.
Who cares if it was racist or not.
It was a boring g piece of shit and i want the 13 hours back
(Although OMFG, how hot was trinity and she's like 50 now)
>Actor points out this show is the most racially diverse
Like Aloha and Emma Stone. Writer/director meets pilot in Hawaii- pilot is freckled green haired ginger who constantly explains to people that she is in fact part native even though she doesn't look it. So he casts Emma Stone, who also doesn't look native but the character constantly reminds people she is. Just like the real life person he met.
>Dats racis, white washing
Still a shit movie, but ridiculous reaction against reality.