Blacks have higher social intelligence than asians
>asians aren't funny
>asians aren't creative
>asians have no emotions
Blacks have higher social intelligence than asians
>asians aren't funny
>asians aren't creative
>asians have no emotions
Asians truly are the masterrace
if only they had higher net intelligence
You can try and put down asians to make yourself feel better but at the end of the day you're still a nigger.
Is this what a slide thread look like?
I don't know.
I've never heard black people and Asians compared. It's weird. Usually people are talking shit about whites.
Not an argument
>Chance of a black man committing this crime: 94.%
>Chance of an asian man committing this crime: 0.3%
why do asians move through each-other like schools of fish, but blacks can't form groups of more than 20 without causing a fight?
>asians won't kill you for $5
I dunno, this^^^ here kind of makes up for the other stuff.
All races have differences. Intelligence and athleticism isn't the only difference its just the most noticeable ones
I don't know!!!
I don't need to argue that you're a nigger, it's easily observed.
THIS GUY is considered the funniest Asian in USA today...
So whites and Asians are both stronger than whites right since blacks aren't successful in lifting? You agree?
Yeah because the Jews control the media and love nigger dick. It's the same thing with that ugly black bitch on Saturday Night Live. They love their stereotypes.
>"Ooh a micropenis Asian." "He's perfect."
>t. Deshaniqua Delroy
You might have an argument for that but I wouldn't use that guy as an example.
>Asians aren't creative
You should research ancient Chinese culture. It's quite impressive
>Asians don't have souls
That's just wrong and cruel
This was the guy who made me aware of how robot like asians are
Nigroids have an unmatched amount of land and nigglet numbers and still fall short on every technonological aspect.
I don't know about you, but having good food (or just any food at all), housing and transportation beats being funny or having exagerated expressions (don't confuse that with emotions).
And when it comes to being creative: gender-reverse femdom futanari furry porn.
Yeah it exists.
Try to beat that.
Or if you think you can go at it IRL, "A giant Gundam robot that can move is planned to be built by 2019" [1].
And i'm pretty sure you know who will win
And to finish this off, if you're so focken awesome at social skills, why do every single country ruled by tongue-clicks is a shithole?
With such a superior social intelligence, as you say, aren't you supposed to be good at politics?
>tfw this black guy at my school would literally only bully asians
shit was fucked up. thank goodness im latino
Being a nigger is still 1000x better than being a leaf.
>>asians aren't funny
>>asians aren't creative
>>asians have no emotions
If niggers actually had social intelligence, they would know how not to get shot by the police.
Dogs have pretty decent social intelligence.
patrice o'neal was the bane of asians
>Aren't creative
Have you even seen an NES?
This is true.
Now i'm curious.
Objectively, how so?
Asians invented video games?
this is true.
There are way more funny or at least fun to hang around with black people than asians.
But on the other hand there is also way more dumb and criminal niggers out there.
Niggers busting wise is one of the funniest sights
>(((social intelligence)))
isn't that another name to attention whoring?
The jokes write themselves
They're both subhumans, good thing kikes have the highest of both
>tfw master race
>australian reading comprehension
At least they have jobs
>Asians aren't creative
This is untrue on many levels
Because leafs are unapologetic cucks.
Empathy and emotion.
Asians don't care if anyone lives or dies as long as they aren't disappointing their superiors. They have absolutely no empathy for one another. That's why China is the way it is culturally.
Blacks on the other hand will do anything for respect and success. However nothing will lose you respect among blacks than being or acting white. That's why you'll see even the most respectable among them act or talk like a common thug sometimes.
Interesting POV
Cite sources or factual examples?
he means the chinese, newfag.
>"social intelligence"
sage and hide this shit slide thread
But in this case the leaf was actually right.
Social intelligence is definitely a real thing.
>asians aren't creative
They certainly contributed more to the world than niggers:
>>asians aren't funny
i don't know man, nichibros was pretty funny to me.
No thank you.
Asians are not a threat to anyone and everyone who crosses their path every single time.
>we created anime
How screwed are beta nigs to be honest lads?
Honestly, I think blacks are much more similar to whites than asians are to whites. They're typically much stupider than us, but they actually act like humans. You can chill with black people. Asians act like a robotic hivemind.
>Higher social intelligence
>Murder each other at a higher rate than any other race.
Nice try Tyrone. About what I'd expect from someone with an IQ of 75.
>Asians aren't creative
Who is Hokusai?
Patrice is literally one of maybe 3 blacks that make me not write off ALL blacks
Those are pretty good to be honest with you.
ITT: American races are fighting for dominance. And neither is white.
I mean he's got you there leaf...
i agree. what blacks lack in intelligence, they make up for in creativity and athletic superiority. Asians are just walking calculators, yawn.
>athletic superiority
I just beat the shit out of a nigger in wrestling two weeks ago.Niggers aren't athletically superior you fucking cuck.
Because Asians are naturally subservient while blacks are inherently violent.
I pinned him about 20 times in the span of an hour and he never even challenged me.
>athletic superiority
I agree with this.
Same. Him and Morgan Freeman have made me change my thoughts from "all blacks are niggers" to "I'm sure there are a few diamonds in the rough". It's really sad that he battled weight issues for years and died due to complications from diabetes. Didn't he die from a clot?
All of you fucks need to be lifting at the very least. I don't care if you are fat or skinny fat, start lifting.
America is an embarrassment for whites.
Judging by Sup Forumsposters and your popular culture you deserve to get replaced by spics.
American anons meme on leafs or turks or whatever, but then make abortions of posts like this. IN. EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD.
There's absolutely no doubt about it, every single nation is better posters than americans. I guess being fed nothing but liquid sugar and solid lard by their mega-corporation kike overlords will turn them into unthinking pigs.
You're such a fucking embarrassment, holy shit.
what gaybos you burgers are.
Why can't you breed? Is your cock too small? Why can't Euros just fucking breed? Why is your nation underpopulated?
so if one asian beat you in wrestling their entire race is more athletic than your entire race.
Take this from an Asian;
Funny, well, maybe we're not that funny.
No emotions, only some.
Creative, most Asians are definitely creative.
Because there is little incentive for them to have children, other than personal values.
>social intelligence
Rude tbf
What exactly is so wrong about my post? It's the truth. You can make small talk and laugh with a black despite the racial difference.
Social intelligence in a negro's case means making sure you're always the victim
>Two burgers pouring the direct cognitive equivalent of liquid shit on each other through their computer screens.
Are blacks actually funny though? Sure we laugh at them but are they actually funny? All their humor is I'm black and I'm stupid, I do this that and the other thing with black women and my black friends. I don't know if they are actually genuinely funny because they are funny or because they are just funny to laugh at.
Pick fucking one. Anything they perform that wasn't written for them is extremely cliche.
Oh, you disagree? Prove me wrong.
What incentives do you have to produce children?
Asians are subhumans
Only good asians are the Japanese, and only because they kept other asians off their island for 3000 years
Tell me what you know.
Only american whites think they're funny.
Through their diet their cognitive functions have approached the levels of their black countrymen which is why they can share large aspects of something close to what we understand as humour.
The fact that you can't fulfill your biological imperative is liquid shit? You realize if Europe was strong America wouldn't be able to fuck with you? Why doesn't Europe have a strong media output similar to Hollywood without the kike influence? Europe is the base of the white gene pool yet you allowed America to overtake you.
Their nations AREN'T (((under populated))) retard that's a jew scam to get them to import refugees
>norway deciding what's funny
now that's funny
Honestly black humour is just fucking annoying. Obviously the ones who make it on TV are going to make you laugh, but they are rare. 90% of black comedy is "durhh white people like this, black people like that". 90% of internet black humour is taking some existing funny picture and putting some incomprehensible slang text on it, shitty filters and laughing emoticons. Black people are more extroverted that's true, and extroverted people can be fun to be around. However extroverted dumb people also become very tedious to deal with.
Patrice is the only black comedian I could watch. Not a fan of Chris Rock and I can't stand Donald Glover's voice. I can't think of any others.
>Calls someone gay
>Praises negro physical "superiority"
Just shove it you fucking cuck embarrassment.
There is no way in hell this is serious
Explain? I find blacks fucking annoying at least the few I've met can't even have an intelligent conversation with them and they're always trying to talk about some bullshit I do t care about at least Asians know when to go off by themselves and shit the fuck up
>sheeit muhfuga did ya hear about dat new tv show an rap album an shiet
I wish Patrice was still alive. He would have supported Trump and ripped Clinton, and told whites to stop literally being cucks.
Miss him. Luckily, there is tons of content between his own show and being on O&A, but it's starting to show its age. Listening to perspective on the cultural climate 10 years ago is gleaning fewer and fewer applicable pieces of insight.
All the funniest, cleverest comedians are black. Except the ones that are jews.
I'm not 100% sure he would have supported The Don, but I know for a fact that he would have demonized the hell out of Clinton for all of her shit.
>yfw the government killed Patrice because he would have single handily red pilled the black race by now
t. Onugur subhuman
Fuck off schlomo. Go back to filming blacked you queer.
you lose all of those points for stealing raping and murdering you stupid monkeys