Would Sup Forums support a bill that penalizes promiscuity with a jail sentence of up to 5 years?

Would Sup Forums support a bill that penalizes promiscuity with a jail sentence of up to 5 years?

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"I'm not getting any, so neither should anyone else".
You're a fucking moron.

Two Asians

Go back to Saudi Arabia dumfuck. If you can't get any in this day and age then you're truly subhuman.

>let's legislate personal behavior
I suppose you want to outlaw masturbation as well?

The one on the right looks like Tina Fey.

sex should only be allowed under the sanctity of marriage

no you fucking incel, sluts are awesome.

just don't marry one

Fuck off

be promiscuous
go to jail to be raped for 5 years
sounds like a good punishment desu

You still wouldn't get laid.

How the fuck am I supposed to get laid then?

No because the state has no business dictating what two consenting adults do behind closed doors

I would support a bill that penalises tattoos and body piercings with a jail sentence of up to 5 years.

God = Not real

its not about me

yes i would


Also since when was this board so full of normies?

A based leaf?

Women with tattoos should be sterilized. Men with tattoos should be purged, unless they fought for America or made a notable contribution.



Twin digits present, checked.


you can just go to a country where prostitution is legal user. you can fucking windowshop for pussy

If it prevents abortions it's a good thing.

i don't want to take part in that debauchery

Only if it only applies to women.

no one's gonna know user

Repeal the 19th amendment to

Look at all these normie degenerates. If you support the nuclear family you should support OP's proposal. It's nothing to do with religion, it's to do with securing the foundation of the nuclear family. Promiscuity increases chances of separation and consequently single parenthood. OP proposal would greatly lessen the amount of divorcees/single parents.

doesnt make it right

god is watching

Would it be legal for my wife to have sex with other men with my consent?


You can't make morality a policy you stupid fuck that's what the left does.

If you don't want promiscuity you need to make a cultural and memetic efforts and you need to tailor conditions that would not be favorable to being a whore.

i support freedom and as little government interfering in our lives as possible. if a women wants to be a whore, who the fuck cares. what we should be doing as a society is making this type of shit not socially acceptable. if you want to do it fine, but they should be mercilessly shamed if they do

>that question
>that flag

But the real question here that nobody dares asking Leaf-sama is, is there an uncensored version of this picture?

> Cummies>Civilization

Yes. It's essential to a healthy society to outlaw such behavior.

No. Minimum of 20 years.

Slippery slope user. Opens up the opportunity for it to become normalised again. Don't forget it actually was something people would be shamed for in the past, but no laws were enforced. Look where that has led us.

t. butthurt shitskin normfalfag Americans

>the ultimate trolling is now simply voicing reason
wat happened

what went wrong?

I agree 100%

There are certain freedoms that make our countries great places to live, and show others why we are better than them. If you are so into the idea of living under Taliban rules move to Afghanistan.

Ill never be able to understand why so much of r9k spills here

Hmm, it wont work.

But we should create social standards that SEVERELY ostracize women who are promiscuous. Right now with jewish control of media we have something of the opposite.


I impossible, you can do that under bedsheets hidden from smart tech.

No, because I'm not a fucking muslim.
Go back to shitfuckistan where you belong.

We should be allowed to stone people who wank to totalitarianism

you are retarded

Good Canadian

Can we trade you for one of our degenerates?

That's retarded. It'd be impossible enforce, and even if it weren't the sluts would all just go to prison and fuck the guards.

I see Canada has already become majority Muslim.

We should kill whores desu lad

advocating reduction of freedom benefits nobody

even if the people supposed to be sanctioned are complete retards


Yes, lets punish the raped people and not the rapists.

Seriously, pol at some times is so smart but at other is so dumb

I think it should be done from a public health angle. Get reported for risky sexual behavior and it's a mandatory STD panel test. Common curable infections like chlamydia and trichomoniasis gets you a warning and knowledge that your medical records will be on file for use against you as character evidence for any future civil or criminal charges. Incurable shit like herpes and HPV along with antibiotic-resistant strains of gonorrhea and syphilis gets you mandatory medical treatment and an implanted rfid transmitter with your infection history detectable within 6inches by anyone through a smartphone app. Any sexual activity must be with full consent and knowledge of your medical history by your partner, which can be documented and saved to cloud storage by swiping right on the app. Getting reported for knowingly spreading your diseases to the unwitting will result in assault charges and repeated violation will result in an implantable time-release chemical castration capsule for lasting 3-6 months leading to permanent castration. HIV infections require mandatory castration and visible warnings tattooed across multiple areas of your body. Businesses and other establishments are legally allowed to refuse service or entry to these individuals.


>Businesses and other establishments are legally allowed to refuse service or entry to these individuals.

Businesses should be allowed to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

Depends on how promiscuity is defined.

>Yes, lets punish the raped people and not the rapists.
where did i say that? i want rapists to be punished, not the person who was raped

Is that dried jizz all over the Asian chicks tummy because if so that's fucking kinky


all we need to do is answer the jewish question and things will correct themselves

>where did i say that? i want rapists to be punished, not the person who was raped
You want to punish those that became degenerates because cultural marxism made them do that, instead of punising those who did the cultural marxism at the first place.

That's felony territory, OP. Too harsh.

5 years in a dyke lockup will also make the degeneracy permanent.

Yeah I'm sure being allowed to have sex outside of marriage is a great contribution to our society.

If you're married? Yes to 1 year of community service determined by your town and appealable to the State.

That's the only way to make sure you're actually doing something useful.

Yes but it has to apply to men as well.

>you will never get a slutty, fully westernized Asian girlfriend

Why even live.

i agree

I think public slutty should be yeah, but behind closed doors they can do whatever the fuck they want.

>wanting a slutty gf

>There are certain freedoms that make our countries great places to live,
The freedom to be a degenerate is what makes countries great places to live? How does promiscuity improves a country?

Taming her is part of the fun.

You would probably also want to see her get railed by 10 dudes at once too huh cancuck?

I'd support a bill that imprisons LEAFS just for being LEAFS. Minimum 10 year sentence.

No. Hippity hoppity get the fuck off my property.

>being a sl00t makes our country great.

>You would probably also want to see her get railed by 10 dudes at once too huh?

Not gonna lie that sounds pretty hot.

>Would Sup Forums support a bill that penalizes promiscuity with a jail sentence of up to 5 years?
You need to give complete details as to what you mean before i can give an honest answer.
What is promiscuity, in your own words? Also, provide a list of how this law would be enforced, and how much tax money you estimate it would cost, and how it would positively or negatively stimulate the economy.

>If you can't get any in this day and age then you're truly subhuman.
>sluts are awesome.
>just don't marry one

you're part of the problem

hope you both get chlamydia


take your shitty religion to a site that gives a shit faggot

You're setting yourself up to be cucked, user. Find a better path.

>should [thing I don't like] be punished

Unless it negatively effects other people the answer is always no (Offending your sensitive feelings is not a valid negative effect).

Show me how women acting like whores causes society some form of tangible detriment and I will support limiting it, but not until then.

Muh slippery slope

Come off it m8. My cousin is a literal sex for cash whore who is currently on a three day "internship" in Trinidad sharing a room with a 40 year old who "sponsored" her. No one hates this shit more than my family, and I personally would love to beat my uncle to a pulp for allowing her to bring this shame to our family. However her behavior, and by extension the behavior of every other piece of trash out there, doesn't cause me any harm so it ain't my place to tell any of them what to do.


>people who value marriage value marriage
isn't this common sense?

/ pol is a christian board you athiest nu/male cucked faggot

that would provide me with gap material 4 life

prostitution should be legal

Kill yourself leaf

We either trust women to make decisions (tried that, doesn't work) or the state makes it for them (better for society in the long run). We need families and children, not women who behave like men.

you sound like a fucking desperate moron dude. sorry you've never gotten laid.

only if rape is legalized

Sex is fucking disgusting desu, yes I would support this.

>being a nigger

nope, I'm a libertarian.

>divorce is bad

You're doing it again...

I think marriage is a commitment for life, and believe divorce to be completely immoral. However if we are going to restrict people's freedom to divorce we better have a damn good reason beyond how you feel on the issue personally.

>Show me how women acting like whores causes society some form of tangible detriment


Single motherhood is a disease.


>The biggest connection between sexual behaviors and substance abuse was seen in women. Women in the study who had more than two or three partners while in their teens were 10 times more likely to develop a drug addiction or drinking problem by the age of 21. Women with multiple partners in their early 20s were seven times more likely to have an addiction by 26 and, most strikingly, women with multiple partners in their late 20s were 18 times more at risk by the age of 32. A similar but much less exaggerated effect was seen in the male participants. Their risk factors increased only three- or fourfold.