>I'm redpilled, I'm a race realis-
I'm redpilled, I'm a race realis-
it doesn't matter what you call it, whites and blacks and asians (all others too) are different from each other
>a biological race would be geographically isolated subdivision of a species
>humanity lacks this
No it doesn't
>Whites can't receive organs from black donors
>Overly simplistic & political.
Hate this phrase, but, "Not an argument."
>We're all the same on the insi-
Bc your immune system is racist. If you were an enlightened leftist you could accept organs from everyone.
>human populations were geographically isolated for thousands of years
Nice powerpoint slide though, you make a compelling argument.
June, 2005 - First race-specific heart medications go on the market
>a biological race would be geographically isolated subdivision of a species
>"humanity lacks this"
stop being ignorant
>many statements
>zero evidence
>no source or citation
Hi, i'm reality, i'm knocking on the door
Faggot. Saged
how do you explain the aborigine
>uses a nigger's eye and not their nose or jaw otherwise it would be too obvious they're not humans
No one denies that what we indentify as races tend to share certain phenotypes. They do. Generally, if someone is described as "black" on their driver's license, you can guess that that person is going to have certain physical traits concerning skin color, hair color and follicle shape, eye color, susceptibility and resistance to disease, even the skeletal structure all the way down to shape of the femur. Living together in a certain environment causes certain traits to be shared and selected for in a population. People whose ancestors lived in malarial climates in Africa will have a higher incidence of sickle-cell anemia, because it raises the population's resistance to the disease.
However, look within a race and you'll find just as many variations, if you want to. An African American is likely to have very different characteristics from a Masai tribesman, a Navajo will look very different from an Aleut or a Thai (despite the fact that they are/were lumped together in the category of "mongoloid race"), a blond Norweigian looks very different from a dark Italian (although both are "white"), and so on. We notice that certain observeable physical characteristics are common among certain ethinc groups and create mental constructs called "races" that lump together a very disparate group of people in a very murky way. It would actually be less arbitrary and make more sense to lump people together by a more definite and distict phenotype: blood type.
"Hey, Earl! Look at that AB holdin' that type O's hand! Hey, you!! Stay away from our type O women!!!
childhood is believing that we're all the same
teenage years is buying into edgy race realism memes
adulthood is realizing that we can overcome these differences and that shared ideals are more binding than genetics
Sorry pizza-nigger not with that arm hair you're not.
Racialism is the future
>t. civic cuckanolist
Childhood is not really caring about race
Teenage years is buying into edgy leftist "we're all the same" memes
Adulthood is realising that different races have distinct qualities and phenotypical traits, owing to unique ancestries
This same phenomenon is seen in several species of animal where gene flow exists but is limited.
"Variation within a group" has never been a terribly good argument because anybody with even a basic understanding of the topic knows this already. What matters is that you can cluster those groups together consistently using racial classifications, because race is based on thousands of years of shared genetic history.
Why would races need to be "geographically isolated"? Plenty of different subspecies live together in the same regions.
fuck you Mario, you aren't white. Blonde hair, blue eyes, or GTFO
Nah, it is not going to happen. Even most red pilled people, are going to have a hard time going against individualism and one's own choices.
This is our reality, there will never be national racialism.
So because grouping different Africans is hard, and there's more racial groups than we thought, that suddenly means we should just assume all human beings are exactly the same? What kind of retarded logic is that?
they were historically isolated
didn't even realize they might try to use circular logic here, "we have brought all together therefore there are no distinct groups"
You can pretend that race doesn't exist but at the end of the day you're still black
in a very broad sense race applies, differences between Caucasoid Negroids and mongoloids, but christ race is fucking stupid when you lump different civilizations shortcomings and achievements together.
when you lump white people together you're lumping together the the irish and germans, do you realize how fucking stupid that sounds? Their cultural achievements and failures are completely separate from one another.
you can classify all blacks into the category: "black". Non africans will not be in there - especially if you put some effort.
That's what the race thing is about.
idealism can't overcome reality, and any ideal that runs counter to reality is doomed
Explain this.
Of Course it's crash course. The cuck bros strike again.
>In theory, a biological race would be geographically isolated subdivision of a species
>Humanity lacks this
>Says the proud trans-LGBT Syrian Mudslime refugee lecturer at the University of Ameristan
It's better when they are this stupid, they are often pacified. Meanwhile african niggers are in the iq crime zone.
Watching Leftists into science is more painful than watching them into maths.
Anyway, this is the last thing the sjws want. If there's no blacks and whites, then there's no white pivilege.
and? who says black is a bad thing? u? well that means nothing then...
Different races have specific tones in their voice where you can recognize them, even if they were raised through adoption with parents of a different race. You know if a male or female is black over the phone by their voice, even if they have cultured, upper class accents.
Wouldn't that be a strong example of differences in bone structure?
this is bullshit even though bone structure IS different. there is no biological basis in tone of voice.