Can we just agree Melania should move into the white house to stop her wasting millions of tax payer money?
Can we just agree Melania should move into the white house to stop her wasting millions of tax payer money?
Hopefully she'll move to DC when Barron's school year is over in a few months.
First post best post
And if Moochelle didn't have 20 assistants and her mother on the payroll, we'd have 10 more years of meals on wheels.
Does anyone have a source on the expenses for security? It seems to quickly be turning into the new 6 gorrilion.
I saw anartivle yesterday that said it will cost us a billion dollars to protect Trump.
He's keeping his family away from the swamp so the establishment can't threaten his family and control him. He has to clean up the swamp before they'll be safe from the cheese pizza assholes.
its fucking nothing. go back to sleep
if obama didn't take tons of trips to hawaii we could have fixed all the bridges in america.
Yeah, I would like to see this too because I don't trust liberals as far as I can throw them, which I can't because they're all fat.
wait what the fuck? she isn't living in the white house? someone fill me in on this pls
don't tell her where to live
tell liberals not to threaten her
Maybe people should stop threatening to kill Trump's family all the time.
Maybe then security wouldn't be so damned expensive.
The Trump Tower would be protected regardless if she's there or not.
Also, funny how I hear about Meals on Wheels but have NEVER seen or heard about one
wait so boogie has been a fat piece of shit since the 90's? WOW
Barron is in school in NYC. She's coming as soon as they switch schools at the end of this semester.
She's moving in after her son's school year is up in June
>trump voters right now
Takes a long time to get to 400lbs
You just know Trump is flying EVERY weekend to Florida in order to play golf on taxpayers' money
>that can of reddi-wip on the desk
Why do you want Barron to be molested and killed? Fucking Pedo piece of shit.
>That pic
I got so mad when I saw that crap on Billions. Literally just trying to score snowflake points despite them never watching the damn thing.
These numbers are literally made up. No amount has been released for the protection of Melania, Also, the only reason she's still in NYC is so Barron can finish the school year.
Oy vey stop asking those questions!
There is nothing wrong with having Melania and Barron in the White House and is in fact a crime against humanity by doing so. Now be good goyims and shut up.
NO I won't agree david brock, you goddamn fucking cunt nigger shill faggot fuck. Literally neck yourself.
>some lone schizophrenic asshole with a backpack full of mace jumps the whitehouse fence and is ON THE LOOSE roaming around in the whitehouse grounds for literally 15 minutes before he is apprehended
>secret service run by fucking morons
>can't reliably stop a single fucking schizoid goofball, let alone a 40-man tactical team or ISIS raid
I want the first lady somewhere safe. If that means spending a fucking billion dollars a day, that's still less than the amount of money the military spends in one day in black budget D.U.M.B excavation.
*not doing so
Post dick croat
her son is done with school in 3 months
This is a slide thread please dont responf you fucking morons
Honestly I was a Trump supporter before I saw this twitter screenshot.
I can't believe this can happen in 2017.
Fuck meals on wheels and the pieces of shit that depend on it.
>suddenly we care about how much it costs to babysit the president's house
How much did we spend on watching Obama's house in Kenya?
>Every thread I disagree with is a slide thread.
> You'd want to stay where niggers lived and stunk up the place.
If Barron goes to school still, what do you think the security is like?
Does he have agents walk with him around to class?
>1 post by this ID.
Yeah, slide thread. Who gives a shit about Meals on Wheels.
I'd rather spend money guarding her. Fuck wellfare on wheels
Barron is his own agent
Obama was playing golf without foreign diplomats every other day. You don't want to being that up, moron
Maybe if liberals weren't trying to rape and kill her then there would be no need for such expensive security.
Can we just all agree that Michelle Obama does not need 22 slaves in the White House?
inorder to post that image
you first need to have it saved on your computer
As if Trump plays golf with foreign diplomats all the time, are you really this retarded?
I'm not agreeing with some ginger cuck manchild named cocacolakid.
The White House is compromised, you dumb goyim.
Can someone please do the math? All President Trump is doing is taking Air Force One to Florida and back. Just him, but sometimes his wife and son, and he goes to his own home and pays for his own food (I assume since it is his own home).
Obama and his family would take trips all over the world using Air Force One, would have to pay for hotels, or renting a home, not just for them but for all the family and friends they would bring with them and all the Secret Service. So, how does Trump's Air Force One bill equal or suprass Obama???
why can't he just be homeschooled with a tutor? i support trump but wtf
She's waiting for the nigger smell to go away.
What part of they are moving to DC next year when Little Barron finishes school do you not understand? Fucking disgusting pitiless leftists. Absolutely disgraceful
I agree.
By next week, Melania living in the White House for 1 day will equal the entire defense budget.
I love how the left suddenly gives a fuck about spending.
Yet no one gave a fuck about how much it cost to protect Malia and Sasha and equate that to Meals on Wheels spending.
>when Barron's school year is over in a few months.
>buying into the narrative
Obviously melania hates trump, and can't stand his 300lbs orange body anymore.
Trump doesn't fuck women after they've gone through menopause, and instead likes to be pissed on by russian whores.
Its not that hard user, just try thinking critically.
>Can someone please do the math?
Obama = good
Trump = bad.
Give it up user bro. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Yeah but even if. How can Trump critize Obama for playing too much Golf and then do exactly the same and even more often? Hurr durr fake news?
her body her choice
>pissed on my russian whores
never happened
try harder, shill
>Obviously melania hates trump, and can't stand his 300lbs orange body anymore.
>Trump doesn't fuck women after they've gone through menopause, and instead likes to be pissed on by russian whores.
Then her staying in the White House shouldn't be a problem since he wouldn't be fucking her anyway, according to you.
>Meals on Wheels
My mom got meals delivered to her by a highly paid "nurse". A Styrofoam container with cafeteria like shit. Meals on wheels is retarded. Would have been cheaper to get pizza delivery. It's just a "social" program liberals like so they get to "feel" good.
Trump goes to his house on the weekend and plays a round of golf. Obama took days of during the week to go golf.
Oh I know. And I'm sure like everything else in the government it costs three times as much for the cafeteria food.
I was just refuting OP
Having to be near him is too much for her, and they would probably sleep in seperate bedrooms, which would be leaked to the media instantly.
She also probably doesn't barron to see all the russian whores coming and going.
Rich heirs like to be pissed on user, its a proven fact. They like the feeling of golden liquid pouring on them from above, it reminds them of the day they received all of their money from their parents.
>Understaffed and underfunded by republicans
>a few years later
>Why are we funding an inefficient and ineffective service? We should just get rid of it
>rinse and repeat
Can she bring her bull too?
No kidding, she's hot as fuck and not living with her old billionaire husband.... bad news. You KNOW it's happening.
Can we agree you should move out of your mom's?
Spoken like a true Drumphkin
>b-baron s-school
he's in like 2nd grade nigger, it literally doesnt matter what school he goes to
but trump is playing more right now, and you think the guy who increased rent in his campaign wont funnel more money into his businesses?
This is literally CF on steroids but you losers have his cock lodged up your ass and it would hurt ur pride to yank it out wouldnt it?
>he still believes the increased rent maymay
He increased his office space, of course the rent increased. By FCC regulation, has to charge "fair market value" for office space to his campaign.
Probably, but you should also stop funding meals on wheels.
White house already confirmed she is moving in the first week of June when Barron's school year ends.
nitpicking faggot
Trump refused pay an Obama was the highest paid president in history. Obama is still being paid for life.
Was your mom sick because my mom use to volunteer for meals on wheels and she's not a nurse.
Are you saying you don't support a woman's right to choose?
Federal funding for Meals on Wheels is unconstitutional.
>Was your mom sick
Yea. Diabetes overtook her. Eventually died of heart failure. Came home from work and found her sitting in a chair with the tv on.
So Trump shouldn't be held to a higher standard?
Proof that Trump refused pay as president.
>>Understaffed and underfunded by republicans
I bet you support schools feeding kids breakfast, lunch and dinner too? We've spent trillions on LBJ's great society. Are niggers any better off?
Stop trying to kill them then.
Would rather be paying for this than holidays desu.
can we all agree that the day of the rope can't come soon enough?
who cares?
Barron will not be safe in DC unless and until Melania can handpick the people assigned to look after him.
In particular, all the niggers on staff will have to go. The risk that they'll harm him to spite his father is simply too great.
Because the obvious and simple solution to the problem is racist, American taxpayers will continue to keep Melania and Barron at Trump Tower at great expense.
Can we just agree already that she's a selfish gold-digging whore who worked illegally in NYC and is a disgrace to the world??
And the Trumps in general are an appalling waste of money and space. They've fucked up midtown so badly just so they can be selfish fucks in their tacky gold tower.
I agree. She should stop wasting tax payer money. She is the first lady.
She should take after Michelle Obama. And spent literally millions on dresses and balls/celebrations for no reason other than being a nigger with blank checks supplied by the govt
100% true. It's a safety thing. That's why they're pushing so hard — the cost is a total red herring.
>on Sup Forums
this is some of the dumbest shit I have read today, thanks op.
I'd like to see some liberal fact check this.