Dear Sup Forums

I think the rise in being right wing on Sup Forums is because it counter culture.
But then if right take over will that mean Sup Forums will become left wing?

pol is always contrarian so yeah, probably.

Either that or we move back to libertarianism.

This, left wing government = nazi Sup Forums, right wing government = lolbertarian /new/

Sup Forums has never been left wing

I don't think much will change because Trump clearly is not the one in control of the country right now, and he's really not that right wing anyway.

I never said that

Ig but/pol is

not left-wing but definitely libertarian. anyone who tells you Sup Forums was always staunch conservatives is a newfaggot. Trump is already fucking up with his Israeli dick-riding. 2018 will be an interesting year because trump supporters will actually have to throw their hat in for the conservacucks in the mid-terms.

maybe in 30-50 years their will be another left-wing counter culture, but right now we are in the 5-10 year backlash for left wings

i have no idea what right wing (in the sense that it is used in the USA) even means. I just see that your left wing is retarded.
And I don't actually really care about any policies other than immigration and shit like that.
What kind of health care should be and place and sstuff like that.... If it works I'm probably OK with it. There are probably only a few ideologists that actually care.

I will basically vote for any party in Germany that doesn't actually hate the german people and Germany.

Ok, Sup Forums will never be left wing unless shills purposefully take over the board.

you are right

I know pol wasnt always right and what do you mean about 2018

There were a lot of Obama supporting idiots here in 2008. So much for contrarian.

The left went too far. It's the same with Germany becoming cucks after Lord Hitler. Unless the conservatives start killing niggers and wetbacks, I don't see the right losing, becoming libertarian sure, but not left.

I already "came back" to my left-wing libertarian roots after Trump got elected.

It was always about punishing the Democrats for me. Embarrassing the corporate Left.

It will be interesting to witness the outrage culture first hand around here, though.

I love it when Sup Forums gets triggered. Brings me back to the late 90's Marilyn Manson concerts, with right-wingers complaining about the collapse of society and degeneracy and so on.

It's fun to laugh at the Right now that they're in power and will definitely go full 1984 like they always go.

I hope

Who is that in Germany? Just AFD?

No, because Sup Forums got old Sup Forums out of retirement. Trump is purging the GOP of the shit that old Sup Forums hated and the Democrats are doubling down on what Sup Forums hates now.

What country are you from?

And what do you mean about left wing? Or classical liberal

>if right take over

Yes, once the Jews have been confined to Israel, every leftist has been thrown from a helicopter, Europe has declared itself a pan-national ethnic safe space and democracy has been eradicated I will bitch about capitalism.

It will only be left when the majority of the population are right, so if the right takes over politics, so long as people are on the left Sup Forums will be on the right.

Mommy baby want milky!!

The right HAS taken over, OP.

The answer is - not until the media stops fluffing leftists, and actually holds them to account for the destruction they cause.

If the right were to take over, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi's ideas would be purged, life would be good and prosperous, and I probably wouldn't even be political desu.


You can stick your merchant memes right up your ass. Even if this is hyperbole, more so, especially if it is hyperbole, stick it up your ass.

>pan-national ethnic safe space

That's a bullshit fallacy desu.

A nation is blood and soil, and territory where law applies. It's also a basic human right, agreed upon by the United Nations. It's actually listed among other agreed upon human rights, you can see it for (((yourself))).

A safe space is where degenerates and the social 5th column shut down rhetoric that they find themselves to intelligent to confront.

Yea pretty much the only one kinda sad actually

I agree


I mean with the rise of shills I think it's already becoming a commie play rink. It'll prob become the edgy Tumblr in the next 5 years. Don't worry I'll make a new anonymous free board aimed against fucking reds. Catch me in 3 years




We're trying to create the perfect balanced world.


I have another in the same vein

What you are saying is one possible scenario. Sup Forums in general has a history of being counter mainstream.

Another possible explanation is that conservatives are skeptical of progress and technology and they just came to the internet platforms 15 years later then liberals. In which case, right and left ideas will continue clashing here forever from now on.

>addressing a separate and monolithic pol


fat burger

Further pictures of this semen demon?

I think the change is here to stay for awhile. I was redpilled the last couple of years or so, and a newfag. I got redpilled before I ever cared about Sup Forums. I think the process that has brought so many of us here from being liberals is happening worldwide and will continue for awhile. I think due to our autism we were slightly ahead of rejecting a lot of the false ideas of modern society: feminism, socialism, cultural marxism etc.

delete your image

Does this picture make you upset? To see your own kind burned over a fire by a nonchalant inexperienced Filipino?

who is this sperm worm?

he's right

Mid term elections

They have to re-test their leader halfway through to see if he's got the OK, cuz they don't have enough self confidence

I kek'd

ITT: moving the goalposts

Pol will shift like it has. But the question is will society continue the normal pendulum motion. Normally I would say we are just doing the typical larp thing but I'm not so sure. I feel as if we have been swinging so hard left that this reverse swing may take us off the proverbial arc and into new territory(for us). Only time will tell.