Gen Z user here, first thing we're going to do when we gain power is killing off all the millenal cunts we have been forced to live with. Be afraid your demise is coming.
Gen Z user here...
Other urls found in this thread:
I see absolutely no proof that Gen Z kids are more "conservative" than everyone else. You still take nude selfies, drink, do drugs, have orgies, and various other disgusting degenerate things western kids do and have done for decades.
The whole meme seems to be a Sup Forums circlejerk.
time is forever GOOD LUCK
what was the outcome of this?
did the snake suffocate and die?
the frog cant eat all that
did the snake eventually wrap itself around the frog and get it and get out?
did the snake escape?
Who /'99/ here?
Feels good being a 90s kid
All those who are anti-life will be purged.
Millennial user here, we have more resources and experience than you do. I am going to take a redpilled gen z qt as a wife and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
aahahahaha 99
> 90'S
AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA you werent a 90's kid you sperg
Millennial here.
I'm just hoping it's true so I can get a nice gen z conservative young waifu in a couple of years.
That said, it's different based on location and how you were raised. Generations don't really mean shit. They're just blanket statements. Identity politics.
Haha this. The millennial are going to take all the conservative gen z girls from the gen z males. I almost feel sorry for them.
Gen Z user here, first thing we're going to do when we gain power is killing off all the millenal cunts we have been forced to live with. Be afraid your demise is coming.
> 60 year old NEET
'99 here too, at least we aren't autistic like you.
Well I guess you know more about being a kid than I do, since you millennials still act like them in your 30s
my god gen z humor is almost as bad as german humor
what month?
fuckin come at us cunts were 6 foot n fucking jacked you lil poof
MODS this guy is claiming to be under 18
> autistic
ill slap the taste out of your mouth you little fucking shit. you havent done shit for anyone let alone your own self. you arent an asset to anyone or anything stfu and gtfo nerd
Thats somewhat true you'll usually find this in teens who actually believe all the liberal nonsense they hear or see on television or social media. I recently graduated highschool and the majority of the people there were liberals or identified as such, but they still held some consertavite values such as raising a family and getting into faithful relationships some of them even admit the 50s and so on we're a much better time to live in, whats sad is they think they can achieve that greatness with diversity and acceptance. SAD!
What humor? It wasn't a joke. You literally act like children.
March actually
You just proved my point my dude.
I'm not saying most millennials don't deserve it, but for the most part being so fucked up is not their fault, it all stems from baby boomers and gen X (mostly boomers). Also, millennials have very little power themselves, they've had very little impact on your life and have had it almost as bad as you will.
>mfw phoneposting so no underageb&
I was born in 1995.
Am I a Zfag?
gen z kids are just faggots that got redpilled the easy way on the internet
I'm 6 foot and 8 inches
I'm fukin zyzz brah
lol when your mom was bringing you to school in the morning and coming home and sucking the mail mans dick i was on post letting my balls hang. not like your little bummy mummy tendy ass. get some bearing you little fuck before i put a boot up your ass.
Its time
If you remember 9/11 you're not Gen Z. Date of birth is irrelevant
burns should be humorous
you're proving my point
I was going to say he's legal, but that would have to be '98. Yeah he's underage.
Now if he had said January he'd be legal.
...people born in early '99 are legally posting here.
Everyone knows /1993/ was the best year to be born.
199(poor) (4) will tell you otherwise but 93 til infinity is so clearly better.
go blow another guy if you are born in or even argue this year is better, I have met a total of 0 people ever born in this year who were not sucking on a penis at the moment I met them.
Well you better do it quickly, because we hate waiting.
You're so tough making threats on the internet; need more tendies to fuel that rage?
97 to 2010 is Gen Z
I can get on board with this. Gen Y's are the worse generation I have seen. Gen X, as young as they are still, are 1000X improvement over those faggots
I wish I remembered 9/11, would have been the happening of a lifetime and desu we'll probably never see anything like it again
...Alright mate? Calm down, yeah?
Leave Sup Forums for a bit- have some cereal.
wait until kids born after 9/11 are posting on here
>they already are
What do you mean by remembering?
Well, I was 6 at the time and I'm not even american, I remember the fact but was not conscious of anything.
There wasn't a point to prove, whether or not it's humorous is objective.
>*teleports behind you*
just wait until they can legally post on here
dear god what the fuck is this world coming to.
Haha! Well meme'd, my friend!
Is this guy for real?
Fuck off pussies you were born with an iPad in your hands, ever read a paper book? No backbone everyone gets a trophy gender freaks
wait wut...
i always assumed i was a milleninal
you mean to tell me i'm not part of the cursed generation?
Does your mom still cook you dinner and buy your underpants?
finish school before expressing your thoughts please
you're not making any sense
Everyone gets older. It's an unavoidable certainty.
No, you're Gen Y.
This kid doesn't even have autism, he just has an IQ of 200
white millennials voted for trump over clinton though
Pretty cool, what day?
I enjoy reading books as much as anyone.
why y
what makes me a why and y
thats also my excuse, 142 here and NEET
It's literally someone's opinion. You just don't have the mental capacity to understand it. I can tell given your poor grammar skills.
As a millennial, I welcome our new Gen-Z overlords.
Get off Sup Forums Kieran
>born with an ipad
>ipads released 2010
Why are non millennials so retarded?
>D-damn millenials with their... technology and... and... in my day we didn't have 'eye domes' and 'nine ten drones', all we had was a whip for our niggers and the shoes on our feet!
You're just as cucked as millennials. The low percentage who aren't will be processed into leftists via college.
you're the one trying to say humor is objective
look up the word subjective sometime because that's the word you meant to use little dipshit
Thats right buddy welcome to the club
Millennial here. You would be nothing without us. The conservative millennials, even if outnumbered, could BTFO all the gen Z cuck degenerates.
Be warned.
Thought I was a millennial. Just googled and turns out I'm Gen Z. The stats are much more favourable. Thanks OP
>It's an underage fag larping as a nazi episode
I'll back this up. Who the hell wnats a millennial chick? Who wants a chick with Nickelodeon colored hair and a prescription drug addition who is incapable of putting down her phone?
Insulting really doesn't get you anywhere, and in the context I was using it it made sense. Considering you don't understand that wasn't a joke.
>Gen Z user here, first thing we're going to do when we gain power is killing off all the millenal cunts we have been forced to live with. Be afraid your demise is coming.
Gen X here.
What's 2010+ then?
>thought I was a millennial
>I'm Gen Z and moderately redpilled (both sides of this election were bad in different ways IMO)
Well shit.
You were the one who implied humor was objective when you called gen Z humor shit, you fucking chode.
Don't forget the pointless defacing of her body and face with tattoos and piercings. This is the ugliest generation since the hippies. Even uglier.
Well plyed user. You are our future young man. Stay your course, and god speed.
The fuck? How can someone be born in the new millennium and not be a millennial? Millennials are 2000 onward.
Spamming a little much?
Saw this while scrolling
Name is being figured out but has been conceptualized as 'Generation Alpha'
But i'm an fashy goy just like you.
Most millenials didnt have access to computers or internet until mid 2000s unlike you faggots that was born with all the redpills at your fingertips
There is really nothing special about gen z kids
'Underage' is bullshit, if someone is mature enough to use Sup Forums then let them