Is there a conspiracy behind ADHD? I have a fucking hard time concentrating on reading but I have so much interest in things and am super obsessive. My IQ is definitely over 120 but I can't concentrate for my fucking life.
Is there a conspiracy behind ADHD...
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Try harder. Just don't fall for the amphetamine meme, trust me, it fucks you over in the long run.
To a small extent, but not as bad as other 'brain chemical imbalances' like depression.
They hook you on MAOI's and wait and see what organ fails first the kidneys or the liver, then you die at 45.
Pure unadulterated globalist conspiracy.
Depression is real but the treatments are meant to kill you, you're better off being sad or finding another cure.
Learn to meditate / pray to Kek. It does wonders to concentration.
IQ has no bearing on ADHD. You can get it if you have high IQ and low IQ equally.
Some recommended reading would be Taking Charge of Adult ADHD by Barkley and Smart but Stuck by Brown (both are on libgen).
Watch this whole playlist to get a good overview of ADD:
My advice is to stay away from the feel good stuff that tells you you're a genius with superpowers if you can just tap into it. ADHD is an impairment and there are no real benefits that come from it. Reads Hallowell's stuff because it's still good but be wary of what I said.
Also don't listen to anyone on Sup Forums. They have no fucking clue what they're talking about as evidenced by the fact that they all fell for the attention disorder meme. In fact, don't listen to anyone who thinks ADD is primarily an issue with concentration. It's the equivalent of normies thinking pepe is a neo-nazi hate symbol.
Fuck you, prayers to Kek help.
Seriously I am someone who is 100 percent convinced they have adhd and if not then something like it because my whole life the same issues i have run into hundreds of times. "Irresponsible but bright, genius but doesnt focus ( im mildly smart by normal standards) but honestly being able to concentrate would help my constant state of confusion in the world, i am drowned in stimuli and extraneous thought than cannot be put to use. This makes me complemplate suicide all the time but i stop myself because i hopefully can someday get a prescription maybe and be normal for 20 years before medications starts to suck shit
I even accept the jew at this point the goyim can take all my dollars so i can be cured of this constant spaghetti strings of thought flying around
>IQ has no bearing on ADHD
This. There's nothing worse than a dumbass with ADHD
I was on methamphetamines and they were working, but then the effect died down. I was too afraid to up the dosage because I thought I would get myself addicted or my heart rate would go through the roof and the side effects would kill me.
You have the hunter gene.
You're really good at super-focusing on your prey while being aware of fucking everything in a 500ft radius
sorry I think I meant methylphenidate. A shitty version of ritalin
and here I was debating whether to meditate... guess kek knows best
my dude, if my country had a fucking half assed leader instead of this cuck I would have joined the army by now
This. ADHD is not a disorder until you put it in the context of the modern worlds way of things. But when you have someone that is the predator mindset all the time in the world that demands our compliance and attention shit sucks.
Trying to find job that matches my mind's way
Business major currently
now get in the legal immigration line son
yea dude its called the SAI program
It's not a meme, legit disorder, that's over diagnosed in the United States but otherwise has to pass strict criteria in most Western countries.
Methylphenidate is the best medication for it's treatment.
Do not fall for the amphetamine jew.
>getting nervous
well, I was diagnosed with adhd.
clonidine, which is the only stuff i take, makes me incredibly tired.
they're considering Strattera or this new med called Intuniv
Do you use a modem for wi-fi in the house? Turn that off. Turn your phone off as well.
Instant effect.
I would add Scattered Minds by Gabor Mate to the essential ADD/ADHD reading list. Actual goddamn science backed by real psychology. No pseudo liberal bull and no special snowflake you're just fine the way you are shit.
I was only put on dexmethylphenidate as a stimulant.
Worked great but fucked with blood pressure, so they went to clonidine twice a day; morning, night.
according to Jewgle via Wikipedia, "Methylphenidate, sold under various trade names, Ritalin being one of the most commonly known, is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the phenethylamine and piperidine classes that is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy."
ADD = primarily inattentive ADHD
cool term for laymen, though.
can you elaborate on the long term cons?
>'shitty version'
also, name is from a risk game
This is a rare and good post about ADHD. Fucking normies think they know about neurological disorders because ''oh but I've problems concentrating too sometimes :D try harder''. Even sadder is that so many with the disorder themselves seem to know so little about it. Probably more those who got it diagnosed as a kid and didn't ever have to themselves look into what it really is.
ADHD is certainly not a superpower, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a massive crutch either. Depends a lot what one is going to do in life. Many madly successful people have it, so many even without knowing it.
I do believe a natural primitive way of life would be so much better, and it's indeed a ''disorder'' only because for the past 50 years everyone has been forced into the one-size-fits-all type of education.
is.. he still following me..?
wew lads
It's just a faulty label like others in healthcare such as autism that cannot correctly identify the spiritual origins of the issue which is occurring here
we are simply more highly evolved beings and the best they can do is say you have ADHD
The hunter gene idea is comforting but probably BS. If it was true, what sort of modern occupation would suit it? Sitting at a desk all day is hellish.
Is Vyvanse a good treatment?
You grew up in an era of vidya,
internet, soundbite journalism, smartphones, social media attention whores and energy drinks.
Bad luck user. Look, squirrel!
toll on your body mainly. you will not eat, you will not sleep, you will have insanely good thoughts about yourself and enact plans that might be a little too manic, you might undergo amphetamine psychosis.
i think the amphetamine meme is useful in microdose and occasional big dose, but standard everyday doses are going to make your body change permanently. even after only half a year of daily use
aren't MAOI's used in shamanic brews and tribes? why and how do people with depression get them wtf
It doesn't exist. It was created by the pharmaceutical companies to poison boys into acting like girls.