Seriously anyone here who is still pro gun and has had any remote attention span and witnessed the mere atrocities...

Seriously anyone here who is still pro gun and has had any remote attention span and witnessed the mere atrocities comitted with firearms over the past year is fucking retarded. I mean jesus fucking christ people there's a reason why the united states has the loosest gun laws in the first world and has the HIGHEST RATE OF GUN MURDERS

Watch these right wing retards scramble over semantics about OH_M-MUH SHOOTINGS PREVENTED BY LONE RANGER-

>pic related

Debate me I will deconstruct every narrative you people regurgitate from the NRA forums and the like.

Other urls found in this thread:

2nd ammendement, baiting faggot

A swimming pool or pond in the backyard increases the risk of drowning by 100%, I don't get the point of this image.

He's my debate argument.

Go fuck yourself.

>Debate me

How will you protect yourself when the government becomes to tyrannical and you don't have guns?

Proves my point about semantics, video related if you don't believe me

You're right, don't get a gun.
I remain pro-choice on the issue.

It's not semantic. It's a right established by our founding fathers for Americans.

>How will you protect yourself when the government becomes to tyrannical and you don't have guns?

Slippery slope fallacy, gun control was eased in Nazi Germany and guess what happened, Jews were genocided. Here's a tip in logic, if you quantify a black and white argument it only takes one counter example to debunk it


The reason is niggers.

>o-oh no! that gun in my home is beckoning me to suicide! can't... fight.... it...

The point is that its stupid to think you need to protect yourself from such an unlikely event, I'll turn your argument on you and say well if its a 100% chance in drowning you need to purchase a scuba team to prevent you from dying. It's retarded semantics


remember to put it in the options field

>gun control was eased in Nazi Germany and guess what happened
uh, excuse me but correlation does not equal causation

>Slippery slope fallacy
how so?

It's a simple fucking question, how else will you protect yourself form a tyrannical government?

Are you going to shoot politicians exclusively or do you plan to tackle an army with your novelty googles and rifle during this 'uprising'?

What? Are you retarded?

It is semantic because I could point out that it says well regulated and that courts ruled any firearm like that issued to the military must be regulated


The US has the highest rate of gun murders in the first world because the US has the highest rate of African Americans in the first world.

>the left selectively interprets statistics

>Debate me

>mfw the majority of gun deaths are suicides
>mfw the anti-gunners never know this statistics
>mfw gun violence trends are on the decline
>mfw almost the entire rise in gun deaths the last 10 years can be attributed to the rise in gun suicide

>mfw i have a 360% increase in chance of getting killed by a firearm

I do agree black people cause a fuckton of crime but that doesnt make up for the fact that shootings happen with guns

also, [Citation needed] for your claim



>Debate me I will deconstruct every narrative you people regurgitate from the NRA forums and the like.
balck people cause crime not guns


>plan to tackle an army with your novelty googles and rifle during this 'uprising'?
hmm, that's sounds strangely familiar to a war we were in not too long ago


>uh, excuse me but correlation does not equal causation

Your argument before that is an entire causation fallacy, it's also a slippery slope because you think that if gun control is enacted that the government will start to kill its own people automatically. Europe has it and guess what they haven't killed anyone of their own, its just been migrants


No, I'm serious. Guns are dangerous. Don’t get one.
More for me.

knife attacks happen with knives and hit and runs happen with cars

your point?

When your argument is debunked, it's a good idea to either change it, or your opinion.

>The US has the highest rate of gun murders in the first world because the US has the highest rate of African Americans in the first world.

Correlation =/= causation

Need a source for the population as well as the claim that blacks commit that crime wiith guns

>Slippery slope fallacy,
Hold on.
That was the entire purpose of the 2nd amendment GUARANTEEING the right. That is not a slippery slope.

Not an argument

[citation needed]

yeah, makes you think huh

Oh wow you really befriended peace.

need a soucre

Anecdotal evidence doesn't count retard

>because you think that if gun control is enacted that the government will start to kill its own people automatically.
no, I don't think that actually

I'll ask one more time, how else will you protect yourself from a tyrannical government?

>yfw your arguments are btfo on every front

>having more guns individually is important
consumerist putz

Go back to england or canada or wherever the fuck commie shithole you came from, fucking faggot.

Reason /need based requirements has no relevance in free society.

Yes it is, just cause something is law doesnt make it right nor should it be a law

same with that judge that ruled the holocaust true since he could not doubt it was fake

not an argument

Not gonna read any further into the thread. There is no debate to be had. Try to take our guns and learn what the 2nd ammendment is all about, faggot.

Have you ever noticed how mass shootings don't happen at gun shows?

The judicial branch is not a legislator and whatever they said can and cant be regulated is irrelevant.

>yfw when you haven't won a single debate

Nothing has been stated here but blatant racism and cognitive dissonance typical right wing retards.

Welp Im about to go start a thread showing democrats run the economy better than cuckservashits


Guns are a tool, you have a kitchen full of knives that are just as likely to kill you


>yfw you have to run away from a total loss

We should cut peoples hands off.

100% of assaults are caused by hands.

>have several guns in my home
I am 1200% more likely to die
really gets the synapses firing

Stand on the graves of the dead more, idiot.


not an argument.

i saw a lot of attrocities done with a truck, are we banning them too? knifes are also dangerous, we should get rid of them as well. also many underestimate the danger that comes from stones. why did noone ever thought about getting rid out of these? all these stones outside threaten my life. we have to make everything save

>just cause something is law doesnt make it right
The entire basis on your country being made was to preserve the freedom of their countrymen.
Who are you to say that a measure isn't needed?
At a glance it seems like the Western world doesn't need to worry about any atrocity like what has been done in China or Cambodia.
If you ensure the power of the people to defend themselves is guaranteed by law that ensures it'll never happen.

not an argument

Non suicide gun deaths account for .4% if all annual fatalities. Gun related murders are .25%. Despite media hype otherwise, (which has all but stopped in the face of the Trump presidency, bigger fish to fry) guns aren't that much of a problem from a public health standpoint. And pretty much everything else the CDC keeps track of kills more Americans annually than guns. Your argument depends on a narrative, guns are an exceptional public health hazard, that is false.

Idiots who don't treat firearms with the respect they deserve shouldn't have on.

That being said,


it always boils down to these specious hysterics for some people. Meanwhile, the rest of us would actually be safer if the bottom of our society's barrel wouldn't decide to play assassin honor guard in the event they disagree with something the government does.

Seriously, does my vote count the same as some of you?

>5foot woman living alone
>a fucking teenage boy could overpower her
You don't think she has the right to a weapon? She's allowed to have locks on her door but not something to defend herself with? That's the whole point of locks isn't it? Dumbass

your retarded if you think slippery slope isn't a thing.


People only complain about "loose gun laws" because they don't live in a warzone like Brazil
We have strict gun laws and the results are there to be seen

I am pro guns. I think every white people this days have the right to defend his family for any home intrusion or violence. Some one who will enter in your house with bad intentions will always have a gun, why we should not have one also?? The myth with defend yourself/family with free arms does not work, no matter how big or trained you are, a gun is a gun. Let's not be hypocrites.

Second this.

dude the 2nd amendment was made for that very reason, how can you even make such a point?

>uses appeal to popularity (voting) against individual rights
>thinks he's mentally superior with such a vacuous reply

The supreme court has ruled that the government does not have obligation to defend the individual, that lies solely on the individual.

You don't like guns? Start knocking or doors or breaking into houses and taking them then instead of posting a Vietnamese paper machete forum.

>Having a gun in your house increases the risk of being killed by a gun

Wew never thought of that. Better go sell my gun! Falling, poisoning, fire, choking, and drowning are the 5 leading causes of deaths in a household. That picture is retarded.

Take out black crime and let's see what the homicide rate drops to.

Everyone! Calm down now!
Op.... Tell us your feels.

Where were you OP? That poor innocent old man just got stabbed to death. Hmmmm. Well I suppose if he had a fuckibg spear he MIGHT have been able to defend himself but that would certainly be more dangerous than shooting that dindoo, huh? Nope! Knives are deadly as fuck so are rocks, cars, water, and animals.

Guns are legalized to prevent the government from getting too cocky and doing whatever the hell they want. It's the only reason they havent gone full 1984(though they're pushing the fucking limit), pic related.

The "MUH GUN VIOLENCE" argument is blind of this. Illegalizing guns may decrease GUN violence but it wont stop it from going underground and then only criminals and gang members will have them. Not to mention, non-gun related murders will simply increase.

For everyone but the genocided race you autist

im not a gun grabbing grabber, but that assertion that private ownership of firearms will prevent governmental tyranny is laughably wrong. Our government is already tyrannical anyway, but you dont see it because the means it uses is not heavy power. without a unity of some sort, no amount of guns is going to stand up to the government.

Twice as Manny self defense shootings as there are actual homicides.

Move out of the USA if you don't like firearms.

>people who get suicidal sometimes buy guns to kill themselves
>people who abuse women sometimes buy guns and kill them
>guns are responsible for the majority of children killed by guns

Wow those are some really deep thoughts. I'm going to dunk my head in some ice water because my almonds have overheated.

Why are you so eager to forfeit your rights? I don't care about guns and probably won't ever own one but asking for their abolishment is basically the equivalent of asking for the removal of any rights when they are deemed too "dangerous".

Why do you want less power and options as a citizen?


wtf I hate the second amendment now

you mean the ones that happened in gun-free zones?

oh yeah man those were horrible

I wish I could have a gun... is america my home?

>Mass shootings
>Conveniently excluded gang violence and terrorism, focused solely on mass shootings yet excluded 2 of the leading causes
>Ban guns because suicide
>Bring up black homicide rate, but don't mention the majority of guns are illegal

Okay done watching this video

I want source for all that bullshit.

what war are you referring to?

What's the likelihood of being in a car crash if you get in a car vs. the odds of you never get in a car?

Vietnam maybe. Or any of the wars in the middle east. Sure we aren't total warring them, but the government can't total war American rebels either.
Come home Irishbro

Cum and take them commie

They are greatly increased.
Think of the children.

We have plenty of taters for you to eat too.

Seriously anyone here who is still pro islam and has had any remote attention span and witnessed the mere atrocities comitted by muslims over the past year is fucking retarded. I mean jesus fucking christ people there's a reason why the middle east has the most shia/sunni muslims living together and has the HIGHEST RATE OF ISLAMIC TERROR ATTACKS

Watch these left wing retards scramble over semantics about NOT ALL MUSLIMS MUH ISLAMOPHOBIA

>pic related

Debate me I will deconstruct every narrative you people regurgitate from the muslim forums and the like.

Government or not, it's my god damn right to own whatever the fuck I want. It may or may not be on the right side of law depending on which country I'm in, but I choose to live free and make choices for myself - and will handle whatever consequence comes from it.

For you to argue that my personal choice in my own destiny be removed is epitome of a brainwashed cuck faggot. kys user. You deserve whatever your choices lead to.

Guns aren't for personal self-defense, OP. They're to protect American democracy.

Do you really want Drumpf to take away our guns? It'd probably be the first step to declaring himself president for life.

>13 posts by this id
What did he mean by this?

America only has the highest rate of gun homicides when looked at as a raw number; i.e., without adjust for the amount of people living in America.

Being the third most populous country, what you get per capita is that America, for homicides or fire arm related deaths in general America is surprisingly behind many nations that not only have strict gun laws, but also less gun ownership.

In white communities the gun crimes are low in comparison to those who own guns. It's always when non-whites get their hands on guns do the gun crimes sky rocket.

You didn't debunk anything. Government becoming oppressive is not a slippery slope. It's part of the human condition. Power corrupts.

It's not if, but when.

Answers this honestly. Is the West more free or less free than 10 years ago? How about 20 years? How about 30?

Your slippery slope has been happening for decades but youre too stupid to even recognize.

A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Congrats on not living around niggers, kiddo. Not all of us live a privileged, sheltered life.

The supreme court has ruled that the government does not have obligation to defend the individual, that lies solely on the individual.
[citation needed]

>don't like guns? come and take them
What makes you think anyone's going to confiscate previously-purchased guns if laws governing legal purchases are changed? You don't seem to have put a lot of effort into learning about this topic.

I'll spare you the spelling and grammar corrections in light of your anti-intellectualist slip. Maybe if you could overcome whatever feeling of deep inadequacy is making you feel so persecuted, you wouldn't feel like you need to protect yourself from poor people and the powerful (basically everyone different from you)



Riddle me this: Bad guys comes to your home. Rape you, rape your wife, rape your children. Just for fun. You ask them to stop, Then shoot your children in the knees and cut off their arms. Then they start stealing things from your home. Finally they leave your home. You call the police. The police arrive, find no fingerprints, no DNA evidence, nothing to make a case or find a suspect. Police tell you to be more careful next time, perhaps find a way to defend yourself. Your wife divorces you for being unable to protect her or your children.

Hey OP, along with your moronic pic, how about you give me some stats on how much more likely I am to shoot an intruder than someone without a gun?