>cook the man some fucking eggs
What did he mean by this?
Cook the man some fucking eggs
Other urls found in this thread:
Which man? The one on the left, middle or right?
This movie accurately portrays Maori
What is this thread?
Is this just an NZ poster dog whistle?
I am glad that I have no idea what this is.
It had some great relationship advice for women.
>You know the rules, girl - mouth shut; legs open.
Damn straight.
I crack up every time this story/image comes up.
>Is this just an NZ poster dog whistle?
is this a mitch jones reference??
this sort of shit was happening next door last night, left my window open and got comfy
That's hori tier thinking
Based whites treat women as people
yuros treat women as their superiors
>gee, where did you get those muscles from?
What did Jake mean by this?
When I first moved out of home I ended up in a boarding house.
First week I was there cops came knocing coz the hori in the next room had knocked his missus and she was fuckin screaming.
"Dont you fuckin hit me, DONT YOU FUCKIN HIT ME"
Live in the south kids.
Jake is a lot like a guy I know
where was this?
This sort of shit is why I shake my head when kiwis on Sup Forums say Maori are based
Lower Hutt.
smashmouth cook the eggs
Kiwis on Sup Forums are fucking trash.
The only thing any of them are interested in is cutting immigration.
If the greens came out with a hardline immigration stance they would fucking vote for them.
>Based whites treat women as people
And then they vote leftists into power.
gg no re
Sorry about that one.
>1893 never forget
>You should learn to pay your respects
They wouldn't vote leftist if men didn't act like wusses
Honestly I'm pro enviromentalism, but I'm anti socialism and anti immigration
So would that make me a rightwing greenie?
The reasons I wouldn't vote greenie are they are socialist scum and they are pro immigration
also lefties in NZ are huge hypocrites
John Key wanted to make a huge marine reserve in NZ, as only 0.1% of our surrounding waters are protected it, but all the lefties and Maoris said it violated Maori fishing rights in the treaty and bullshit like that
I dont mind protections against pollution and all that but the Greenies are as Watermelon as they come. This election is driving me fucking crazy. Id love to vote Winnie, but he looks to be buttering up the greens to show he can work with them if need be and I cant in good conscience vote for him if it results in the socialist coalition taking the treasury benches.
The thing about that as well is those fishing rights they are granted havent been used for decades. They held up the process simply because they wanted to be acknowledged and given special privileges because Muh Treaty.