Does anyone legitimately believe this man is doing a good job?
Does anyone legitimately believe this man is doing a good job?
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There are aspects that are good, there are aspects that are stupid.
Overall though, net positive.
At least it's not a nigger.
gas yourself kike shill
Does anyone actually believe the UK isn't a muslim infested hellhole?
Better than Obama.
Him being president marks the first time I feel true pride in my nation.
MAGA motherfucker
problem Ahmed?
Not after finding out Israel is the only country exempt from state department cuts. Fucking hypocrite.
No, I wish we could ship them all off, but that's besides the point.
>he's trying to do what he said he would do
I think hes doing great. Hes just acting stupid.
Rural and suburban retards.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
I think he is doing pretty good. The media just hates him.
Don't give an inch.
I do as most people around me seem to be Nigerian.
Your flag is broken
I'm voting for him again in 2020 simply for the butthurt.
That's the key word here. His implementation seems really poor so far.
good thing he has three years and nine months left then
Better than I ever imagined
Or a toxic old bitch that the left would be fawning over right now no matter what she did.
If Trump did what he said he'd do he'd crash the worlds economy. Given how much shit he copped I don't blame him for not having done a heck of a lot.
All he said was we should have borders and that makes him hitler. The people are absolute filth and don't deserve shit.
What matters to me the most is that he's delivering on his promise to deal with the pedophilia/human trafficking issue of our world.
I believe once that has been resolved, the rest of our problems will be much more easier to manage.
Yeah mostly because democrats keep blocking him.
Better than King Nigger ever was.
Obama was a disaster.
He gave the finger to the TPP so he's done more than Obama already in my book.
>Him being president marks the first time I feel true pride in my nation.
>MAGA motherfucker
I'm putting this on a T-Shirt
>Does anyone legitimately believe this man is doing a good job?
The 9 billionaires in his cabinet think he's fantastic and love him biggly.
I had high hopes for him but he's surpassed my expectations. The only thing I worry about is assassination. He's a god among men so he'll probably be ok.
He's done more in two months than Obama did in 8 years. The media can't even keep up with the Narrative they're trying to push any more.
Doing a good job? No. Doing a better job than Hillary would have? Yes.
I can easily explain this as Top Old Fag. It comes down to a few things you need to keep in mind, anytime a bunch of people trolling for something will lead to a good base of morons following suit and taking it seriously. A small example would be the constant My Little Pony trolling which lead to idiots actually thinking they should like it, which in turn produced tons of giggles for the rest of us.
As for trump, kinda the same.. It's a fair amount of people that are unable to think for themselves (even if they believe they do) . Trump is an idiot that makes the US look like a bunch of 6 year old toddlers pudding ketchup on their steaks. Yet Hillary would have been politics as usual a long with accepting the fact we might also have bathrooms for attack helicopters.
He isnt doing a good job, then again the past several presidents werent doing a good job either.
People want to keep the act up on Sup Forums at least because there is nothing else going on. This place is pretty boring unless a nigger dies or some nigger rapes a 4 year old to death. So I am glad trump as been elected because its at least funny to see the posts.
Fucking something up once generally means you won't get another chance for a while/ever.
He's making the talking heads that fill me with impotent rage squirm and keeping enemies and allies alike on their feet, his very existence in the white house is symbolic and indicates that progress can be made and the American psyche can be repaired.
That's a decent job, even if he sputters around and is misguided in some of his policies. I'll never be satisfied with American politics anyway as a centrist cuck.
Does anyone legitimately care? Stopped keeping up and caring the minute I knew Hilary lost. That was always the goal: not Hilary. Now just let whatever happen and move on. If he makes a fool of himself it doesn't matter. Nothing serious is gonna happen, positively or negatively. Life will simply go on.
Is there anyone else who, like me, is now convinced that in general microwaves are being used to spy on us and report back to Obama's deep state?
He's doing pretty good
sage shil threads
Sure, if you count improving ones own golf swing. End of list.
>Does anyone legitimately believe this man is doing a good job?
Does anyone legitimately believe this man is NOT doing a good job?
Every complaint is manufactured whining from the media.
your microwave, Air conditioner, your tv, your computer, your phone, etc etc will increasingly have more technology integrated into them, allowing for software to be installed, allowing for hackers to access it.
People already use this 'network of everything' to do DDOS attacks.
Your cars are already wired to the grid.
Only those that aren't paying attention.
His healthcare and immigration bill is utterly failing so far.
He's basically just cutting programs for the poor while he goes on vacations every weekend.
I think you overestimate how new any of my shit is.
TV, phone, computer, and consoles, sure, but my car, microwave, and AC aren't new enough to do jack shit.
They're fucking watching us and listening to us all the time!!!!
Man, all this cryin' we will have the California drought solved in no time.
The US is losing influence over the world very quickly. He's doing a terrible job.
>tfw a russian hacker can hack my air conditioner and make me freeze to death
we must all convert to the templeOS
Going back to basics
lol "President Trump"
When did that happen?
For 23 years my neighborhood had really narrow and shitty roads. There were no markings on them and people would drive down the center and it would cause crashes.
About a month after Trump being elected all the roads in my neighborhood have been repaved and they painted the appropriate markings. They're also building sidewalks now, which they didn't have previously, which was dangerous considering my neighborhood has an elementary school and many bus stops located in it.
Trump is MAGA, and there's nothing you can do about it faggot.
Are you actually watching him? Hes done more in office than bush and obama combined in their first 100 days.
He's doing a damn good job at what I elected him to do. Which was not be Hillary Clinton.
Oh my God yes. He actually is working to accomplish what he said he did.
This puts a lot of politicians on the edge because normies will realize politicians have beem lazy fucks the entire time.
They need lowered wages and a boot up the ass for their ineptitude.
It's cool OP, give it about a year and you will no longer recognize your country with all the smelly Muslims running around...He is doing a great job thus far. On another note, I love big black dics
People cry about what he's not doing but he's also not doing the shit Obama was. with Trump we know that:
>1st Amendment
>2nd Amendment
>Stricter regulations like TTP, TTIP and on things like coal and other climate change bullshit
not happening
>gay, tranny, feminist agendas
not happening
>funding of Isis
not happening
>bowing down to foreign leaders
not happening
He's certainly taken more vacations than obama and bush combined in first 100 days.
he's also done more for economy than obama and bush combined 16 years, in his first 100 days.
I will when he allows concealed carry in California under the 2nd amendment.
Only a fool would. He has destroyed America's credibility with the rest of the world.
Because they will always, ALWAYS, take a mile. Never, ever apologize to these people either. They don't actually care about anything beyond your destruction.
You mean that the right-wing media you've consumed is finally reporting accurately on Obama's economy, and giving credit to Trump a whopping 57 days into his presidency.
>Republicans control all three branches of government and almost a supermajority of state governments
>"It's the democrats' fault he's failing!"
thats how you know hes doing a good job
He hasn't done anything near as consequential as ACA or Dodd-Frank, let alone anything else Obama accomplished.
I stubbed my toe on November 9th. Thanks Trump!
Universal health care at the fraction of the cost? Is he working on that? Defeat ISIS in 30 days?
>cutting funding to everything except military and aid to isreal
>Sup Forumss guy
top kek
i like him, but the media doesnt
He's doing a shitty job so far, in my opinion. Can't wait for his term to be over and we can all forget him as fast as we can.
Too much white noise around him. Let him do what he was elected to do. And Paul Ryan needs to fuck off.
im a broke bum: the post
The economy is in the shitter, and has been getting worse for years. Don't let the phony stock market bubbles convince you otherwise. Obama's policies just leveraged us even further, the only way to rebuild the economy is to let the paper markets crash to nothing and restart with a currency backed on a finite resource.
>Rural and suburban retards.
>Nuclear codes.
Best president thus far. It almost as if he was prophecized.
r o n p a u l
Most of Sup Forums voted Trump for the lulz and don't let them tell you any different, we wanted to watch him burn it all down.
>suggesting the gold standard
>is to let the paper markets crash to nothing and restart with a--
you literally support Bernie
Republican establishment are fucking him by pushing their retarded agenda on him just as I expected. He also needs to just shut the fuck up because his mouth is alienating people when he hasn't really even done anything yet.
You're dumb as fuck.
At least he does not have British teeth.
It's his 2nd month in office. He has 4 years left. Calm down children.
we won't even know if he does, the media have proved several times that they can't be trusted when it comes to Trump and the only other source is the man himself
*8 years
Bernie still has a chance
If the commies are angry, that means he's doing a great job.