What do you do /pol when a Dindu needs a ride and you are doing uber as a part time gig?
Do you hand this shitskin your money?
Do you put the gas to the floor and crash your car ?
Do you kindly give your earnings over to the dindo ?
You drive for Uber, pick up a black man, next thing you know he is robbing you in a choke hold
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I'll do a Krav Maga move and start running
Give him one star
That'll teach him
I just don't give them rides. Whites, asians, hispanics even, fine. No blacks.
I drop my kfc and run.
Little did he know that kfc was actually an explosive device.
I tell him to put on the rig and then let Dog keep an eye on him.
would it be kidnapping if i drove off with this bitch still in the car?
He relaxed around blacks.
You never relax around blacks.
Uber drivers do the raping around here.
that voice though
What is he saying over and over? Is it "dig it out"? Like what is he gonna dig out? Is he asking him to pull out his dick?
>letting a nigger get in your vehicle
>letting a nigger behind you
>not having a loaded pistol easily accessible while niggers roam the earth
That liberal brainwashing didn't work out so well for this genius driver.
>picking up a black man
>not getting robbed
>Drive for Uber
>Respond to pick up
>See black man waiting
>Keep driving off
Probably to take out whats in his pockets
"dig it out" means get your wallet out your pants pocket.
just typical nigger slang.
What would happen legally, if you ran the shit skin down after he took everything ?
>mfw white boys cant compete.
>turbocuck didnt run over the nigger after he literally WALKED AWAY.
>Driving people around
>Not owning a gun
He gon learn today
how the fuck was he supposed to know, he keeps saying "dig it out" and nothing is happening. Maybe the guy does not understand..
Does Uber allow you to have a loaded firearm in the vehicle as a driver?
source on that pic? looks hilarious
Nigga knows about 3 words
>I just don't give them rides. Whites, asians, hispanics even, fine. No blacks.
uber dings you for it though and you stop getting calls
(((Krav Maga)))
Niggers repeat themselves constantly. It's some bizarre shit they do. Watch any nigger in a fight and they babble the same few phrases or words over and over. Same thing for alot of rap.
Can't watch the vid right now. Let me guess either "Gimme yo wallet" or "I dindu nuffin."
Really? Or meme.
white guy knew what he meant, but being choked by a nigger kinda fucks with your thinking process and motor skills.
does uber have to know?
drive away very quickly
There should be a race checkbox so Uber drivers don't have to pick up blacks.
Blacks have a much higher probability of committing violent crimes, so it's not racist to not pick them up. It's rational self-defense.
Do we not have a right to rational self-defense?
Isn't an Uber driver's right to stay alive more important than a black man's right to get a ride? I think so.
Ban blacks from using it.
>"Gimme yo wallet"
The problem was he never actually vocalized this, so he just kept strangling the man waiting for him to present his wallet even though he forgot to actually tell him so.
>Do you put the gas to the floor and crash your car ?
>does uber have to know
I assume the one time some someone uses they are gonna know seeing as it'll cause a national dindu incident
it's probably true. you hear everywhere that uber is trash to work for
There's a reason why it's hard for niggers to get cabs in the first place.
his first mistake was relaxing around blacks.
Funny, prostitutes do the same thing.
Can Sup Forums or /pol in generall write an app and put it in Google play that is a clone of Uber
but only allows you to pick up white people or Asians ?
I know that dindus often target Asians violently because its assumed they all are high paid doctors of some sort.
I read an article about a couple of dindus beat up and robbing some senior citizen china man
>Funny, Prostitutes do the same thing.
Case-point: Reason is that their pimp is probably a nigger and blacked (raped/kidnapped/; or both) them into hooking.
can someone please answer this
im just differs state to state
Somebody is doing the raping
I thought people avoided picking up black people because they didn't tip. I didn't think they would attack drivers but I guess im not surprised.
From what I understand it has more to do with blacks:
1. Carry diseases
2. Refusing to pay/raping them when they demand payment up front
3. Haggling/paying for something cheap and trying to force them into more for free
4. Leading them into a room with ten other guys or inviting ten other guys over and demanding the prostitute have sex with all of them
5. Robbing them whenever they are in private
6. Trying to convince them they are their new pimp
7. Murdering them after any of this, over any disagreement, or for no reason at all
They also generally treat them like dirt and inflict pain for no particular reason. They also have terrible hygiene and a lot of them never use condoms. It's unsafe, it's bad business, and it's all around unpleasant. It's kind of like how blacks don't tip in restaurants in addition to causing the biggest disruptions and messes. Just don't do business with them at all, and definitely don't relax around them.
If you pulled a gun and shot him right when he left the vehicle and turned his back to you, would you get in legal trouble in USA??
In Florida no. In other states is may vary though.
Who cares... We don't use uber, we have lots of money and can drive ourselves. The main problem is you kids won't race mix and get along with Tyrone. You are racist, sexist losers.
You millennials are all spoiled pieces of shit and you need to learn to respect your parents.
Yes, sir. I agree.
please add my case-point as well:
>8. There is a 90% chance a prostitute has a black pimp -- to whom he/she has been forced into sex slavery, and or follows strict rules instructed by the pimp -- not to allow the prostitute's clients to be black -- for turf or gang relations/reasons -- or as a sign of street credit and dominance over other blacks.
That just sounds a bit wacky to me but blacks aren't exactly smart so it's hard for me to say. You're probably right.
This is why you say "Hey nigger you forgot something" then magdump him when he turns around. That way the entry/exit wounds will back up your claim that he was charging you and you had no choice but to shoot him.
NYC blacks have been complaining for decades that it's impossible for them to get a cab in the city. It's like they completely lack any self-awareness, or ability to reflect and think "Hmmm, maybe it's because the immigrant cabbie just wants to make it home alive to see his wife and 12 kids."
Nothing you can do at that point. I would give him what he wants, then when he gets out pull my gun out of the glove box and chase him down. Either I catch him, get my shit back and make him kiss the dirt until the cops come or shoot him if he tries to attack.
Can you not offer services to people you think might be dangerous?
I'm thinking about being an uber driver but I don't want to pick up niggers or spics.
I want to install things like this all over my life
2nd Degree murder in most states (ie, it's murder without premeditation).
You can only kill in self-defense if a jury is convinced that you reasonably believed that your life was in imminent danger. On top of that, in many states you have a duty to attempt a retreat before you can use lethal force.
t. young attorney.
>tfw shitskins/indigents can't afford cellphones with GPS and will never be your Uber drivers
For once it's good to live in this shithole of a country.
>In other news, Danny Glover silent
niggers are scary
i went to school full of them and i still haven't gotten used to being around them. i moved to the next town over -- complete opposite. now whenever i go back to visit my parents it's like i get culture shock.
and nothing of value was lost.
if you ignore all requests for uber pool, you are gonna filter out 90% of the niggers because they are cheap as fuck.
also entitled college kids get filtered out by this.
Do you drive?
you would be a fucking moron to take it to a jury trial period.
>hire great attorney
>attorney knows a judge with sense
>Judge. Sense is your bench trial judge
I mean think of it this way, your chances of being assaulted, robbed, murdered, contracting an STD, raped, etc all significantly increase when interacting with niggers. It's only natural people start to form avoidance patterns.
I can neither confirm nor deny your allegations, buzzfeed.
t. spaniard shill cuck
At that point its no longer self defense, youve moved into premeditated territory. You dont want to be in premeditated territory. Either shoot him during his chimp out or rely on the cops, there is no option C.
>sees black person
>let him sit in the same car
smashes his head in with a hammer... then runs his pockets... AND THESE CUNTS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TREATED EQUALLY? FUCK OUTTA HERE.
The majority of prostitutes do not have a pimp. Sorry to interrupt your cuck fantasy though.
I drive for Uber, common sense is your best friend
Would you ever go to hood at night?
Would you ever allow more than 1 nig in your car?
Would you ever put yourself in a dangerous situation willingly?
Then dont do it on the job. I have no problem picking up nigs in the morning, but I absolutely refuse to pick them up if the sun is down.
>expecting a nigger to think critically
Grab the tire iron out of my glove box and Glock under the steering wheel.
Youre already in a choke-hold, should have had your hand on them preemptively.
i am not a cuck so fuck you.
my major was psychology i worked at a youth recovery place for sexual exploited and trafficked kids.
majority of the girls were white and ages ranged from 12-16.
every single girl was pimped by some nigger. the fbi finally stepped in 2005-2006. this is an era pre populous of craigslist and backpage. mainly just low key sites like myredbook -- to whom the pimps would use.
>The weak should fear the strong.
>picking up niggers
Deserved it.
I worked with a lot of nigs in the Navy and while alot of them still wanted to be hood, we got along better than they did with most other white bois. Its hard to get the nigger out of a nigger, but I knew most of them wanted to do more with themselves than be in prison or in a worldstar video, and I could respect that. Some worked really hard, got a degree while in and ranked up fast, made a career of it and went far.
Basically 90% of the female nigs were trash though. Doing everything possible to get out of PT, watch, TADs, or anything not behind a desk. If they weren't pregnant, they were injured. Slept around with every black dude in the division, usually the ones spreading STDs.
uber underground driver here ( i drive for criminals for cash and/or drugs )
ask me anything
what kind of dumb ass drives for a living and doesn't have a gun below the seat
should've shot that stupid nig as he walked off
Why are you LARPing faggot?
underground? you drive in tunnels?
I always thought the 'underground railroad' was a metaphor
same thing happed to me when i was in A-school, i went home for thanksgiving liberty and when i came back i found out the nigs went hogwild and turned the place into sodom and gommorah, posting gangbangs on myspace and everything.
thanks to them the whole base was on lockdown for a month. even one of the instructors got BLACKED.
what pushes those girls into prostitution?
let me guess, are most of them from single mother homes?
How are you going to get the gun when he has you in a chokehold?
He should have started driving really fast and then run into a lamppost so that nigger flies through the windshield and explodes his cranium on the pavement.
did you not see the nigger walk casually after getting out of the car
>let him have his way with you, then shoot
great plan
Colin Flaherty did a pretty good breakdown of this video. Lots of red flags, aside from the obvious (nigger).
this is subjective: some are from single homes, some were drug addicts, some where seriously good kids that were kidnapped. i have seen it all.
also, it amuses me that a Saudi of all people -- guesses that the lowest common denominator for little girls forced into prostitution is the facto of a single household parent or guardian...
your culture and your people enslaved most of the west for centuries. your country funds most terrorism.
of course i am not bashing you as a person.
Does Uber do any kind of background checks? It seems like they let anyone be a Uber driver.
that was his only opportunity
i know in the animes you watch, they do some back flip gay ass ninja shit but this is real life you fucking queer
Niggers are genetically incapable of controlling aggression.
Civic nationalism is bluepilled as fuck. Ethnic nationalism is the only path.
low impulse control + lack of empathy + high level of aggression + lack of ability to predict future consequences for behavior and perform cost+benefit analysis.
southerner checked for truth
>>sees black person
>>let him sit in the same car
this. it's like you're asking to be raped/mugged/murdered, probably all at once
well 300+ years of slavery and institutionalized racism tends to have a negative affect on people. I bet if it was the same with whites they'd act the same.