Destiny likes to fuck 14 year old girls
Destiny likes to fuck 14 year old girls
>he doesn't like banging 14 year old girls
Ok we get it sargon of cuckod
You're literally a faggot bruz.
You are a pedophile
You are a faggot
for you
That makes absolutely no sense.
Men statistically are attracted to younger girls. PERIOD.
A 14yo is a grown mans sex toy, men don't date young and stupid females because they love them for their intelligence and personality, they just want to fuck.
>tfw you never got teenage pussy as a teenage boy
feels bad
I prefer older gals with junk in the trunk and a dominant personality
>mama Merkal will never sit on your face
Honeslty I want to suck on her nipples and put my penis in her clean bleached anuz
teenage puss as a teenager was always awkward. even the hottest chicks your age didnt know proper vagine hygiene. I remember getting the one chick that developed early when we were in the 7th grade and my finger smelled like sweaty armpit for two days. women I've been with, smells like nothing or sweat tea
lol I looked at the rest of his reddit comments, jesus christ this fucker is insufferable
>not salty milk and coins
Found the virgin
Canada, the post
who the fuck is destiny
just another faggot pedo e-celeb
better if you dont know honestly
oh sorry you wouldnt know him by that name
that should ring a few bells
Some faggy e-celeb. Sup Forums is underage as usual.
SJW e-celeb that tries to debate with his emotions and ignores facts.
>he never got to experience PTP in high school
He's right tho
Some fag that started shilling here like 3 days ago.
>taste like sweet tea
'bama or Georgia?