
should user fix the billboard?


I guess you could throw on a gurann sunglasses, but there is no real way to really improve it.

I think just whiting out the dollar sign parts of the swastikas would get the most trigger for your buck

It could use a user makeover...

yeah, shoop one of (((them))) over it, a rothschild or something.


Phoenix here, what did you have in mind?

The billboard is badass.

>Still not 45 degrees
>Still looks like shit
Remove the clouds and fix the swastikas

$100 says this Karen Fiorito is another Luciferian weirdo like Abromovich

agreed. i would put this picture up on my wall.

Chandler user reporting in.

Nah m8 that shits cool

>they did it for free

Are they implying that money makes you a nazi?

Get 8 chan on this!


I think if someone snuck up there with a can of white paint and just fixed the swastikas that would trigger the country into oblivion

If real, I approve totally. Should have just put the swastikas of peace.

Lol some kind of Buddha cat and MSpaint tier bullshit meme on a billboard?

"Praise Kek" in white letters is still my favorite option.

contact the artist and say you're a big fan of Trump and want a print.

the money thing is stupid, if anything that's the jew's department. That's why to fix it, they should just be turned to swastikas, it will say more directly what they are actually thinking anyway, and will desensitize the masses

Its pretty badass, we should turn it into a shrine. Put MAGAStuff at the base.

Use a drone to paste on Merkel's face over Trump's. It would be hilariously symbolic. Probably far easier than gluing on another Pepe shirt and MAGA hat.

> Put MAGAStuff at the base

fuck that might work, if we enjoy it the libtards. would have a shit fit. The artist obviously wants to trigger people so if people we give it praise her head might explode.

N.PHX user chiming in.
Would love to participate when the hour draws near


Isn't this copyright infringment? Those mushroom clouds are from the 'Twisted Metal' series.


some arizona user needs to put soros, a rothschild, clinton, obama, or merkels head over it

Cover the NatSoc dollar signs with Stars of David...see how the media reports that shit.

Absolutely Soros goes behind the two swastikas in the white areas, as well as a notification to the Metal Gear publishers re: copyright infringements, unauthorized use or graphic media.

It looks good enough already. The swastikas are a tad excessive.

*of graphic media.

Maybe one Hilldog, one SSoroSS

Hang HWNDU flag ripped in half from billboard

*Can't get my own posts right
Notify Twisted Metal publishers...

Why? It rules.

to be white is to be a narcissist

Only improve it. Its pretty badass the way it is.

The mushroom clouds look awful but I do like the dollar-sign logos.

just fix the swastikas, the dollar sign things are stupid and they just want them to look like swastikas anyway but they were too afraid to do it. turning them into pure swastikas would shock the county beyond comprehension, pressing restart on our national psyche

Its almost a perfect Sup Forums meme the way it is.