Why are there brown haired neo-nazis when Hitler wanted to kill them?
Why are there brown haired neo-nazis when Hitler wanted to kill them?
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did he?
what do you mean?
Because he cared more about race and origins than redundant colour information. A nigger or a faggot would never survive nazi rule, but an african or a gay man would likely find a tour of the place quite palatable.
He never said that you retard, literal 70 year old propaganda.
He did not want to kill anyone kike
hitler loved everybody, even the aays
Why was Hitler brown haired?
Nice source dude
Let me just pull up the AskJeeves search results or some 14 year old nigger on Yahoo Answers
>Hitler wanted to kill brown haired people
Ah a newfag normie who was taught the NSDAP wanted to kill people who didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes or some strange shit.
Please don't. That dude with the top answer is a retard.
Why are blue things just red things that are further away?
>Why are there brown haired neo-nazis when Hitler wanted to kill them?
>when Hitler wanted to kill them?
how the FUCK do you know what hitler wanted?
do you have papers from hitler telling you this?
so, where do you get this information from?
ya, from the victors. who write history to fit their view. So shut the fuck up.
Blue things are closer and they red shift as they get further away.
What a source.
I bet you use snopes and wikipedia in your citations as well , fucktardo.
whoa, it's almost like Hitler didn't want to kill brown-hair, brown-eyed people
GTFO with this stupid shit
Hitler had Japs as allies, Muslims and even Jews in his army.
Fuck off slide thread
>hitler was trying to do whatever I think he was trying to do
I can also make up history too.
The Nazis didn't kill based on hair color, they killed people based on ancestry IIRC. I'm willing to bet there are idiot Neo-Nazis who would have been killed based on where their great-grandfather was from, though.
this doesn't stop them from being accessible in multiple timelines simultaneously. your timeline is not the timeline of the thing.
test it out. next time you spot a bluebird, look on the ground closer to you for the other bird.
or live forever in the matrix in blissful ignorance, like I care.
Have you gotten your history from reddit?
There were plenty of brown haired people in Hitler's army. He didn't kill those with brown hair and light eyes.
Alpinids (phenotype common in Germany) can have brown eyes and brown hair. Eugenics laws did not pursuit European phenotypes.
Hitler had brown hair you idiot.