Why does Sup Forums consider Russians, and slavs generally, white?
For reference, top is Germans, bottom is Slavs
Why does Sup Forums consider Russians, and slavs generally, white?
For reference, top is Germans, bottom is Slavs
Because we are you dumb Burger?Some of the most Whitest countries are in Eastern Europe like Poland Slovakia Slovenia Czech Republic etc..
Is this some kind of divide and conquer tactic? The (((Bolsheviks))) is EU today.
But Hitler clearly states you are not white and never have been.
You are subhumans plain and simple, and you slavshits destroyed the white race's last chance to live in peace.
Because their women
I am very happy we did this
You guys are Balkanic
Slavs are just lower whites
this thread is not for subhuman slav(e)s
Thats some drawn out of nowhere graphics. Real people on pic related.
Why don't you follow your god example and blow out your brains, OP?
Did you edit the pic or they all just look naturally disappointed/sad?
I like that Pepe but still you are monteNEGRO
nice photoshop
slavs are always sad because they are subhumans. that's why the drink so much
Subhuman slave you are. So get the fuck out of here. Your ideals are smelling like a corps.
You destroyed Hitler. You and pussy bitch English bitches deserve to get nuked
But who was Franklin DelANUS R?
Hitler destroyed Germany long before 22 june 1941
Thats real people, cunt and real photos. Whilst you display bullshit pc graphics and try to imply something with it. So typical for dumb neo-nazi.
But nonetheless, cry more bitch, it really pleases me.
Your time is over both in America and Germany. Your grandgrandchildrens will have nice chocolate skin and low iq and know what? I'm pretty happy with this fact.
No one cares you fucking Jew.
Good for us. We will be superpower in niger century.
post pick of the concentration camp guards :^)
They only non-white people in Europe are Southern(Meds) and Southeastern Europeans(Balkans, Romania etc)
Nice one , russki
>INB4 epic asstorment of naziaboos
>b-but muhhh arayans
Haha just kys
As my granddad used to say: "Nothing is better then tight, wet aryan pussy ". And he used to check thousands of them.
Who knows maybe we are far far relatives, Austrian flag?
I think you're just mad because Europe and the US not only allowed roaches and nigs to run them over but pulled that trigger themselves. Russia just wasn't that stupid.
The picture is even stupider than you, as Russians have a higher percentage of ethnic blondes than Germans. Any idiot can search this for themselves. And a Russian-speaking Kazakh is no more Russian than a German-speaking roach is German, though that may be in debate after the results of all these gangrapes are born.
It's not Russia currently gagging on their Jewish masters' cocks, you poor brainwashed slaves. :)
hmm, I thought that germans are slavs rape babies.
To make a difference between Germans and Russians in terms of racial hygiene is foolish, but in no way people from Spain that carry negroid and semitic blood are European
Suicide when?
>b-but muh hitler says
>slavshits destroyed the white race's last chance to live in peace.
maybe if Hitler didnt try to gobble up land for no real valid reason, Germany could have lived peacefully under his rule and the reich might have actually lasted 1000 years
Well it's Moscow being minority Russian today and "grandfathers" dying in a horrific poverty. Funny isn't it? Good riddance filth
I think they know how badly they've fucked up and are trying to make themselves feel better about it. They're scrambling with their Soldiers of Odin and rigged elections while Russia continues to take out their trash.
Hitler also believed the best determiner for racial superiority was war, now I wonder why he offed himself in the führer bunker, while the slavs planted their flag on the reichstag?
Literally following Hitler's logic would lead to slavs being deemed the superior race.
We still have an enormous byldo class, we're not all degenerates. It's like comparing pajeets who can't poo in a loo to sikhs.
The poorest in Russia live better than the working class here, who cannot afford non-GMO food as the Russian Federation banned so much of it years ago, who can't afford health insurance, and who live in increasingly polluted and criminal environments and can't even say "a black man raped my wife and stole my McDollar Menu cheeseburger" without being called a racist. Don't you ever feel nauseous eating all that shit straight from the Jew media's asses?
>they all look like depigmented hapas
Define white?
>The poorest in Russia
Their WWII vet "heroes" are dying in poverty every year. The poorest in Russia lives just a tiny bit better than an Indian
lol, The reason that the white don't have their own countries is not because of Hitler or Stalin. It's because of (((Reagan))) and Bush. And their (((new world order))).
They denied you the right to have own your country.
>Their WWII vet "heroes" are dying in poverty every year
These a plain fake.
If you actually look up the original median face of each couple try you'll see that the pics like keep here are artificially shopped to make Russians look more ugly.
As always the "le X not white" shit proves to be build on lies and is nothing but d&c and cheap demogoguery
all the slavs are frowning whilst the germans are smiling
This cannot be right.
also, the germans should be more brown
Op is clearly imbecile, Hitler was doomed in 1941. And the plan, forced by american and european establishment, to exterminate whites have nothing common with WW2 and Hitler.
If it was not Hitler deeds, (((they))) probably could have used any other reasons, both real and completely fake, to justify "white guilt" enforcement.
Hitler had no intentions to genocide you. You literally fought for the Jews, half-tatars and gypsies
Damn user, you broke Sup Forums
Very much this. Nice to see a woke Aussie instead of some fucking chink
Really OP? I may not live in Russia or Germany anymore, but let me tell you something, Russians and germans are like brothers, and everyone who lived in behind the Iron Courtain knows it.
I wont tell you communism was good or anything like that, but the brotherhood between us decades after WWII was great. At that time we just wanted to survive, and russians had germans back and viceversa.
Even though the relations between our countries are not good at the moment I would never fight against a true german or a true russian
Hitler didn't say white or not. He said Untermenchen / Ubermenchen.
I'm not going to argue that slavs are Ubermenchen, even though slav life best life, but I assure you I'm whiter than most of Europe.
>Most of Europe
If not then why they use slavic face in propaganda about untermench?
>The poorest in Russia live better than the working class here
fucking lol
Was that made before or after the fighting began? I would guess after, since it has guns.
But even before, the idea of lebensraum would have made it relevant to cast Poles as being lesser.
Because he's a commie volunteer fighter in Spain. Commies were Untermensch by definition
the Übermensch thing was about creating a literal Übermensch with old germanic magic this Über and Untermensch thing about slavs was just allie and commie propaganda
You should have used old Germanic magic to make ubermensch imo. And actually exterminated the Jews.
What a better world it could have been!
Hitler spoke since 1933 about the conquest of the living space in the east. There are people would should to be slaves or killed.
Nazis were enemy for all people of Europe.Not for niggers nor muslims.
Hitler did nothing wrong but only to niggers or Muslims.
Citation needed kike
Good. I'm glad we did. You fuckers deserve to burn and we will happily piss on on your worthless corpse.
In the unpublished sequel to Mein Kampf, the Zweites Buch (1928, Second Book), Hitler further presents the ideology of Nazi Lebensraum, in accordance to the then-future foreign policy of the National Socialist Party. To further German population growth, Hitler rejected the ideas of birth control and emigration, arguing that such practices weakened the people and culture of Germany, and that military conquest was the only means for obtaining Lebensraum:
The National Socialist Movement, on the contrary, will always let its foreign policy be determined by the necessity to secure the space necessary to the life of our Folk. It knows no Germanising or Teutonising, as in the case of the national bourgeoisie, but only the spread of its own Folk. It will never see in the subjugated, so called Germanised, Czechs or Poles a national, let alone Folkish, strengthening, but only the racial weakening of our Folk.[39]
Therefore, the non-Germanic peoples of the annexed foreign territories would never be Germanised:
The Folkish State, conversely, must under no conditions annex Poles with the intention of wanting to make Germans out of them some day. On the contrary, it must muster the determination either to seal off these alien racial elements, so that the blood of its own Folk will not be corrupted again, or it must, without further ado, remove them and hand over the vacated territory to its own National Comrades.[40]
On 20 October 1939, Hitler told General Wilhelm Keitel that the war would be a difficult "racial struggle" and that the General Government was to "purify the Reich territory from Jews and Polacks, too."[50] Likewise, in October 1939, Nazi propaganda instructed Germans to view Poles, Jews, and Gypsies as Untermenschen (subhumans).[51]
With the Polish decrees (8 March 1940), the Nazis ensured that the racial inferiority of the Poles was legally recognized in the German Reich, and regulated the working and living conditions of Polish laborers (Zivilarbeiter).[55] The Polish Decrees also established that any Pole "who has sexual relations with a German man or woman, or approaches them in any other improper manner, will be punished by death."[56] The Gestapo were vigilant of sexual relations between Germans and Poles, and pursued anyone suspected of race defilement (Rassenschande); likewise, there were proscriptions of sexual relations between Germans and other ethnic groups brought in from Eastern Europe.[57]
As official policy, Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler said that no drop of German blood would be lost or left behind to mingle with any alien races;[58] and that the Germanisation of Eastern Europe would be complete when "in the East dwell only men with truly German [and] Germanic blood".[59] In the secret memorandum Reflections on the Treatment of Peoples of Alien Races in the East (25 May 1940) Himmler outlined the future of the Eastern European peoples; (i) division of native ethnic groups found in the new living-space; (ii) limited, formal education of four years of elementary school (to teach them only how to write their names and to count to five hundred), and (iii) obey the orders of Germans.[60] Nonetheless, despite the Third Reich's official racism, the extermination of the native populations of the countries of Eastern Europe was not always necessary, because the Racial policy of Nazi Germany regarded some Eastern European peoples as being of Aryan-Nordic stock, especially the local leaders.[61] On March 4, 1941, Himmler introduced the German People's List (Deutsche Volksliste), the purpose of it being to segregating the inhabitants of German occupied territories into categories of desirability according to criteria.[62]
Hitler who was born in the ethnically diverse Austrian-Hungarian Empire, avowed in Mein Kampf (1926), that Germanising Austrian Slavs by language in the age of Partitions could not have turned them into fully fledged Germans, because no 'Negro' nor a 'Chinaman' would ever 'become German' just because he has learned to speak German. He believed that no visible differences between peoples could be bridged by the use of a common language. Any such attempts would lead to the 'bastardization' of the German element he said.[63] Likewise, Hitler criticized the previous attempts at Germanisation of the Poles in the Prussian Partition as an erroneous idea, based on the same false reasoning. The Polish people could not possibly be Germanised by being compelled to speak German because they belonged to a different race, he said. "The result would have been fatal" for the purity of the German nation because the foreigners would 'compromise' by their inferiority "the dignity and nobility" of the German nation.
>Why does Sup Forums consider Russians, and slavs generally, white?
op is degenerate and fake.
>citing Wikipedia as a source about Hitler
Don't be retarded user.
>only russian women have bert heads
>the men have ernie heads, just like germans
Nice wiki source, Shitskenazi the subhuman
Got drunk with a genuine Slav last night.
Can confirm that he was white.
>muh kikepedia
Deal with it faggots, it's true.
Run to your safe spaces, now!
Great white people against non-whites?
From my time in Russia: Russian dudes look like fucking dogs but Russian women are amazing hot, blowing Canadian and American women out of the water
Man don't need to be beauty. It's matter only for gays.
Slavs might be bad but they are not even half as bad as you (((amerimutts))). Literally a country built by deserters and racemixers. degeneracy
What kind of subhuman is on the left?
What would Leif Erikson say about you? Or the Kievien Rus'?
I quite likely have some viking rape baby blood in me. You should be ashamed of yourself. What's left behind is a combination of the writhing serfs and not-so-best-and-brightest who didn't die in the war.
yeah, nah. these facial averages aren't real. they've been around since years before serious facial recognition or neural nets were a thing yet, which proves they're fake. to do this, thy'd need to be able to adjust the angle, exact expression, etc. to make them line up perfectly like this. the tech didn't exist at the time, it only came into being over the past 2 years, therefore this is fake.
they take a pic of one person, blur the flesh, and superimpose a few hairdos and shirts to create the illusion of superimposition. it's bullshit.
stop falling for jewish tricks
>What's left behind is a combination of the writhing serfs and not-so-best-and-brightest who didn't die in the war.
What kind of thinking is that? If you apply it to Russia it's a industrial wasteland populated by commie contempt subhumans and whores.
Russia got busted up by the Bolsheviks and by WWII. It's a little different.
Western Europe got busted up by WWII, but also by a great outflow into the US right from the start up through and past WWII (including escaping gommunism) until our immigration laws were changed to just dump in as much 3rd world nonsense as possible.
Consequently, the bias for our stock tended to be the explorers, the adventurers, the people of means, and the best of the peasants who could and would leave their home lands to make a better life on the other side of the Atlantic.
USA recieved a lot of scum and undesirables. That's why KKK and WASP gangs were set in place. And we talk Scandinavia you received literally poor people, but that of no relevance. All Europeans should be treated with dignity
IN poverty doesn't mean BECAUSE OF poverty.
I agree.
I'm just saying that one of the earliest explorers of this continent came from Iceland, and that this does not represent
>build by deserters and racemixers. degeneracy
Sven does disrespect to his Icelandic brothers by saying this.
The US has big problems, but being created by some of the best minds and best people is not one of them.
But Icelanders didn't mix with former slaves, slaves or feather people, some Whites Americans did. I can only hope that you will weed these people out with eugenics
On the whole, our colonists were pretty big on genocide. I don't know where the right balance is exactly, but we did better than the Spaniards and the Portuguese. Maybe we went a little too far, I think.
The bigger mistakes were
1. Importing niggers
2. Letting Jews wheedle their way in
3. Letting other international banking powers wheedle their way in
And anyway if you want to know where the biggest and earliest Somali camp is, it's in Minnesota where where the Scandinavians have such a high concentration. That's where Senator Al "SNL" "I'm gay so people like me" Franken is from. My ass they didn't mix. I swear they have cuck in their genes compared to slavs.
Spaniards or Portuguese are not really European people to begin with. What did you expect
That's because your Federal Government wants no real White American areas my friend
>le plain fake, le photoshopped
Slavshit damage control
Is this honestly the best D&C attempt you could muster? How did you pass basic shill training maggot?
>Spaniards or Portuguese are not really European people to begin with. What did you
Fair point. Even the Dutch and the French had better success here.
>That's because your Federal Government wants no real White American areas my friend
And they correctly targeted the meek Scandis. Why the fuck else would you put fucking Somalians in literally the coldest, whitest, least Somalian part of the country?
As the originator of the rope meme, let me give it to you in original format. We arrest the bankers, seize their assets, and freeze those of their family. They receive fair, public trials for all kinds of things up to and including treason. We can have international war crimes tribunals for those who think they should escape -- these will probably be less fair, but that is their choice. In the case of treason and war crimes, we are talking about crimes punishable by death. These people get the rope. Publicly.
And this was quickly extended to people in our government, federal and otherwise, who practice treason or genocide against us. My friend, I'm well aware. That will be the true day of the rope, and I say it loudly in the hopes that the NSA, CIA, FBI, military, and everybody else hears it, because I love my country and I want to see it return to the rule of law.
Because we need more allies and fewer enemies. Whites are already a tiny minority on this planet. If you get sunburned and are of Christian descent then get the fuck in here.
>And they correctly targeted the meek Scandis. Why the fuck else would you put fucking Somalians in literally the coldest, whitest, least Somalian part of the country?
Get familiar with the Kalergi plan. Areas that have the biggest amount of niggrs are of English, French and Scottish descent. Some adopt them, some call them based while bashing on illegal spics. Do you get the idea of wrong causation?
Do you want attack Swedes for cuckness? A bit unfair, they had race eugenics until the 80s. What was with France in the 80s? U.K.? Hungary? Russia? official dogma of internationalism
I'm familiar with the Kalergi plan. That's the kind of stuff I used to be called a paranoid schizophrenic for talking about. HEY GUESS WHAT NOW ITS HAPPENING IN REAL TIME.
You might not understand how cucked that part of the midwest is, despite the old fashioned take-no-shit farmers there who are now dying off, before it got all Jewed up. So not only do we have a demographic problem now, but it's built on on a psychological background of having been told to worship Swedecucks for decades as the great example of what we should emulate.
Emulate? Why should we emulate? If we wanted to emulate why not just stay in Europe if it's so great. So, like always, the lying Jews turn truth upside down. The US has been the most powerful nation and therefore most useful for the Jew to manipulate. Now it's close enough to the Jew World Order that they start to destroy everything.
Swedes and Finns literally were the last to fall in the West. If we speak about US regions your South and Evangelicals are cucked the most of all. You can say all you want, you can't single out some European descent in the US that is more prone to getting cucked.
I'm not a big fan of the Evangelicals. Southbros are Southbros but they need to sort themselves out when it comes to religion.
As for Finland, back during the Winterchan days, my prediction had been that, considering Finland was basically the furthest extent of land-based migration of rapefugees, and considering that Fingols have a great slav-style attitude about life, that it would be best for Finland to be the first to reject them and start a wave of sending them back.
That didn't work out beyond the Soldiers of Odin. But I share your idea that Finland was among the last to fall. Sweden is more of a mixed bag. When they were saying Iceland should have a quota it threw me in to a rage -- who could think that savages from Africa who in all history seemed never to have through of sailing the seas would get on a rubber life raft and get all the way to Iceland to escape some fake war is I think beyond even what a Jew could conceive of.
>increasingly polluted and criminal environments
>not russia
c'mon I'm a slaviboo but that's ridiculous
>Sweden is more of a mixed bag
>race eugenics and ethnostate up until 1980s
>mixed bag
If I reckon correctly Reagan was saying shit like "racism and bigotry have no place in America. None whatsoever" and busy passing amnesty. Stop this meme. Swedes of middle age and their urban youth are a big time scum, but these people were the last to resist.
Damn 2ch shills
I don't care that much about Reagan. He was a nice actor figurehead with a good message, but he's abused these days as some kind of icon of greatness. His wife was a numerologist who successfully managed the White House after Ronnie went insane, and one of his key behind-the-scenes staff told me he never really "got it" the way his brother did. A good example for the time, but it's an old meme that the cuckservatives should let go off into the sunset by now.
Similarly, I put it to the modern Swedes to prove themselves. Will the genetic Swedes in my country be the first to resist? I hope they set an example for the rest of us, but I don't expect it. Will the Swedes still in Sweden be the last to resist? Seems that way so far.
Somehow I don't think having a eugenics program until the 1980s is very relevant given today's situation. I mean, even the Nobel family (eugenics family) has its name on peace prizes to faggot jews like Kissinger for his war crimes and to half-nigger communist faggots like Obama. wow.
because devide n conquer
has to do with Nobel committee being run by cultural marxists. You have to work on your causation reasoning, otherwise you'll get yourself caught into some conspiracy set up by an actual paranoid schizophrenic or CIA shilll. Worked well with Alex jones
And I think running race eugenics is pretty relevant when all the West around you imports subhuman shitskins. It's like sky and ground type of difference
No for the millionth fucking time on /pol
>Spaniards or Portuguese are not really European people to begin with.
Rotfl, the completly lack of notion
what's gonna be next?