How can you seriously argue against feminism? It literally just means equality for both men and women. How can you not want that?

because women aren't equal to men. also sage.


go bait somewhere else

we had this thread already fag

maximum bait

Equality is already a word.

For example, assisting blacks or cunt-carriers or lesbians or what-fucking-ever into university through special programs is NOT equality. Privilege is envy towards whites and males, nothing more. It doesn't assist the male, it hurts the female, and she makes it inside herself.

So like, I don't really give a fuck what you call it. But it's bullshit.

Women are morons that base their decisions on empathy and feelings

>equality for men and women

No, feminism is the opposite - Gender equality is understandable to some degree, not feminism

I prefer.... Equality as my word to use. Not one that is weighted to one side of the sexual component of our species.

But more so I believe in realism... we are not equal, but are both nessecary in the actions each takes to preserve the species.

Equal rights. Equal pay. Equal respect.

There are more than two genders. You faggot.
Now, get off this board and take your bigotry and intolerance away with you.

equal worksite deaths.
equal abortion rights.

Sounds like that all exists already. Been around the world much?

Or are you refering to more men in higher positions around the world? Have you thought about the FACT we are hardwired to win as men? In any competitive means, we will 90% of the time be the leaders and the forefront of innovation or society, regardless of what feelings you have on the matter?
I'm all for the equal opportunities movement, women should be able to break their back and make it to the top if they so wish, but they need to understand you're competing with MEN that have competed with MEN, the standards are way different than an easy going "lol lets just hire for equality" bullshit.

They already have equal rights, nigger. Everything else is earned. Also people aren't inherently equal.

>Equal rights.
>Equal pay.
Equal pay for what?
They already have equal pay for equal work.
>Equal respect.
That's earned.

The problme is that women and men have always had historical priviledges that were also accompanied by responsibilities.Now, women just start protesting and get all of the same rights as men, while men don't get the same rights as women, and women get virtually none of the responsibilities of men.

This being said, second-wave, or so, feminism at least made the case that women were EQUAL to men. Now, modern feminism seems to be making the case that women are somehow WEAKER than men. A strong woman doesn't need a safe space or a trigger warning. Because she is strong. However, according to morons like Anita Sarkeesian, strong women don't exist, and women will be traumatized by hearing mean words! Honestly, the infantalization is disgusting.

Prepare yourself, mountains of trolls are coming.

if feminism means equality why isnt it just called the equality movement?

Feminism is retarded. It does not mean equality for all. It is completely focused on rights for women, and women's issues. What feminist had fought for equal rights for men? NONE.
Stop with this equality bullshit and acknowledge it for what it really is, an outdated form of misandry.

>posting this again after saying you aren't going to waste your time here anymore

Women everyone.

stop making the same fucking thread

Because women aren't equal, idiot.

the fact that there's anti-feminism shows there isn't equal respect.

>movement's name is feminism
>seeks to destroy femininity

Make sure to report OP for ban evading with a proxy.

> we are hardwired to win as men?
mfw retards actually think this

because women are systematically oppressed

this needs to be said moron

Equality is a lie. Men and women are different, so they should be treated different and should be expected to fill different roles in society.
You go against nature for feelz.

>equal rights
They have all the rights they need, show me a law that prevents a woman from doing something a man can
>equal respect
fucking what

Equality of outcome is egalitarianism. Not feminism. It is the same thing as fairness.

This is not the same thing as equality of outcome. If I work more hours then you in dangerous conditions I deserve more.

It's a competitive environment so theirs no such thing as making it more agreeable for one sex.

Feminism is the kiss of death for a corporation. The same thing as a shit test. It's better to be disliked then to not have a business / Nation.


show me the diagram.

I certainly don't respect you. What have you done to earn said respect? That said I also don't expect you to respect me. Fuck off!

I don't even respect men

I want equality too! Like I want my wife to return the favor when I toss her salad. She doesn't like to do that though..... But hey I get to bone her brown eye after though!

>the there exists one all encompassing definition of feminism meme
>not realizing naming your political movement feminism would be polarizing and exclusive
It's like how BLM seems to actually hate white people. Feminism and feminists I experience seem to hate men
My biosystems for survival and perpetuation tell me to behave defensively around such rhetoric and the people who regurgitate it.