Sup Forums how do i defend cutting Meals on Wheels ;-;
Sup Forums how do i defend cutting Meals on Wheels ;-;
Amerifats don't need free food, believe me
food isn't a right
but disabled elderly people do apparently
Meals on wheels is a benefit to society. Speaking as someone who has delivered meals 90% of the people receiving those meals are formerly hard working old people who got their retirements fucked over by the 2008 recession.
>Its the government's job to spend taxpayer money to be a food delivery service
Fuck meals on wheels
Govt. defunds private charity.
Really stirs my soup.
the cuts are irrelevant or 3% of the funding.
Trump cut 3% of meals on wheels budget. The other 97% is all donations.
>90% of the people receiving those meals are formerly hard working old people who got their retirements fucked over by the 2008 recession.
Who voted Democrat.
1) Meals on Wheels is not a federal program. They are run locally by volunteers, with state funds and local donations
2) the tiny amount the federal government has been giving to Meals on Wheels (
Old people use too many gibs already. If they aren't capable of feeding themselves they failed at the first 70 years of their life
Defend? Winners don't have to defend jack shit.
You dont because its not being cut. "Meals on Wheels is not a federal program". The federal government cannot cut Community Development Block Grant funding to Meals on Wheels because it does not give that money to Meals on Wheels. It gives that money to the states, and then some states elect to pass it along to programs like Meals on Wheels. To say that Trump’s budget blueprint targets Meals on Wheels for cuts is more media fake news.
It's the state that funds it, they are just using this as an excuse. My state already doesn't have it.
Thank you based Trump for believing in the generosity of America. Now this good program will end up with more money than before the cuts and it will be 100% funded by people who chose to help and were not forced by the American government.
>implying you should argue with leftists
Helping those in need is un-american.
Those in need are guilty themselves for being in need.
ok the (((media))) was really hyping this shit up, not once did they mention this, fake fuckin news
Don't, you don't need to agree with everything he does for him to still be a net good.
Thanks, friend. Meals on Wheels is a charity that gets 3% of it's funds from block grants, which are the most abused programs in the country. The program that guarantees senior benefits remains untouched.
The federal government only funds about 3% of Meals on Wheels. The rest of the money is from private sources and/or donations.
Stupid leftists are going to flood them with money because the media won't point the above out. Pointing the above out doesn't hurt Trump, and isn't good useful idiot-farm maintenance.
The result is that Meals on Wheels will end up having more money than they know what to do with in the coming years, and the food will still taste like shit.
its ok, we are getting vouchers to Denny's and IHOP instead.
I didn't agree with it in the first place, but I wanted to know if it was all it was made out to be by the MSM
One word: eugenics.
The Military budget and paying for Melania's protection are more important than some old fags.
trump is a fucking douche bag lol
Right in the feels
At this point, if the MSM says the sky is blue, go check for yourself.
government isn't a charity
Stupid niggers, poor people, and the elderly deserve to die, they're a waste of money. Just take a shotgun and kill them all right now.
It's the "Road to Serfdom" thing
Every time the government adds more social welfare, funds more stuff there will be an emotional outrcy how cold it is to take the government out of it. It's a one-way street to socialism
Tell people to donate with their tax cuts.
Thank you for posting this. The media really has gone into full gaslighting mode since Trump won. They don't "technically" lie, but they do seem leave details out when it suits them.
Man OP thought he had one here and got fucked up in the replies with the TRUTH.
Gotdamn it's a blood bath senpai.
Ask these leftist celebrities to donate for the cause.
You don't have to defend your actions in war time to the enemy, you stupid shit.
You take more ground and keep them routed.
whats the TRUTH then, you little twerp?
because in a few years it will just be being used to keep pointless, parasitic boomers alive
You can't. Fuck Drumpf and the GOP.
Ask this to the person you're arguing/debating with
>would you be ok with the government ending support to the NRA?
Chances are they are against the NRA and will respond affirmatively. Then ask:
The most probable answer is that they don't agree with the government using their tax dollars to support an organization they don't support. Follow up with
>I don't agree with the government using my tax dollars to support meals on wheels because they are an organization I don't support
That might make them get it, if not you can finish with
>what if everyone was allowed/required to specify where their tax dollars went when filing taxes to avoid the government using them where they decide to
It's a liberal enough idea for most people to agree with
Federal funding accounts for only 3% of their budget, rest is from private and corporate donations.
They got 50x the average amount of daily donation ever since the news got out that Trump is de-funding the program and many more volounteers signed up for work.
69D Chess.
Positive "rights" are never valid.
People starve to death because they don't have food, not because someone didn't vote to rob everyone else with the police power of the state to pay for "free" food programs.
This is the same world our hunter-gatherer ancestors lived in. You earn your way, or be supported by an actual community of people you know--people who choose to help you with their own money, not rob someone else in the name of "compassion"--or starve. Nobody owes you anything, no matter what women voters and beta fags tell you.
Only 3 percent of meals on wheels is funded by the government. The rest is donation.