dumb libs get put in their place
Libs getting BTFO
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first the flag, then the fag
I'm going to have sex with an SJW tonight,
What do i say/not say?
What do i say after?
Pic related: closest look alike i could find (but this girl has blue hair)
Right when you cum in her whisper in her ear "maga"
>You have beautiful pit hair.
Dont say:
>Your vagina smells like a toilet street in Mumbai
what does a girl from mumbais vagina smell like?
Give her the old Dirty Sanchez when you finish
Literal BTFO
Ask for consent every 5 minutes to make sure you are not raping her.
Ask if she's a socialist.
If she says yes, tell her that you are on too.
After you cum in her, tell her that you meant National Socialist.
Handgun owners are 3.3 times more likely to die from gun homicides than non-owners.
The risk of death from unintentional gunshot injury is 3.7 times higher in gun owning households.
Nuff fucking said.
>The risk of death from unintentional gunshot injury is 3.7 times higher in gun owning households.
>knife owners are 48482 times more likely to get stabed
yeah no shit retard just put the gun in a safe so your kids dont get it and dont be a retard
honestly... laugh off anything she has to say about politics and change the subject, and make sure to be nice to her after but leave/get rid of her quick
And yet, as a free man, I still have the right to choose for myself whether or not I keep a gun in my house.
Europeans are the biggest cucks. Thinking they're going to live forever getting to watch their wives get raped by sandniggers. Guess what, you're going to die. Live a life of freedom and make it worth it.
Wait sex is supposed to last for more than 5 minutes? Why does my dick go limp after 3?
She's going to accuse you of rape.
>an SJW
And you deserve it you newfagging fag
Wow really made me think. Did you know people who own beds are 10x more likely to fall out of their bed than people without beds?
nice quads
i know they're quints, but the 6th digit felt like a gimme
Quints m8.
>that granny cheering
God bless old people, man. They're the reason why Trump won at all.
I think I'm going to give my granny a call.
Ban beds!!
This pasta is older than this board, it isn't new and it isn't written by a nihonjin.
You're an idiot
All stats are from the CDC.
Show this to the shills every single time they bring up the safe space argument. Also the mods are fucking with us yet again.
Do it while you still can.
We need to have daily Redpill threads as well as Daily shill watch threads to educate the newfags from Reddit who refuse to go back.
just do this fgt
Help educate the newfags
>you can btfo someone farming for (you)s
Choke her harder
checked and keked