Umm idk why do you alt-right faggots think real life is like an anime?
Checkmate racists
Umm idk why do you alt-right faggots think real life is like an anime?
Checkmate racists
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I think that the first time we talked to a girl we realized that real life it's not like anime and we have hated humanity ever since.
Your move liberals.
How can Sup Forums ever recover, rite m8?
Blasted the fig over again!
I love Trump and hate anime. AMA
How do you reconcile the fact that you're on a weeb message board that takes inspiration from a weeb anime?
Do you shield your eyes every time you get a 404 so you don't have to look at that green haired anime girl I forget her name, Yostuba or something
Anime isn't made by cis white males
>checkmate athozects
You do realize that there's only 3 boards specifically about western things, right? Sup Forums, /aco/ and /mlp/.
have another one
I'm all for allowing anime. But the amount of it here is excessive, especially because this is a Sup Forumsitics board.
Thats just it. When something happens we dont say "TRUMP IS JUST LIKE THE TITANS FROM ATTACK ON TITAN" because we dont compare life to fake shit all the time like you delusional retards
It's the politics board of an anime imageboard. There can never be "too much" anime. That would be like complaining about Runescape discussion leaking into the politics subforum of a Runescape forum.
Bullshit. You aspies think Ted Cruz during the primaries was like a villain-turned-hero redemption arc from fucking DBZ or something
While we might use anime imagery, our arguments never make the anime-real life comparison. We know the fucking difference between reality and fiction. The left does not understand the difference between real history and fiction.
I never experienced that shit??
I don't mind it leaking in, but there is such a thing as too much if it takes away from the politics.
it's not, but it should be
desu as much as i think anime is overated, gook moot is right. This board was founded by moot to celebrate and talk about otaku culture. Anything and everything else that it has become is simply an afterthought and therefor not the main focus of the website.
Are we on a politics board? Of course. But you have to remember this is a containment board because moot was tired of seeing us spamming this shit on every other board. Anime is Sup Forums and Sup Forums is anime. If you dont like it go to another website like reddit tumblr or facebook.
I say that as someone who barely watches anime and thinks weaboos are mostly disgusting fat virgin neckbeards.
I am a National Capitalist and I do not think real life is an anime. However I will say starwars and harry potter both suck massive donkey balls. Along with the fact that Anime Waifus are much more attractive then you will ever be.
>"Why do liberals think real life is like Harry Potter or Star Wars?"
The funny thing is that there are some redpilled moments in these movies that would go right over liberals' heads, such as this one:
as an analogy for gun control and self defence, for example.
because anime IS real you fucking idiot, Trump is our president.
Anime predicted Trump.
>barely watches anime
Sup Forums started as an anime imageboard, dumb retard
>Sup Forums never changes
Don't you have an election to hack, rusanon?
why do liberal comedians keep saying what i am thinking and voicing the concerns of the silent majority
>Sup Forums never changes
Nobody implied otherwise, but anime's always remained a constant part of Sup Forums's identity.
>if it takes away from the politics
Motherfucker this board is like 90% shitposting.