Muslim Preacher Discusses How European Slaves Will Be Divided - This vile filth of a man spouts the true doctrine of Islam to followers listening to him. He discusses that after conquering their enemies it is only natural to impose sharia law on them. He continues with reinforcing the need for a slave market where slaves can be traded and sold: women, children and men. He repeatedly refers to such prisoners of war as 'booty' and the 'mujahideen's' property and that they should be divided equally amongst the participants in the jihad or the 'mujahids'.

I wish the West would realize that if you just kill anyone any time they makes threats like this, eventually the threats stop.

Day of the rope for Muslims when?

Good. Europeans are just queers and Jew enablers at this point in time. Islam needs to take over.

Tell me why are you parroting neo-con talking points about Islam? Are you a dirty Jew?

Crusades soon brother.

Fuck off Ahmed.


After reading and learning and seeing what Islam is all about, I now unironically believe that conquering their lands and eradicating that belief system would benefit all mankind.
Before you say no, there is precedent for it. The British wiped out the Thuggee cult during the British Raq and the world became a better place.

These are literally wahhabist saudi bedioun rats, nit most muslims or even arabs who think like this yiu know.


As a Libertarian I'm inclined to agree. Muslim ideology benefits absolutely no one except Arab overlords, who themselves are even doomed to die by the sword by other Arabs at some point. True freedom cannot be had under Islam.

more Muslim Internet Defense Force here. Spotting the "conservative Republican" spouting pro-Islamic nonsense is becoming increasingly easier.

Let's see. the same evil Jewish organisations that started the Iraq war see Islam in the west as a threat to them. And since right-wing/nationalist westerners don't have the balls to criticize Jews I'm inclined to support Islam.

It's not Islam vs the west, it's goy vs Jew

Fuck off Ahmed.

Americunts would rather die than think. Keep scoffing down those burgers fatso.

>It's not Islam vs the west, it's goy vs Jew
This guy gets it.


Praying drives Muslims mad. They pray 5 times a day for Allah to destroy the infidels, and every day that the infidels live, makes them that much more unhinged with rage.

If a muslim prays, watch the fuck out, he might slit your through one day.

What makes you think you can just talk a bunch of absolute lies? Islam teaches that everyone has a right to life.

You probably live in bumfuck USA and have never even met a Muslim.

Best plan how to starve every Muslim, because its tier religion n they have to follow it.

Turn every food into a HARAM form, so any meat they eat they couldn't cuz its not HALAL and remove everything else. :D

so if they dont want to starve they would have to leave their religion

Mehmet get the fuck off here, this is a Christian board.
bad news