It begins

>it begins

Other urls found in this thread:

I love this timeline

>holy passages
>the united church of Nazism



and this


Nice OC.

this doesn't really work because nazi was a derogatory term made up by the allies. a national socialist wouldn't call himself a nazi. i know you're trying to be "le epic satirists" but this just makes no sense and is obviously forced.


also you're comparing german nat socialists to random mudslimes on twitter, effectively painting hitler and germany in a negative light. let me guess, you're a civic nationalists zionist cuck from T_D?

Great meme

I fully support it


>I respect Jewish culture

Kikes see Nazism rising in popularity again and this try to control the means of how its portrayed. No "Nazi" respects jewish culture because that's half the reason people believe in the ideology.


get out shill

>Nazi Church
Hitler died for our sins.

I've used this before. I usually tell Islam apologists than I'm a moderate KKK member. I like the clothing and culture, but don't actually subscribe to the racial stuff.


and another




Muslim apologists will never cover

wow recover*

I love it. Kek willing, we make this a meme.

I think it'd be lovely to put a Justin Bieber picture on the right since the guy in OP's picture somewhat resembles him.

another one

How the fuck do you figure I'm a shill when I call out this bullshit portrayed in OPs picture?

Yeah yeah, cool hitlerputtingjewinanoven,jpg faggot, I'm right, you fucking nigger.

Top kek.


It has tons of this shit there to reblog and trigger


Fuck off proxyfag.


last one, OC inspired by an actual "muh islamophobia" poster

PLEASE use term National Socialism and not Nazi

So much shilling..

>hurr im right cuz I say so
sure faggot

Good work

>not getting the meme

>not being an esoteric Hitlerist


I called out how that stupid picture claims that "Nazis respect Jewish culture" which is fucking not true. They are blatantly and proven to be an enemy and you're not going to soften an control this narrative you fucking JIDF ugly piece of shit.

Go fucking die.

I'm not sure how to feel about his. Claiming National Socialism as a religion or a church seems demeaning and counterproductive to the overall goal.

However I do love seeing new Nazi stuff. Especially when its purpose is to rectally rage the left using their own tactics.

So I'm conflicted.

>I called out how that stupid picture claims that "Nazis respect Jewish culture" which is fucking not true.

That's the point you fucking MORON
God you are such a buttmad little shill



swastika is backwards

Do not make national socialism into a religion. Make it more about culture, history, race, ethnicity or anything but religion.

When you call it a 'church' it will only make people them laugh at you, because they associate a church with Christianity, which is already a butt of jokes on the left. They respect other faiths and their places of worship, for if they did not, they would be labeled racist, which is the worst thing conceivable to them.

If you really want to go for the religious angle, make it a 'temple' or 'pantheon' or something. Or even 'synagouge,' if you really want to be tongue in cheek.

>Claiming National Socialism as a religion or a church seems demeaning and counterproductive to the overall goal.

"Oh you can make memes, they just have to be in accordance with what I am ok with and fit my political agenda"

Please kill yourself

This OP is a fucking shill or a 16 year old edgemaster who got lost on the way from reddit or Sup Forums.

That's not even a nazi.



>That's the point you fucking MORON
God you are such a buttmad little shill


That doesn't even make sense. I suppose your assigned to posting on Chinese cartoon internet forums for Israel instead of occupying stolen Palestinian land because you're a fucking wuss eh you ugly JIDF faggot?

>stormtards don't understand the purpose of memes yet again

Leftists already hate nazis. All this does is give them cognitive dissonance for not either accepting nazis, or hating muslims.





We already called out your forced bullshit last time kike. You don't blend in here no matter how hard you try. This is now a JQ thread

yeah no shit

only missing the share_blue.jpg

clown calling cards

kinda worked for the romans

That's because its kikes trying to control the growing Nazi narrative. Observe my posts and the faggot calling me a "shill" for spotting this bullshit, no doubt he's JIDF or part of a different organization.

This is the tactic they're using now and it's blatantly obvious.


Uh yeah, or they aren't going to work.

I'm not reposting this shit.


Here's some ammo for your propaganda OP since you're a "nazi"

The purpose of making nazism a religion is giving it the same protections islam has.





Nobidy takes nazism as a religion seriously, and the small handful of occultist that promoted it.

If you want to point out the parallels between Islam and Nazi ideology, you need only point out its direct influence on organizations like the Baathists.

I'm sure there are good meme-smiths here that could condense the message using quotes from Saddam or others on Israel and Jews



Pontifex Maximus




white ppl getting scurry

nah, its trying to get word-association of Sup Forums to be public with /nazi/ lovers. Normies wouldn't proecess the rest, just guilt by association. Its pretty madison avenue standar politcal sleaze, in other words. Its funny, but many professional comics are (((funny))).

Fuck off shill cunts. You're not fooling anyone

>shareblue trying to shutdown a new subversive meme against the left


Good, because I didnt Jew nothing to any of you.

>t. redpilled kike

I love the smell of a new meme in the morning

>we need to shutdown this subversive meme right now, we can't let the nazis gain any ground

>by dumping actual redpills on the JQ
I hope you don't get paid for this

This shit would never work. It only makes the already weak minded liberals think that there are actually Nazi walking among them. Also, if you laugh at it, you are also now a Nazi. Plenty of Nazism to go around, if you will.


no fucking duh.




we alt-nazis now


Honestly I love jews

>nazi's shouldn't have their own form of taqiyya

You dumb fucking nigger, do you think Muslims project their real views loud and clear to who they consider kaffir? Autists like you are an anchor to the white race

Man this thread is totally organic.

This. Shills content is always lackluster. Tiny brains!

That isn't ShareBlue doing this. Your boss should fire you.

you're not fooling anyone who actually browses. Try the donald

This is just trying to change the definition of nazis ultimately killing the ideology for good.

Well executed by lefturds.

