Uh oh goys. Something big is coming!
Uh oh goys. Something big is coming!
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That just says to me that they've got nothing.
You should know an expenses scandal is not nothing.
Imagine if a commander of an embattled resistance, who hold no territory whatsoever, told you their plan "I think the other side is going to quit any day now"
We're just trying to import more of those shoulder things that go up, why's she crying?
She's the ultimate globalist jew, no wonder she dislikes Trump
>Be Trump's sons
>Have to go overseas for business deals
>Secret service has to come with
>Taxpayers pay for secret service
>Taxpayers are paying for their business trips
Some good logic there
He should have labelled the bells on Maddow's hat too.
Obama's kids stayed at home.
Taxpayers had to pay for Obama's spawn to travel around to twerk and smoke weed.
>I can't answer that right now
Let me translate that for you:
>No he didn't, but I also hate him so I won't say that.
>Obama's kids stayed at home.
They are in high school you faggot, they don't have fucking jobs not to mention actual careers.
t.father time
Who the fuck paid for their private quaker school huh?
Why didn't they just go to Weezy Jefferson Public High like good Democrats? Don't they think our government schools are good?
Obama's kids were preteens without jobs. What are Trump's kids supposed to do, drop their entire lives because their dad is president now?
Coworker of mine was honestly defending the opinion that Trump handing over his business to his kids was not sufficient and he should have broken it up and spread it over multiple investors the moment he entered office.
>Weezy Jefferson Public High
My fucking sides m8!
I'm genuinely curious how those people would have felt about Chelsea Clinton and the Clinton Foundation if Hillary would have won.
Obviously they wouldn't have given a shit.
To demand that someone essentially destroy a multi billion dollar empire already shows that they left any reason behind and just want to complain about that specific person.
Its nothing in American politics
more of the same
Yeah Trump spent all the time and money and effort to become the motherfucking president JUST so that he could use taxpayer dollars to take a few flights to make some deals then bail out.
What a stupid cunt.
>Claps hands enthusiastically
Movin' on up'
>shakes tambourine
>Dances rhythmically
Kek. They got nuthin. Fuck all. The Russia conspiracy failed, the recount failed. Everything failed.
Fucking losers.
Something big is coming. It's called payback, and it's a bitch.
That traitorous cunt is as worthless as them come.
Anyone have the un-edited version?
>claim criminal offense occurred
>no proof
>does not push litigation
this is probably it
also they said no new deals, so she is speculating that its to make deals on her own.
>Secret service has to come
No. They can pay for their own security. I didn't vote for Trump's family.
Why does Trump suck up to the kikes when they hate him so much?
You didn't vote for anything, you're fucking British.
Also the SS can't be trusted so they have hired personal security.
Note that both Maddow and Rivera are Jews.
Hatchet-faced kike has her feathers rustled again.
>secret service has to follow their children
>this is paid for by taxes
no fucking way
The wall will be built and travel ban will be appealed. Fuck the liberal elites
and yet all former president's family members have secret service protection.
Isn't this the same bitch with the bank scandal and her husband?
That doesn't count. She's Jewish.
>Don't protect presidents family and rely on private security
>Presidents son gets kidnapped
>President gives terrorists a gorillian dollars and the nuclear codes to save his son
Penny wise pound foolish.
This is a consequence of electing a president with adult children who fly internationally frequently for their work. If this cost was unacceptable you shoulda voted Clinton.
Did people have the idea that Donald Trumps family would completely change their lifestyles to save on security costs? That was never promised.
He's had private security and ...other security the whole time. Maybe more, but that's what's public.
It's a consequence of being somebody the Jew World Order hates so much he needs all that.
>Implying it's not a President's duty to choose his country over his family if the need absolutely arises
I don't know how closely you were following along, but Trump made a big show in many of his early speeches announcing that his family was behind him 100% and that this was one of his biggest concerns about whether or not to go through with it.
In other words, his family is ready to watch him get shot or be shot. That's one hell of a family.
being old has it rewards
>W-we dont have anything on him, b-but im sure he'll do something to get himself impeached
I'm sure the tax payers are funding it.
People want to kill his family and his daughter was harassed on a flight. I'm sure they now fly with Secret Service.
>Nothing to see here like the Limey said. Move along.
>Reverse ripening of corn
>your father becomes president
>you still have to run the business
>secret service has to follow you because antifa and communists want to hurt you
>libtards get angry at them for this
They're still obsessed with getting their foreskins back.
There is one important point with all of this though.
Trumps jetsetting family running an international business empire is inevitably going to have FAR higher security costs than Obama, Michelle, and their child daughters.
I never really subscribed to the whole Obama is so horrible because of his security costs meme, but Trump is gonna be way worse in that regard...
He's an expensive president to hire even if he's not taking a salary.
Fuck that evil bitch.
Let's keep a running book of expenses.
I never even thought about it much until the reeeee crowd couldn't find anything better to reeeee about. I like this game, and I think we should extend it to all politicians, including those times Nanci Pelosi used military transport for her family -- I think she's on the hook to pay for that IIRC.
Oh also, all foreign aid to Israel is illegal per the NNPT. So let's make sure that all those times our government people go there for a paid vacation that it comes back out of their paychecks.
Fuck that anti-American communist kike cunt.
This treasonous anti-American communist has argued in the past for her own special lugenpress:
You mean her lizard scales are ruffled.
Trump has saved our country BILLIONS since he took office.
The anti-American, communist nigger traitor Obongo spent BILLIONS when he took office.
Big difference you dumb leaf.
Obama only had a few kids
Trump has several kids and they also have grandkids
Don't worry Diane, no one is stopping your husband from snatching every government contract with no competition you'll be fine.
what the fuck is this old jew cunt going on about
of all the fucking people the nazis didn't genocide, why did they miss this bitch and Soros
Now you know the holocaust wasn't real.
the deals were made previous to him winning the presidency. The only tax payer money being used is for security. Stop.
Feinstein is a self-hating Anti-Semitic Bitch. I'm glad a REAL ally of the Jewish People is in office to put these scumbags in their place.