It's unfortunate really

If more Americans paid more respect to the humanities and social sciences, we may not have elected our imbecile of a president. Maybe. Then again, the stupidity of most people is astounding.

Can you elaborate on that? How would the social sciences have prevented people from voting for Trump? Can you get not specific? What studies are you referring to?

if more people paid attention to the vapidness of what the humanities and social sciences have become in the last 20 years, colleges would have their funding cut and the world wouldn't need trump

did you know that more than 80% of humanities papers have 0 citations?

stop allowing faggots to pass off postmodernist neo-marxism as "humanities"when its the complete opposite, its nihilistic

humanities and social sciences have to save themselves before they can help humanity like they were meant to

You're a limp-wristed cuck. College should be abolished except maybe for people who want to be doctors or lawyers. High school will remain an institution for churning out real American men, such as football players and soldiers.

Yeah, I'm so sad we cut funding to people making masterpieces like this and the even more enlightened "Three Blank Canvases."

American college students overwhelmingly major in the humanities and social sciences. Shit that is the most obscure focus of blame ive seen in awhile.

screw the manipulative, machinating social sciences.

i'd fuck donald trump 2bh


How would that benefit anybody you cuck?

damn this is some sophisticated trickery

pretended to be a cuck but was making that $$$$$$$ from selling out some engineering hoe

So if more people spent more time listening to hostile jewish interlopers lie about the audiences ancestors, we would have elected a bought out zio-satanist child fucking whore instead of the god emperor?

Sounds about right to me.

We ain't all (((educated))) like OP.

OP is a bot.

poor girl

I'm majoring in political science, and I still voted for Trump.

At least she has something to fall back on if the engineering thing doesn't work out.

You can't AHAHA cite with AHAHA the way AHA I be AHAHA feelin AHAHA that is AHAHA I feel with the white man AHAHA

>17 TRILLION in debt
>not paying more into non-competitive programs
HOLY SMOKES! It's almost like he's trying to solve our financial problems!
Oh crap! Who would have thought! Fuck! You mean we actually have to cut spending? DAmn!

And how do you respect the humanites and arts? By letting savage animal middle easterners into your country, thats how!


If """modern artists""" produced anything of value they wouldn't need taxpayers to subsidize their crap.

If only more Americans actually had good jobs or made enough money to worry about something other than food or shelter OP

Social science isn't real once you're older than 13.

Witnessed. This is the Phoenix that raised out of the ashes of MGTOW.

if you didnt fart shit out your mouth cunt, i wouldn't call you fuck heady

Bu bu bu what about the niggers? And spics? They need to be catered to!

OP is a retard as expected
