Wanna make the news?

Douse billboard with gas ans light her up!

Pic related

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Triggered Trump tards

>damaging private property is okay as long as I can perform enough mental gymnastics to convince myself of it.
/nu/pol is just as bad as the liberals they shit on.

triggered libtard cuck

>Nazi symbols


Die commie.

You're practically giving your country to Muslims but I'm the commie? Ok Ahmed.

Slingshot with paintballs would be easier you know. Or paint balloons if you have a good throwing arm. Balloons would be faster.

Lol , please come here to AZ and do our bidding since us locals would sooner not risk criminal damages

lol shut up retard.

Lets make it a shrine.
Visit and leave MAGA gear at base

The $ sign is the new swastika.

triggered libtard cuck

Drone filled with paint ans slam into.

Do something with drone! Be creative

Where's this at? Spictown I assume.

where in PHX is this.... 602 check'n in


How am I triggered? I'm not the moron bitching about my leader being compared to a Nazi. Trump is a total war monger


calicuck here i want to move to based az.

should i pull the trigger?

>inb4 gtfo we're full

triggered libtard cuck

Oh your leader is a cunt ans you are a faggot

Trump Shills

Pls no.

1022 Grand Ave.. SE Corner of Grand Ave and 11th Ave..

Why would you burn such an aesthetic billboard?

I don't have a leader I am a leader. Only cucks need another man to be strong and tell them what to do or think. If you can't form your opinions you're a woman

merkel shill

triggered libtard cuck

Why destroy a piece of modern artistry?


but i love you

Lol. Look at larper helmut here.

Lead us mein furher

Oh yes, what a shit part of town.

To piss libs off even more. Why else?

>Why not? Modern art is movement, innovation, new thing, Put fire on it will just put it to next level.

is it slanderous to call or imply someone is a nazi??

holy fuck does the left get away with shit

>that fucking stupid clown face mushroom cloud retarded stock image
I'm triggered.

Give 5 minutes and someone here will do a better outdoor.

I wonder (((who))) made and paid for this sign.

the advertiser probably has insurance, dont do them any favors.

Fuck no, the billboard is great. We should encourage liberals, like the guy who made this, to tacitly, or non-verbally, signal their acceptance of the new status quo. It's quite striking and powerful.

recycling the same old stuff

Just destroy the tower or trow brick at the outdoor company.

why? the billboard is right

y-you too

The billboard’s owner, Beatrice Moore, who also commissioned the display, said the banner imagery would remain up as long as Trump is in office.

this billboard will get the proper adjustments..

>Only cucks need another man to be strong and tell them what to do or think

yeah? well then why is your country in shambles -- i be you do not have the balls to preach what you say on cuchchan in reality -- because in islamic republic of germania, they'd throw you in the slammer for hate speech and crimes against humanity

all my pictures will have nukes in the background from now on. badassed.

even conservatives who disparage the god emperor are accused of being liberal. astonishing. how long have your balls been dropped, exactly? how much tv do you watch each day? how much milk do you drink?

please, please show up to a women's march and say that.

I was in mesa today.
If had checked Sup Forums I would have been up to speed with the info, would have gotten the scoop.
We are having some other local action w/natamer/pol/ on the border.
Making memes about local native veteran residing just south of border.
New # will be #mexicowillnotdivideus #raymonddidnothingwrong.
(Action against mexico in support of mexico returning the traditional Indian land back to the local Indian community. Years and years we have been attempting to get land back). (Note this action is not in conjuntion with tribal Hillary shills in the U.S.)
Keep watching

> nazis r bad

I'm a big proponent of throwing drones into the mix... Just imagine an entire fleet of hivemind autistic drones terrorizing SJW normie cucks.

Tell us where the fuck it is, then maybe

This, lul

>slingshot with paintball

You know how long that would take? Also the paint in them isn't real paint it's like fucking water color

Why is this not the Sup Forums banner yet?

I'd use a drone and paint to put a redpill fact or something similar over the whole thing. Better yet make our own banner and have a team of drones drop said banner over the billboard. Again, something like a redpill would be ideal.

Anyone know who put this up

I'm in the area, when should we get together?

Give him Deal With It shades and a smoke, done. Perfect.

i hope im lucky enough to be made into an epic billboard like this one day.
god dam thats pimp

i'm an hour from phoenix but i'm not doing 7 years for arson. come up with a better idea.

Pretty much this

Hang a tattered HWNDU flag upside down from the bottom, too...

Atleast you didn't deny being a cuckold.

You are inciting a crime. Does your first amendment protect you from that?

Or you know
>Fill them with real paint
*checks flag*
Ah, sorry

Anyone else suspicious of this being a trap/sting?

Hanging a banner just below it is not going to damage.

It's criminal trespassing but, it's not criminal damage.

>Twisted Metal clown mushroom cloud

Pretty sure that's some hardcore copyright infringement.

i'm down but i'm not burning shit. if i get caught i don't mind doing a couple days in jail maybe a week or two, but i'm not going down for arson.

I kind of want to just have a bunch of Trump supporters visit the billboard and leave tokens of devotion like it's a shrine.

We need to turn it into a site of holy pilgrimage.

Lol no. I am shitposting.
However i do wonder where her billboard was for obama.

I like the idea of paying tribute to it. It's a positive message about Trump.

Trump 2020banner, deal w it shades, HWNDU flag hangs from bottom... No fires for the love... It's next to a freeway

I like it, user.

I know I was just curious from a legal perspective.

We shouldn't do anything to it. Committing crimes plays right into (((their))) hands.

Just show up and show support for President Trump.

I think the billboard is perfect as is. Why not embrace it?

>nazi symbols

Yes pol. Obv don't burn the thing. I wanted a thread with fun ideas on how to get them back though for blatant shit against my president.

So far drones best idea.

Repeat this is all for fun

11th and grand

It's just lefties looking to false flag Sup Forums so buzzfeed can write a news story about nazi vandals and validate their views. It usually comes in the flavor of some OP suggesting something illegal and then an antagonist saying that Sup Forums does 'nothing but post memes behind a keyboard.'

Too bad they don't know Sup Forums is about safety.

Why not have a meetup and have a little cookout/social by the billboard? Maybe even troll them a little by having people LARP as kek worshippers?

A better idea would be to find an adjacent billboard and put the same thing up except with Pepe Trump

When and where?

The billboard is at 11th and n. grand ave

I've been thinking about going up there all day... right now actually, just to scope it out.

Again peaceful! We won for a reason

N. 11th and grand ave, sorry

Phoenix user reporting in.

Phoenix reporting.

I expect it to be defaced in a creative and witty way.

Turn it into a shrine if you really want to trigger. They will burn it as a false-flag if they don't get lucky. Which they never are. Leave flowers and candles and prayer slips for a merciless genocide. Leave a Goebbels quote. Irony fags. Look at this picture and ask kek for guidance.

said it before me

>Trump is a total war monger

Who are we going to war with?

i'm pretty the billboard is bait.

I'm in Goodyear, that's all the way across town.

They'll expect some of us in the wreckage.

Sure play right into their hand and commit a crime to show how Trump supporters aren't terrible people.

You realize they are looking for a fight right? Why give it to them? Let it stay, they aren't breaking any laws.