another morning..
Another morning
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time to hit the gym, the range and the games.
How goes your morning, friend?
another roach
maybe today's the day you join the EU
Why bother? Who you tryna impress, senpai?
Only a rough 21,900 to go.
I'm just now going to bed. The nightmares are tomorrow's worry.
Maybe you should commit suicide and take as many of your countrymen with you as possible
you know, just a thought
Nice support group, loser.
Have a drink if it's that bad.
MGTOW is probably a Jewish money making scheme
Who forgot to spray under the bed this time?
Fucking roaches are back.
Join the common cause.
thanks another fucking night is over now where is my switch with Zelda?
It's night time here, desu. I feel good. Life isn't bad right now. Trump is President. The movement is growing each and everyday. My personal life is moving forward.
hahaha I'm going to bed right now and I'm comfy af
you will never be part of europe stupid turk I hate you
You have a point there, senpai
having a nice body isn't only about impressing people. It brings out a significant amount of self-satisfaction.
And since he is a MGTOW (which I disagree with) you could literally ask him why even live if you don't want to mate? Any activity he does will seem futile if it doesn't lead to reproduction or taking care of his offspring.
LOL they why can a fucking twig shit nu-male get a GF and YOU and OP can't? Lifting a bar to put it back down for no fucking reason doesnt win anything for anyone unless you are black. Even then, the 10/10 white bitches will even go for fat black men really anything that IS NOT white haha just fucking kill yourself because its over
Lmao just listen to one of the more proudest of people
why are you up at 5am on a sunday? gotta go to the mosque or something?
My first thought this morning, the second I opened my eyes, was: this again? Life seems so absurd.
Said the ugly loser who can't attract any girls
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