>"100 million Americans smoke pot" - Joe Rogan
Tell me why weed should be illegal again. It's good for you and everyone does it.
>"100 million Americans smoke pot" - Joe Rogan
Tell me why weed should be illegal again. It's good for you and everyone does it.
Should be legal 21+. below that it has been shown to lower iq by up to 10 points.
Nah, weed is shit.
Not enough of a good reason to ban it, but it's shit.
>Tell me why weed should be illegal again
it shouldn't
>It's good for you
>everyone does it
just fucking gas yourself m8
It is not good for you. Smoking anything will give you lung cancer.
It is a drug that dulls the senses, and retards the population. You can get a dopamine response from lifting weights. You don't need to take drugs to get the same feeling. You are abusing your body's biology to produce the illusion that you're doing something good for yourself.
Make weed legal and make niggers get addicted to harder drugs so that they die even younger.
Listen to Jeff Sessions and kill yourself.
>Let's make smoking even more acceptable.
American intellectuals.
>it's good for you
Kill yourself
>It's good for you and everyone does it.
thats not true but i think it should be legalized
Old people shouldn't be allowed to make decisions. They're senile.
As someone who smokes every day, it's not "good for you"
It won't kill you, but it's just like any other self indulgent habit, you're better off if you don't do it, but it's not that big a deal
Came here to post this.
I think I was legitimately made dumber by chronic use in my early teens to my early 20's.
After I stopped for a few years and applied myself (le neuroplasticity meme) it seems I'm way ahead of the curve in regards to IQ.
I think it should be totally decriminalized at the very least, even in large quantities. But holy shit it actually does make you dumber. Sad!
Maybe you were just stupid the whole time and now the Dunning-Kruger effect applies to you.
While I won't comment on other methods of ingestion, smoking anything is inherently bad for your lungs.
>I think I was legitimately made dumber by chronic use in my early teens to my early 20's.
You probably were. Here is a huge read up on weed by a doctor who does these types of longreads often. It's a great blog, regardless.
>wearing a hat to cover your balding head
>iq down by up to 10 points
Bullshit judging by the potheads around me it should be at least a 25 point drop.
>100 million Americans smoke pot
I might believe this if it was people who smoked pot at least once, but I highly doubt anywhere near that many americans actively smoke pot.
thats not how it works
Now explain why prison is more beneficial than smoking pot.
>has life experience
>shouldn't be allowed to make decisions
Prison is a form of punishment. It is designed to discourage those from breaking the law.
Without prison, there is no disincentive keeping people from breaking the law.
50 million Americans do heroin should we make that legal?
Looks like it does lower IQ but the degree that it does remains unclear. Somewhere around the 8 point ballpark. Also the trend of stupider people smoking could skew your perception.
weed has been linked to schizophrenia and anxiety
it is a tool of the Jew to placate the poor populations from rising up
>Tell me why weed should be illegal again
Because fuck the government.
They'd only legalize it if they can tax the fuck out of it. Fuck that. I see exactly what my dealer spends my money on: food and toys for his family.
When the government takes it's cut my money ends up paying for Hoeisha's third abortion or to fund shitty public schools that indoctrinate the youth of the country.
Have as little exchanges where Uncle Sam sticks his dick in your business, that's what I say.
I lift and smoke weed wheres your God now commie
>it shouldn't
why not,Im hate stupid potheads as much as the next guy but "it shouldn't" is not a valid argument.And it seems to me that the legalization of pot undermines (((them))).
I don't think any drugs need to be illegal but Rogan is obviously dumbed down by it.
>is old
>dumb as a sack of bricks
NOPE. Fuck that geezer.
>to have a law to attach stop and frisk law into it
>we should also criminalize "Hooka" too, to catch Arabs
>works better than opiates for pain
Except the law in question outlaws something that doesn't harm anyone else. Someone smoking weed and watching Youtube videos isn't hurting anyone. Throwing them in jail only to then have to feed, clothe and provide medical care for them on taxpayer dime is fucking retarded. Then they get out and with a rap sheet they're less employable and less useful to society.
If you believe this system is a good one, you clearly smoke crack.
did same for a couple decades
>It's good for you
Only if you have specific neurological disorders.
Smoking weed causes lung cancer.
>Smoking weed causes lung cancer.
Got a source for that? Cause I already got one that says you're wrong.
Life has a 40% chance of causing cancer.
It makes a populace dimwitted and unproductive.
That alone is reasonable grounds for banning it.
free the weed
smoking anything is bad for your lungs and weed smoke does contain carcinogens so it is possible
shut up mom this is who i am
kek this unironically. The 2 potheads I know are probably in the 80 iq range.
That would be fair I think. Weed is pretty light as far as drugs go. Although hard drugs like ice and meth should still be illegal outright. Jail and punisher the dealers and makers and send the users to rehab.
weedfags are the fucking worst
nothing wrong with losing a few iq points it really helps with introspection and stuff but kinda wish I had more dopamine
he's saying it shouldn't be illegal. Quit smoking so much user.
Tobacco DOES cause cancer. Alcohol can absolutely also cause cancer. Those are legal.
So explain that while we know for solid fact those cause cancer and yet are legal, weed should be illegal because "Well even though studies show it doesn't, it's still kinda sorta POSSIBLE it could give you cancer."
>Although hard drugs like ice and meth should still be illegal outright.
Meth is the white man's drug.
Nothing wrong with it unless you're a shitty fuck to begin with, in which case you should be exterminated regardless.
Amphetamines, cocaine, and cathinones carved out the west.
>17 year old """libertarian intellectual""" me completely BTFO
Thanks for the rundown user. I saw this on Drudge I think, really is incredible.
>Dunning-Kruger effect
No, I have yet to do an actual IQ test, but if you could use SAT scores as a sort of equivalency, I performed very poorly in high school. Almost the bottom of my class.
Once I got in my mid 20's and off of pot for a few years, I was scoring in the 99th percentile on the ACT Compass in everything language related and really high on math as well. And I barely even studied those subjects between high school and going back to college to finish my degree.
It's like having a different dude's brain desu.
Even if that's true:
1. Cite the law that legally requires the populace to keep themselves smart and productive.
2. Does alcohol make one smart and productive? Does tobacco? Does McDonalds food? Explain why these are legal but weed is not and should not.
Smoking doesn't cripple your faculties to point where you can't even drive a car.
Alcohol is dangerous, but it has been part of European society since before recorded history.
i think weed should be legal too i posted earlier
i support legalization and taxation of all drugs and the user of said drug deals with the consequences they bring upon themselves
Good for you.
O lordy lord
Prove it faggot. Also go smoke a joint and drink a smoothie
>Cite the law that legally requires the populace to keep themselves smart and productive
Productive behaviors are to be encouraged and destructive behaviors are to be discouraged. This is how functional societies are governed.
>Does alcohol make one smart and productive? Does tobacco? Does McDonalds food? Explain why these are legal but weed is not and should not.
Because you can live without drugs, you can't live without food. Tobacco doesn't inhibit you from operating a vehicle, and alcohol has been with man since before recorded history. That is not to say they are not discouraged in their own way. Tobacco is increasingly taxed, and laws made to inconvenient smokers. Alcohol too is taxed, and in some counties of the US, outlawed (dry county).
Weed has been used since long before the time of Christ. Evidence has shown that founders like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson smoked it.
Before 1914 in the US there was no such thing as an illegal drug whatsoever. So it's only been the last few generations that dealt with it being feared and illegal.
So why should alcohol be legal but weed not? Wasn't alcohol prohibition proof enough that outlawing things only makes matters worse?
I smoked weed the night before I took the ACT in high school and I got a composite score in the 94th percentile. Not quite as high as yours, but if the IQ effect were as substantial as you say than I doubt my score would have been that high. I was far from the only one. Some of the smartest kids in my school would drink and smoke weed regularly and got accepted into the Ivies, Stanford, Berkeley, etc. The point is, it may not have been the weed that was holding you back, or maybe it just affects you differently, or perhaps you just developed a bad habit of smoking it daily. I don't know.
>dry county
this shit is retarded i live in texas and we have dry counties and right outside the county lines nothing but liqour stores
>Because you can live without drugs, you can't live without food.
You can't live without food from McDonalds?
That guy says it's almost as bad as Heroin. Come one man that's ridiculous.
This is America bro.
Because like always. Right wingers are greedy lying retarded zionist nagging morons and assholes
Fucking junkies. 100 million americans run a stop sign once a month. So that means it should be legalized.
There's people who do as the king bids, and people who dump tea in the harbor.
The entire country runs stop signs? Guess what the entire country actually does. Breathes. Illegalise that.
>Prove it faggot
retards that smoke are proof enough
>Evidence has shown that founders like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson smoked it.
These same people banned it because this foreign substance competed with local grown cotton.
>Before 1914 in the US there was no such thing as an illegal drug whatsoever.
This isn't reason not to ban harmful substances.
>So why should alcohol be legal but weed not?
It really shouldn't. I don't think anyone will argue alcohol is harmless either.
Yeah, some places don't enforce laws they have. That's not really what the discussion is about though.
>You can't live without food from McDonalds?
Food. You can't live without food. You can easily burn the calories you consume. Self-control is another issue entirely.
>Food. You can't live without food. You can easily burn the calories you consume. Self-control is another issue entirely.
So what you're saying is... even bad things can be fine in moderation?
Thanks for making my point!
If you can smoke pot after a hard days work and get up the next to go to work again then it should be legal for you. Lazy asses who sit all day smoking pot blaming the world for their own problems as an excuse to smoke it should be sent to hell by Jeff Sessions.
>expecting Sup Forums to care about what some pseudo-intellectual meathead think
you are stupid
>Illegalise that.
Are you retarded?
>all this weebs who never had a friend passing him a joint
Food isn't bad. McDonalds isn't bad for you. Constantly eating in excess of calories is.
You can eat a hamburger dressed up with vegetables and condiments and still meet your requirements for calories and nutrients.
Lowers iq a lot
[citation needed]
Yes user. Everyone that doesn't share your exact opinions is stupid. I'm glad I could have this meaningful conversation.
I realized that I had become joe rogan when I started un ironically wearing a leather fanny pack and one of those gay hats in public
>Tell me why weed should be illegal again.
It shouldn't
>It's good for you
>Constantly eating in excess of calories is.
Ah, so the one and only dietary problem that exists is eating too many calories.
Thanks for clearing that up Doctor Dumbshit.
Never understood why weebs and vidya nerds are so anti-drug and often anti-drinking too. Maybe it's subculture tribalism. Drinking, drugs, vidya, anime, go well fantastically.
You are pretty fucking dimwitted and unproductive seeing as you post on this venezuelan carpetweaving board even without smoking you autistic fuck
>iq drop
Wow, literally nothing. If anything, it makes people worry less about things like "iq", so they likely don't take the test very seriously to begin with. Which is reasonable considering IQ is a shit metric.
>I'm quoting things you didn't say to win an argument on the internet.
>I'm so smart.
You sure are taking this personally.
Yeah it's one of those thing I don't understand why anybody would be against, it's mostly harmless and legalizing it could bring billions to the government.
>Never understood why weebs and vidya nerds are so anti-drug and often anti-drinking too.
Because it's only really enjoyable when done in the company of friends, and the "initiation" is done trough friends.
I'm simply taking your comments to their logical conclusion.
i totally believe this. i used to be sharp as fuck when i was a kid. then after smoking everday for 2 years in highschool i felt legitametly dumber. bad memory, slow thinking, and lazier thinking. i wonder what my iq was before i 420blazed it erryday, it's 112 now.
Rogans is good looking for an old guy. no homo.
where do I buy this shirt?
I don't care if it's legal or not, but don't fucking tell me it's "good for you".
because KANGS are going to take thier welfare checks and waltz on over to the weed store
Nailed it.
Fuck anyone who argues this.
You have to be fucking retarded not to see it this way.
We could put a lot of shit-heads out of business and spread wealth through the free market if this fucking piece of shit communist government wasn't such a fucking bloated corpse.
I love the police and society but this shit has got to stop.
Inhaling unfiltered smoke from burning plant matter WILL ALWAYS HARM YOUR HEALTH. Not even the greenest hippie will stand downwind of a forest fire and gleefully puff the "natural" smoke.
Cannabis is not some wonder-plant, it does some good for some people. Smoking it can also do some good for some people. But vaporising is what people should be doing.
If you vaporise cannabis, you get all the benefits, and fewer health risks. Still, nobody under the age of 25 should really be doing it if they value their mental health.