Why is rape so common in Japan, and why do the women always look like they actually enjoy it?
Rape in Japan
>rape so common in Japan
>Thinks anime is real life
Any good?
yamada kun to 7 nin no majo
Not bad, don't expect too much tho.
>Thinks anime is real life
Hentai was confirmed real a few days ago
>A boy's whole future can depend on the senior high school he gets into. The mothers get into a psychological condition where they're aware that sexual urges can stop their children from studying and feel that they are the best option for countering the craving. Some mothers will do anything to make sure their junior high school sons pass the all determining entrance exams. Studies show that almost 80% of Japanese men report they have had some form of sexual contact with their mothers with most of the sexual contact between mother and son beginning at a very early age. A boys childhood in contemporary Japan, although somewhat more Western than that of other Eastern nations, still includes masturbation by mothers "to put them to sleep." Parents often have intercourse with their children in the same bed with them, and "co-sleeping," with mothers physically embracing the child, routinely continues until the boy is ten or fifteen. One recent Japanese study found sons sleeping with their mothers over 20 percent of the time after age 16. A recent sex survey reported "hot lines" of sexual abuse saying that mother-son incest in almost a third of the calls, the mother saying to her teenage son, "It's not good to do it alone. Your IQ becomes lower. I will help you, " or "You cannot study if you cannot have sex. You may use my body," or "I don't want you to get into trouble with a girl. Have sex with me instead."
Cartoons are not real!
>rape so common in japan
you misspelled sweden
Holy shit
she was asking for it.
>a blog of some cuck's sexual fantasies
I don't expect much really. Anime used to be a hobby, now I can't seem to pass the 10 min mark before dropping most of them.
Meh, maybe I'm just growing old.
>why do women always look like they actually enjoy it?
Nips like being pinched
holy shit japan what is wrong with you.
Lol are you shills high?
What do you expect when the father works all day and night? Wife either cucks him or this shit happens.
Uhhh. . . Nippon? is there something we need to talk about?
They're trying to reprogram the hikikomori.
I have a huge erection right now.
Same, I need my mommy to take care of this. Trying to study.
This can't be real
need more proof than a blogspot faggot
all japanese sex is rape
have you seen japanese men? the women want nothing to do with them so no one there is actually fucking outside of porn and even that is usually rape
The blogspot posts source links below the article in question
That's how you say "hello" in Japan.
Didn't you learn anything browsing Sup Forums in 2006?
Most shoujo manga are all about being rape fantasies.
Top lel
this is too good to be real.
t. guy whos entire knowledge of japan is based on doujins
Thats like saying America isn't based off Blacked.com, just because its porn doesn't mean it isn't based in common reality.
All women enjoy consenual rape.
This is literally like my Mongolian pornographic cartoons
Anal is fucking garbage dicks are meant to go in vaginas
>missionary for the purpose of recreation only
if you bumped this thread you are cancer
its called porn you stupid fuck
>rape is filmed all the time
just kys