Why do jews hate Trump?

Trump's approval rating among American Jews is 31 percent, more than 10 points below his overall approval rating in a new poll.

Trump constantly denounces antisemitism and is a staunch zionist, why do jews still hate him?

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Can't be bought, against globalism/white genocide, secretly an admirer of Hitler

they hate all goyim. some might see him as useful, but he's just cattle like the rest of us.

Fuck off shill. Israel is our greatest ally

Because he is helping whites.


Trump is an unapologetic Christian who puts Americas interests first, hes a direct threat to their marxism


kikes are hardwired to be against racially nationalistic groups. especially white ones, since whites are the most capable and most attractive. kikes when it really comes down to it, are very empty people.

helping whites, that's worse than being an antisemite who wants to destroy Israel like obama to them

LITERALLY another holocaust.

Because almost everything he does is against (((their))) interests, such as nationalism, protecting the borders and being anti-globalism and not being an all around anti-white cuck. Despite his love for Israel Jews sure seem to hate him, unsuprisingly

Trump is willing to hear Palestine out.

He hasn't sent goyim to die in Iran yet, and he has enacted orders which aim to help the European descended populace.

American Jews are by and large Apostates and are hated by many Israelis.

They're neurotic and paranoid enough to notice when they're in danger, even if not immediately.

(((They))) do it in order to bring the average approval rating down. Classic stab you in the back policies.

Why does Trump love Jews?


I'm a Jew, I love Trump, but reform/secular jews are just really liberal

Because Trumptards act all antisemitic hehe mem-magic and then Jews decide this is too retarded and refuse to join the Trump train. Poltards literally stopped moderates Jews from supporting Trump, thereby guaranteeing that he will never be a two-term president and that a greater behemoth will rise from the rubble.

I heard that Jewish-Americans voted for Trump at a lower rate than Hispanic-Americans.

Jews also hate Bannon with a passion

Am Jewish
Support Trump
He's trying to help all people
Most who hate him are idiots or uninformed including Jews
Also Jews tend to live in liberal areas and thus most end up becoming liberal

Only the (((media))) would spin this as a bad result