Alert!!!! Time to assemble

>Alt-Right Alabama Youth Fired from Fire Department, Expelled from Fraternity.

Original article from dailystormer

I can't be fucked typing the whole article out but basically this bitch has ruined this kids life. It's time we pay her a visit on twitter.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking stormfags

He deserved it.

Let's get this coalburner scum boys

who are you ppl

He was a fucking dumbass though. Why would you send that shit to a girl?


That explains it

Never reveal your power level unless the girl Santa the D. God. People need to stop sperging out

Fuck off stormfags
Not your personal army.


I live in AL and yet no local news outlets have picked this up.
Thanks, Sup Forums. Appreciate the news.

>we hang niggers
How did he not think this would get him in trouble?

Also, making this bitch's twitter blow up would be playing right into her hands you brain-damaged hick, and everyone else who plays the alt-right = harassment angle.

Usually I'd disagree with you but what the fuck does OP expect us to do?

This retard exposed himself kek.

I think that's a girl, though.

i litereally know thius kid personally. and this ugly bitch should be made an example of

the kid was from new jersey tho

>Stormnigger gets BTFO

What a dumbshit.

Couldn't the cunt just play it off as a joke?

>New Jersey

That also explains it kek

I like how they will ban us if we call you a shill.

im pretty sure the ugly girl isn't involved. no one would ever match with that thing on tinder. no fucking way

People in America view saying nigger like it should punishable by death. Even as a joke, he's still fucked.

>being that thirsty in texts


No reason to defend a white trash moron that would've picked on 90% of Sup Forums.

"Chads" getting owned because of their thirst for white pussy is one of the funniest shit ever.

I don't want to associate with anyone who acts like a degenerate skinhead.

White girls who associate with black guys are always the most horrible vindictive cunts. Must be victims of paternal abuse which they then project onto white males in general.

>No reason to defend a white trash moron that would've picked on 90% of Sup Forums.

This is kind of sweet of you to look out of us Canada.

this kid aint a chad he was apart of the shittiest frat on campus

>DUDE actions shouldn't have consequences if you're white LMAO
"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes"


This is """white""" in America.

keep looking at her pictures. this is the best one of her

Is it just me or does it seem like her eyes are uneven

Maybe this will teach him not to be a suburban retard. White pride gets the hammer.

You aren't on autismo-chan, user. You don't get banned for petty shit here.

The black person in OP's pic was the girls black female roommate. Stupid fratbro thought she was a man.

She's obviously self conscious of her receeding hairline.

>it's another woman goes to Sup Forums to cause drama upon herself and become a professional victim episode

that's why it has half of its hair covering its misshapen face

>lover of feminism

literally nothing of value was lost

That or a lazy eye.

You were right. I'm done. Dis be too much.

She got Chelsea Clinton fish lips. Bet she sucks a mean dick though

Can you please censor such things before posting? You gave me a spook with that

keep looking, post the pic with her and frankenstein the kike

This will just radicalize him more if we go by leftist logic and Islam. Maybe we should be more tolerant of this young mans culture, maybe one of us can offer to let him fuck our wives and he will realize peace and tolerance is the best!

Alabama fag here
We had an alt-right chapter?

it's a no no word lol.

that's more like it

This one?

I wouldn't risk it.


Way fatter than I thought.

Le 56% face

I think its the glasses that make her look worse here.


She looks simultaneously very old and very young. Blegch

>Ridge High School
into the trash he goes

Literally looks like a nigger with white skin.

>This will just radicalize him more if we go by leftist logic and Islam

No it won't he'll be too scared now that he got fucked up once. When you play with fire you get burned, you don't jump back in wanting more, that's just stupid and nobody thinks like that.


There's better ways to troll her than spamming her twitter account


Right. She must have taken PhD classes on Tinder because her first picture isn't that bad. She hides it well.

Jesus Christ. That was top notch!

Yeah, like the Leslie lady from Ghostbusters.

I am more concerned about the cost benefit of firing a volunteer firefighter over it.
What is more important fighting racist language or putting out burning buildings?

Sorry, you can't fix stupid. Who goes and tries to trigger someone by saying niggers should hang from trees while using their real name? This is natural selection. Also I remember that thread and it wasn't politics, it was Sup Forums tier cancer.

Seriously. The other picture made her look super hot.

That explains the affinity for black men though.


No. when you abuse people who believe in ideologies it radicalizes them. That's why we should let the Muslims in user, if we don't they will join ISIS.

Jesus Christ you're right

Oh and just report the tweet for sensitive material, targeted harassment, doxxing, etc.

Seriously, that thing is a girl?

Yes. Just isn't wearing makeup. A lot of women look like little boys without make up.

>daily stormer
so Sup Forums is really just stormfront v2.0?

Black nigga look gay in the pic, she's probably coal burning lib though


Stormnigger retard got fucked. Feels good man.

I called it. I'm getting pretty good at spotting the differences. No gun was the first clue.

Well, the guy is an asshole.

He deserved it, period.

no, stormautists just have a beachhead here. Only like 5% of Sup Forums posters are full blown stormdegenerates.

>super hot
American men have low standards these days.

more like

can someone give me the QR on what the fuck you guys are talking about

You couldn't be more wrong. 360° wrong

I'm telling you user. White people won't fight back once they get fucked up once. He learned his lesson

>im pretty sure the ugly girl isn't involved. no one would ever match with that thing on tinder. no fucking way

You wanna know how I know you're a virgin?

Literal obese women can get average looking dudes if they make themselves seem easy. A skinny 6/10 white female like her could get fucked by any chad on campus if she wanted.

he shouldn't have been so stupid to reveal his power level to a complete normie whore. he's to stupid to be in college. he should have just went into firefighting. he wouldn't even need tinder whores then, women like firefighters. he could have gotten ass the old fashioned way.

Shut up cuck.

that girl doesnt even go to UA im pretty sure so how the fuck would she be involved.

>tfw you realize islam is the most redpilled


this girl is 6/10 to you? you're the actual virgin

I think its because a lot of attractive girls dont use tinder. They don't need to.
This means the tinder sample is biased towards average women who then reap inflation of smv.

I'll kill your family men women and children in the night

I will not defend this "man"

That guy looks like a fruitcake

>Only like 5% of Sup Forums posters are full blown stormdegenerates.

this. stormfront is full blown white trash.

photoshopped hairy obese women get matches on Tinder, an average looking white girl has her pick of chads at her finger tips

headed up by a diminutive sex tourist lol

>furthering the redheads are crazy meme

many men are willing to fuck pic related,

so he was 15 fucking an under-12 year old. this guy is stupidity personified.

I usually hate SJWs who ruin lives...

But this guy is clearly an idiot

We're being raided.

What's on her chest? I kind of don't want to know.

Give him the chair.


Islam is a redpill overdose