you are only allowed to post in here if you were part of the home school master race. was it as great as I imagine it to be? give a government-educated drone the inside scoop.
Home school feels thread
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Going to high school public after homeschooling years before is okay. The kid learns about Jewish tricks and learns how to think and as such, doesn't fall for the holohoax.
Notice how strong the propaganda against homeschooling has been for a long, long time.
The public just eats it up and the media sure as hell helps push it.
Even some self proclaimed "red pilled" faggots have not broken the conditioning on this issue. They fancy themselves intellectuals and they are still emotionally beholden to being seen as such by the cool kids. Being against the public school system would be seen as being 'anti-intellectual' or whatever buzzword some know nothing comedian will throw at you.
>Public school is for normie REEEE
Ron Paul wrote a based book about home schooling.
my english teacher told me that communism sounds good in theory but doesnt work in reality
i guess that was a jewish trick too, i should embrace communism so the jews dont win
>home schooled 1st through 9th grades
>tiny private school in one state for first semester of 10th grade
>public school in second state for second and third semesters of 10th grade
>public school in third state for fourth and fifth semester of 10th grade
>dropped out and just went to community college at that point
Yeah I didn't really have great luck going to high school after being home schooled. Pretty sure my parents believe in the holohoax, too.
Funniest part was that I actually taught a semester at the high school I dropped out of, years later.
Yes, robots do not like public schools because they remember the bullying and intense social pressures they faced while enrolled in them.
Also, robots are pretty lazy and unambitious, and left to their own devices, don't get a lot done. Robots need intense accountability, and the public school's system of accountability isn't strong enough. But a customized one on one homeschooling environment could create the levels of accountability necessary to help robots develop the skills the need to make it in life.
never change australia
Ever since my 17 year old sister came home and told me I had white male privilege as I struggled to find a job with a MBA, I knew my kids wouldn't be going in any fucking commie public school. Jewish history teacher was the source, as you'd expect.
I know it's legit because the (((media))) constantly shits on it, but I haven't had time to do research for good resources. Any anons have recommendations?
I hated being home schooled but at least I'm not a degenerate (teetotaler here)
something like this
every home schooled person I've met was either an autistic social retard, or a flaming whore who slept with every guy
>feels thread
says it all
Some people complain that homeschool parents don't teach their kids evolution.
This is just a meme to discourage people from removing their children from the cancerous public school system.
But even if it was as common in home school curriculum as they claimed, so what?
It's not as though most kids who learn about the subject in school really remember it.
And given that a home schooled kid will likely be better at mathematics (and other sciences like physics and chemistry) than most public school students, who cares that he doesn't subscribe to a belief that you don't actually understand but latched onto for arbitrary identity reasons and trendiness.
>doesn't work in reality
>'but it sounds good in theory!'
No, no it doesn't. Theories that don't apply to reality are bad theories.
The School Revolution by Ron Paul.
Being bullied in a public school is a right of passage. Teaches you to stand up for yourself and how to fight
The autistic kid was home taught because he was autistic and the school wasn't able to help him. Even fervent brain washed believers in government education don't have a problem with a few special needs kids getting pulled out to get more focused attention. They can understand that.
But the kid didn't 'turn' autistic because he was homeschooled.
He was homeschooled because he was autistic.
As for the homeschooled slut?
Her parents probably pulled her out of high school because they found out she was having sex and wanted to take her away from that environment. However, they weren't able to reverse the behavior that originated while she was attending public school.
Much appreciated
>Being bullied in school is a right of passage
government education
>right of passage
Its called a wright of passage, dumb ass.
I was homeschooled until high school, minus one elementary school year, then took two years of college to graduate with a STEM degree.
Best path.
Bump. Homeschool was great.
Public schools ruined my younger siblings.
it ruined me too tbqh. I'm 26 and now just climbing out of this hole of shitty schooling and government propaganda, trying to self-educate with the curriculum that the schools should have taught me the first time. it was really hard at first but it's gotten easier and is definitely worth the effort.
Rite of passage, gentle leaf. Read a book sometime.
Name me one notable homeschooled person.
and yet this exists in hollywood.
I guess the joos were asleep when they let this one slip
[pic related includes spoiler for movies]
and even if this was some pro home school propaganda, it is greatly outnumbered. they can allow for the occasional opposition, but this movie isn't even that.
Home schooled throughout high school. It destroyed my already shitty social skills. 2/10 don't recommend