American white nationalists

There's a common trend I see among white nationalists and their arguments against immigration. They seem believe they are arguing on the basis of pragmatism and not self interest, that their position on immigration arises from sensible policy, yet their own arguments (if taken to their logical conclusions) contradict that belief.

The most common argument I see from them is the cultural argument, that because middle eastern immigrants are so culturally opposed to the culture of the United States, they should not be allowed to immigrate here (I agree with that sentiment). The problem is that white nationalists don't seem to apply this same standard to European countries. American culture is not the same as European culture. Americans don't engage or support mass censorship, disarmament, cultural marxism, or socialism, and if we were to allow mass amounts of European immigrants into the country they would all vote leftists into power as they are so prone to doing, which would defeat the entire purpose of right wing nationalism.

The same applies with the IQ or crime argument they make, they don't apply it to Europeans, when for example the Irish have a lower average IQ than Americans, high degrees of alcoholism, and some of the most crime in Europe. We could go on for hours talking about different subsections of whites and their genetic differences as well.

I have nothing against wanting to ban undesirables from coming into our country, but white nationalists are complete liars when they act as if they support pragmatism and not just forwarding their movement. How are "Europe first" Americans any different than the globalist shills on the left? Am I wrong here? Educate me if so.

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Burping because this is a worthwhile discussion

>The problem is that white nationalists don't seem to apply this same standard to European countries. American culture is not the same as European culture. Americans don't engage or support mass censorship, disarmament, cultural marxism, or socialism, and if we were to allow mass amounts of European immigrants into the country they would all vote leftists into power as they are so prone to doing, which would defeat the entire purpose of right wing nationalism.
fundamentally wrong. american culture is much more closely compatible with european culture than it is with islamic or african culture. unless you have additional evidence to correct this mistake and reframe your comment I see no reason to continue.

Furthermore americans and europeans have a similar ethnicity which is one of the glues that hold a society together, the others being race and culture.

I'm a white nationalist and I can't speak for others and your post has a grain of truth in it and that's why I want all immigration stopped except for whites who are the best and brightest. The rest can go get fucked. No hardship exemptions or religious persecution exemptions.

Ok maybe we make an exemption for white S. Africans, nobody should have to die at the hand of feral niggers.

yeah, white people are nicer to me, asians and blacks hurt our lands, even though I'm a little abo

With your own comment, you've admitted that European culture is not the same as American culture. Your only quarrel is to what degree are they compatible, which is something you get to arbitrarily decide yourself. When is a country too incompatible? Our standards on this would differ greatly. Yes America shares some things in common with European countries, like our legal system having its roots from English common law, but on the whole, we are our own country with our own culture and European interests are not American interests.

You also avoided my point about Europeans being much further to the left than the US. If its bad to allow in Mexicans because they will vote leftist, it should follow that allowing in Swedes is bad because they will do the exact same thing. Having a common ethnicity will not protect you from ideological warfare.

Thats why you argue against immigration by stating that the strain put upon our social programs, taking away dollars and quality from actual citizens.

Finally a thread about white nationalism that isn't a complete circlejerk

Who said anything about european immigration? Im pretty sure most people want immigration halted altogether.

Yes, American culture obviously has much more in common with European culture than Islamic and African, but you're missing the point. Bringing in Europeans will result in more support for left-wing politics, and thus more non-Western immigration.

>Irish have a lower average IQ than Americans
We have a huge amount of outward migration. Our population has barely grown in nearly a century and 10s of millions of Irish people have left. Most of those were above average IQ so our national IQ is lower. We call it the brain drain. People get educated here then leave, ergo our national IQ is not representative of our IQ at birth.
>high degrees of alcoholism
No, just high levels of consumption. Our rate of actual alcoholism is probably on par with most comparable nations
>and some of the most crime in Europe
Just plain false. Most of the crime here is gypsies and Eastern Euros. Indigenous Irish have very low crime rates.

No more immigrations you stupid leaf, especially from fucking Canada.

I agree. My main issue comes from white nationalists using those arguments I outlined. Sorry if I came off as strawmanning.

White nationalists are just lazy and want things handed to them like niggers for being white.

Every single white nationalist is poor or works in minimum wage, lower living standards = prone to higher thoughts of racism and anger

We only benefited as a country after WW-II when we first started controlling the global economy, and then russia and eventually China began to compete with us and eventually outcompete us.

Not the same =/= incompatible. European and American share most of the same values, such as liberty and self-determination, albeit to different degrees. Its not the same as ME migrants who want to restructure our society entirely according to their religion.

we need to redpill pol losers to be real men (and uphold christian values)

types of pol losers
1. the loser who thinks is woman's fault so he doesn't have to take responsibility

2. the loser who thinks is jews/nigs fault so he doesn't have to take responsibility

real men take responsibility and clean shit up no matter who made the mess.
niggers wait for real men to clean up shit for them.
don't be a nigger be a man.

when ourboys become based real men our women will follow real men and society will revert the cancer of marxism.

missionary memetic division
spread the goodwill

--the leaf

Europeans aren't much further to the left than the US. Compare Europe to autocracies like North Korea or Iran.

It's pretty easy to understand what I'm saying but you're either willfully ignorant or not very smart.

China is Chinese nationalist. As is Russia.

Yeah, I'm not reading your blog, kike.

Type "sage" in the options field, lads

it is plain that elites in america and europe want to establish imperialist governance rather than national self determinism. if you ignore that you are imperiling your nation despite your best intentions.

Read my post again there twink dick, because I'm on your side for this point. That small percentage of Negro blood most White American Southerners have is really shining through in your case, you fucking illiterate yak.

>Most of the crime here is gypsies and Eastern Euros
I don't know if that's true or not, but looking at the ethnic make up of Ireland, I highly doubt it. Ireland is about 85% Irish and 94% white, and has the highest crime out of western European countries. I doubt that the other 5% is the cause of this.

Even if I am completely wrong on my assessment of Ireland, hopefully my point still stands. If there were to be whites who did have high levels of crime, they should be treated like muslims when it comes to immigration.

for sure

globalists global communism is the ones making all these wars installing democracies everywhere so they can have macdonalds all over the map. we must restore traditional values and tradition and good morality and culture and nationalism. but to do that we need to redpill our boys to become real men

>Most of the crime here is gypsies
My family are Irish and say that the Irish gypsies are so hardcore that they make even the other types look weak by comparison how true is this in your experience?

>You also avoided my point about Europeans being much further to the left than the US. If its bad to allow in Mexicans because they will vote leftist, it should follow that allowing in Swedes is bad because they will do the exact same thing. Having a common ethnicity will not protect you from ideological warfare.

German: Clinton 33%, Trump 51% (Trump +18)
American: Clinton 33%, Trump 50% (Trump +17)
Swedish: Clinton 33%, Trump 48% (Trump +15)*
Italian: Clinton 33%, Trump 44% (Trump +11)
Polish: Clinton 35%, Trump 44% (Trump +9)
Dutch: Clinton 34%, Trump 41% (Trump +7)*
English: Clinton 37%, Trump 43% (Trump +6)
Irish: Clinton 39%, Trump 40% (Trump +1)
French: Clinton 35%, Trump 35% (even)*
Norwegian: Clinton 37%, Trump 37% (even)*
Scottish: Clinton 41%, Trump 38% (Clinton +3)
Danish: Clinton 45%, Trump 27% (Clinton +18)*
Greek: Clinton 47%, Trump 12% (Clinton +35)*
Russian: Clinton 67%, Trump 29% (Clinton +38)*

This data defeats your argument entirely.

Hopefully by the time any of that civil unrest in SA comes to a head, I'll be prepared to help out any South African whites (*Brit or Boer*) that come to me for help. I wanna be able to help them find good neighborhoods to move to, a place where they can find or continue a career they already had, and most importantly find a place where they will be welcome. If anyone here gives them shit and starts harrassing and threatening them(*especially lefties, Anti-Fa, SJWs, niggers, spics and arabs.*) I want to send some muscle that will be able to intimidate any of these would be threats and have the means to back up a retaliation against violence.

*against their violence
Meaning if those fuckers tried to attack the SA white refugees, the goons I sent will fuck their shit up with weapons if the assholes harassing them don;'t let up

>Irish gypsies are so hardcore
They mostly keep to themselves when they're not robbing people's houses. People despise them with a passion. If they ever started throwing their weight around fighting normies the normies would REEEEEEEE quite quickly.

People only fear them because they hunt in packs and if you defeat one their brothers come after you, but they know there's only so far we'll be pushed.

>Europeans aren't much further to the left than the US
They absolutely are. They are much more atheistic, more in favor of gun control to the point of disarming its populace completely, more open to socialism and wealth redistribution, mass immigration, support banning "hate speech," support feminism, cultural marxism, etc.

During the entire election Europeans were saying that Bernie Sanders (who was considered by average americans to be a radical) was center left by their standards.

What is this data supposed to be? Is it which nationality supported which candidate? I can't really make a comment on that out of context data, but here's a source of my own.

>Theft remains the most common category of offence accounting for 31.4% of all crime last year followed by public order offences (17.9%), criminal damage (13.4%), burglaries (11.4%) and drug offences (6.8%).

Theft = gypies
public order = harmless fighting amongst gentlemen
burglaries = gypies again
drug offences = we're a major importer of drugs for the rest of Europe given our location.

Statistically our crime rate may be high, but it's not an unsafe place. Never felt unsafe anywhere in Dublin desu

Are the Irish police more strict with them than the gypsies we get in England because they seem to just be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want with no punishment here?

That's a image of Irish people living in Ireland.

Every Irish person who spends any time in America grows to hate niggers. Every Irish immigrant I know in America loves Trump. What the Irish who stay at home think is irrelevant.

If Irish cucks want to emigrate they go to Canada. It's easier and it's more (((tolerant)))

If there were chinese nationalists they wouldn't come here at all, most of them ran away because their government is shit.

Not strict enough. there's not a lot they can do other than imprison them for life. They're habitual criminals.

The data I posted is how people of European heritage voted in 2016. The point is people's views change when they come to America. Euros either become more right wing, or just more right wing people decide to go to America in the first place. Probably a bit of both.

A farmer shot one in the back a few years ago and killed him. Bit of Trayvon he dindu nothing scenario.

The farmer got a soft sentence and we changed the law to allow people to basically kill burglars.

I haven't been to Ireland nor do I know what it's like living there. I was simply trying to point out a perceived double standard I saw with white nationalist arguments.

>That's a image of Irish people living in Ireland.
That's the point.

>If Irish cucks want to emigrate they go to Canada. It's easier and it's more (((tolerant)))
There are a lot of reasons for leftists in Europe to immigrate to the United States, like looking for job opportunities or in the case of Sweden, fleeing the country they have destroyed.

Are the Irish police more strict with them than the gypsies we get in England because they seem to just be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want with no punishment here?

As the data I showed you shows, people who emigrate to America from Europe tend to be more right wing than your average Euro.

There's good reasons for anyone to emigrate, but most people nowadays are going to Canada or Australia because it's simply easier. Only people who already love America would bother trying to go there.

here's more complete stats for you regarding our prison population

Irelands prison population and non-nationals an analysis

9,711 persons were sent to prison in 2007 compared to 9,700 in 2006.
Of those committed 6,447 were Irish nationals or 66.4% of the total 9,711, which is a decrease of 352 on the
corresponding 2006 figure of 6,799. Almost one third of persons committed in 2007 were non–Irish nationals.
Other EU nationals (excluding Ireland) accounted for 1,354 (13.9%) of persons committed.
Other European nationals accounted for 311 (3.2%), African nationals for 612 (6.3%), Asian nationals for 611 (6.3%) and
Central/South American nationals accounted for 303 (3.1%)

Prison commitals (2007 report) [1]
Irish ******* 6,447 66.4%
All non-nationals 3264 33.6%
EU ********* 1126 11.6%
African ****** 612 6.3%
Asian ******* 611 6.3%
other european 311 3.2%
latin American * 303 3.1%
UK **********228 2.3%
North American 18 .02%

General population by nationality (2006 census) [2]
Irish 3,706,683
All non-nationals 419,733
EU 163227
UK 112,548
Asian 46952
African 35326
Other european 24425
North American 14775
Latin American 6249

Ratio of Prison commital to General population
Latin American 0.04849
African ***** 0.0173
Asian ****** 0.0130
other european 0.0127
All non-nationals 0.0077
EU ********* 0.006898
UK ********* 0.002
Irish ******** 0.00174
North American 0.0012

So in summary based on Prison commitals North Americans are the most law biding and South Americans commit the most crime.
[1] Statistics-Home (click on 2007 report
[2] CSO - Statistics: Persons usually resident and present in the State on Census Night, classified by nationality and age group

I'm not one of those white nationalists.
I don't give a damn about pragmatism.
I define good as what is good for my people.

the cultural argument is based off of Christendom, we share the same core values which is greatly hinged upon 'treating others how you would want to be treated.' also, we share the same ancestry, which depending on your family's core values or nationalistic views, can shape how a person is predetermined to share certain nationalistic cultural values. however, it can be argued that 3rd, 4th, further generations are not exposed to their ancestry from across the pond and you can see this mostly in media/television programming.

which i think perhaps some of this has been taken too far. 'treating others how you want to be treated' has conditioned people to just accept everything. degeneracy included. tolerance and acceptance just perpetuates the movement. and imagine, we are oppressed.

another poster >> said how we should be redpilling losers into men. this is just a matter of proving what is tried and true in history. but (((they))) do a good job at oppressing us and our speech. they are the 'normies' and we are the ones spreading 'hate.' this spills over into any dissenting view towards their movement, whether it is speaking out against the degeneracy of homosexuality or fat shaming. by all means, i am doing my part, and i have lost a lot of friends, but fuck all. i just have to plant the seed. ive been fortunate enough to grow a crop and keep friends that are close, closer.

there is a movement to get right wing politics into office. do your part. Netherlands wasnt a complete fail. it just wont yield promising results. but who knows, maybe their campaign will have woke some eurofags over there. france is coming up, germany later this year.

Your point seems to be that US white nationalists are fine with European immigrants who are leftist, low-IQ, and criminal as long as they're white. In other words, stormfags are stormfags.

>As the data I showed you shows, people who emigrate to America from Europe tend to be more right wing than your average Euro.
Is that what its supposed to be? Why would it contain within it an American category if it pertains to people immigrating to America? Can I get a source on those statistics because the only context I have regarding them is what you're telling me.

You seem to be taking issue with my comments about Ireland. These statistics while important, are besides the ultimate point I was making with my original post, and if I were to look at them with more scrutiny to determine whether ethnic Irish people commit more crime, I would have to look through crime data from multiple European countries to try and compare.

At least you are honest.


>Your point seems to be that US white nationalists are fine with European immigrants who are leftist, low-IQ, and criminal as long as they're white. In other words, stormfags are stormfags.
Yes, that is exactly my point.

Difference being only third world migrants tend to rape and spread violence en mass

but having done some thinking, trump is a fucking meme. hes too much of an idiot to get anything done. his principles are right. but people are too blind to see. these people cant see past race/religion. they dont see how a travel ban is based off where these fucks go to 20+ years of schooling to become a terrorist.

this is an area that breeds hate. true hate. but no, 'white' nationalism is hate. its not tolerant or accepting of other people, we should be Christian like and take these people in and help them. again, principle being taken too far.

ironic isnt it? we are supposed to be tolerant and accepting of other peoples views, when these people give fuck all towards our ideas and beliefs. we arent 'helping' them. if we were helping them, we would be spreading the Gospel to these people. and that is the truth. again, no, we are just made to assimilate to their lifestyle and culture. ha.

There's more to race than names, it's in the DNA

and to continue this piggy back. trump is a meme and has been set up for failure. an example that protectionism and nationalism doesnt work. so that (((they))) can say "we told you so, our way was better" next thing you know the entire nations are under some all inclusive socialist regime.

Well, I'm going to go to bed now. I probably should've made this thread during the day. Thanks for the discussion Sup Forums, I expected to be called a cuck somewhere in this thread and that didn't happen once.

thanks for nothing, faggot/

us irish is dumb k i kno but whadda bout whiskey?

>How are "Europe first" Americans any different than the globalist shills on the left?

Because white nationalists are interested first and foremost in preserving culture, not tearing it to shreds.

>Eurotrash comes to NA.
>Eurotrash has slightly different culture but still compatible
>Eurotrash makes babies here who are raised with same culture as native white population, and blend in perfectly because they are the same race as we are
>Niggers, spics, and sand people can't do the same because their children will never integrate the way eurotrash babies integrate because of genetics, and they always grow up with a sense of entitlement for being different race, instead of a sense of duty to the native population
>OP is a faggot confirmed.

they barely got that better than the canadians, A?

I mean, OP tried to make a valid point, but he is thinking too short term. I don't give a shit about the people alive now, I give a shit about their children and grand children, and what effect those people will have, because that's where the effects really compound the most and matter the most.

Foresight into the distant future, securing a future for our children, is the whole point of this. Euro babies do not compromise the future of my children. Nigger babies and gook babies do. And there is nothing they can do to change that.

news for ya, the system of things arent gonna last that long buddy.

OP's argument would only really be valid if Amerifats and Eurotrash had spent thousands of years apart and evolved in divergent directions from one another - effectively separating themselves from one another on racial lines.

It doesn't matter if Eurotrash are Cuckunists, or Socianigs, cause if stormfags ran the country, we would control the education of the youth, so really only genetics matter at all. And power of course. But if we're talking how to win power, white lefties aren't gonna flood our country if they know we're a bunch of racists who don't accept non-white immigration anyways.

I'm aware of that.

European immigrants...*breathes in*












The fucking dindu's/muzzies/Worst Americans did not. They came here because they wanted Gibs and got pissy and started killing people when they found out we weren't handing out Gibs on the street. Dindu's have been here the longest of the minorities and seen not just one, but 12 other ethnic demographics succeed where they have failed and LEARNED NOTHING from watching that process.

Its like seeing a kid repeatedly shove a fucking fork into an electrical socket while all the other kids are learning how to tie their shoelaces, sure you might try to get him to stop but every time you interfere he finds some new way to hurt himself or others, and eventually you either need to learn that kid needs to be sent back home or you need to just let him face the fucking consequences of his actions. At this point we have done neither and it continues to bite us in the ass. Those who are "culturally enriching" our country have contributed fucking nothing when you compare it to the cost of maintaining the welfare of their remaning demographic, and when you are faced with the fact that removal of 13% of the population would drop the rate of rape, violent crime, and murder by almost 50 fucking percent, and you realized that the only contribution they have given us are black science man and ghetto music, I can't speak for you but it seems like this is more or less an open and shut case. Fuck em.

If you want to request amnesty in a house, you must act as a guest and perform the acts of maintenance and work the prior tenents ask of you, and if this is too much of a burden, go back to the fucking hellhole you came from, they didn't need you and you aren't helping, and they have no intrinsic responsibility to assist you so stop demanding Gibs, pick up a rake, and clean up the fucking leaves and dirt you tracked in.

>Importing Europeans means importing hate speech laws and banning guns
Maybe, but you have to remember what absolute abject pussies and cowards liberal Europeans are. More likely they'll go along with whatever the dominant culture is. The Europeans with balls sympathize with American culture, or they would if they saw it up close.

If the cotton fields were picked by Africans, then the skyscrapers of America were built by American dollars with Portuguese and Italian hands. Same with Canada.

I just noticed that my leafbros are actually contributing to this thread.

American culture is very similar to European culture. And at the end of the day I only care about whether or not the immigrants are white or not. Whites are the only race that combine intelligence and creativity, and hence the only people deserving of living in this country.

White Nationalists don't like immigration because they want to keep their country white and nationalist. Duh.


while i agree with what you are saying, to me blacks are a poor example of the topic at hand in regards to immigration. they have been so far removed from their roots, they arent going back to afrika. less we are talking about the ethiopians and the sudans who come here dumber than a pile of rocks and there is no amount of help they can receive to help them.

>sure you might try to get him to stop but every time you interfere he finds some new way to hurt himself or others
this is synonymous with the results theyve created in their own culture. and we didnt help by idolizing things like their music. tbf, early hip-hop (late 80s early-early 90s) did make some political statements. but this doesnt excuse what the shit quickly turned into and has become.

mexicans are a far better example.
>walk across border
>work for the price of a pineapple bc they can only work for dirt in mexico
>amerinon now has to compete against labor inflation
>since work force is high in supply, employers can negotiate cheaper wages
>people cant afford to live
>cheapest wage in america is 1000% times the best job at home
>still is able to get welfare paid for by the foreign country
>can afford to send money back home instead of integrating

or they adopt the other minorities lifestyle and culture such as, creating gangs; basically acting like niggers

You realize that America was literally founded by Europeans right? It was a country for white Europeans up until the 60s, that's the foundation of the country. Most whites in America are derived from Anglo-Saxons, Germanics, etc. and of course it makes sense to care about where they came from. Caring about other countries doesn't make you a "globalist", what the fuck am I reading?

Also Europids will have more in common simply due to their genetics, so even slightly deviations in culture will not make a huge difference.

The entire point of "white nationalism" is to be restrictive to preserve culture, race and homogeneity, while not being so restrictive that you spend 90% of your time arguing over "who's more white" and barely allowing in anyone. There have been problems with Irish or Italian integration, but that's far in the past. People have way bigger problems to worry about.

>Americans don't engage or support mass censorship, disarmament, cultural marxism, or socialism
Yes you are. In your colleges and business, and cultural marxism literally originated in the US, and continues there to this day.

>skyscrapers built by Italians

They were actually built by white Irish men And native Americans

>cultural marxism literally originated in the US

Its just an argument about lack of integration. Why should we give the slightest shit about their culture while they actively destroy and demean ours? Our culture is what generated the most successful economic powerhouse in the history of the earth, and those fucking sub-humans wanting Gibs from us in the first place, and their culture is responsible for auto-genocide, selling their own off for slavery, and AIDS.

Additionally on that note, the Brain Drain phenomenon is one that I realized causes a really funny catch-22 in liberals.

They argue that the reason america is great is because we take the best immigrants, to which I reply that causes harm to the people of their land of origin, as the industrious, intelligent and resourceful members of their society are the ones best suited for fixing their nations shit. Instead we get all their benefits.

Usually the liberal at this point will argue that because we give them so much opportunity and freedom here, they have the opportunity to generate a good so great it helps not only the country of their emigration, but everyone else as well.

I then say "wait a fucking second, isn't that trickle down economics, but just bigger and using different words?"

There is no out for them at this point, either admit trickle down works, or agree that america needs to stop importing foreigners, because the only ones that actually help us are the ones that harm their home-nation by not staying behind and fixing the fucking thing.

When the Marxist intellectuals who formed the Frankfurt School were kicked out of Germany because of the NSDAP coming to power, they took their operations to America instead, specifically in Jew York.

That's where the cancer started to spread and take over academia and culture, even if some of the intellectual basis was formed in Europe.

Cultural Marxism in action, political correctness. The tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism Explained:

Chapter 5 of Culture of Critique (Frankfurt School)

America is where most of this "safe space", "trigger warnings", "gender studies", all this shit gets propagated the most in colleges.

>race mixing is the number one cause of social problems in the developed world.

The kekistani empire