Is there anything more degenerate than a tailgater? Listen kid, I'm driving the speed-limit here, there's no need to get up my ass just because you think you're in the "fast-lane". Do what every responsible adult does and leave for work early instead of speeding, keep it up and I just may breakcheck ya.
Is there anything more degenerate than a tailgater? Listen kid, I'm driving the speed-limit here...
Lane squatting and brake checking are often also illegal.
and being a speed demon is legal? Get fucked, I'm not moving over into the next lane and allow you to break the law by speeding.
There are plenty of things more degenerate, but tailgaters are awful. Even if I'm driving over the limit 5mph, that doesn't matter for them. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that most are probably unintentionally tailgating, not realizing how close they are. There are a few in my neighborhood that I know for a fact are. They have their freaking brights on and tailgate you, as if driving faster blind is going to help the situation. They always drive huge trucks too, so I'm guessing it's a compensation thing.
Are you an officer of the law?
Was George Zimmerman?
Then you'll be tailgated endlessly untill you die. Quit being a faggot trying to police the road and move over
I live in a town where I regularly get honked at for driving the speed limit.
I have had a guy pull behind me at a gas station and get out and say
>Did you pass your drivers test? You are supposed to drive at a speed WITH the flow of traffic
His car was beat up and he looked like he had nothing to lose. So I didn't argue with very much.
If every other car is behind me in a lane where passing isn't permitted, the car in front sets the flow of traffic.
Tailgaters make you fear for your life?
What a stupid fucking question. How does some out of control lunatic constantly driving close to you in a metal death machine not scare someone.
Because I am mentally stable.
Stay the fuck out of the fast lane. It is for passing only. You have no authority to enforce your road rage.
So many stupid Fucks dwell in the fast lane they is quicker to get in the right lane and go 5 mile under the speed limit.
Single lane roads are different though. If someone rides my ass I'll go under 10 mph.
Get in the slow lane then
Please brakecheck me faggot, I dare you Ill take you to court and everything you are worth
I love slowing down when some dumb cunt rides up behind me while i'm already 5 miles over the limit
and then speeding up diagonally to the next car so they can't switch lanes
It's funny seeing people rage on the road when I'm the one following the rules. It's usually manlets driving some Ford F-150 too lmao. I like to wave in the rear view mirror at them.
I get out the way... then when they pass me i get behind them and teil gate them for a while
When I encounter someone that is about to break check me.
I'll scoot up close to dash so they can see me in their rear view mirror... Then I cover my eyes with my hands.
go ahead and stay in the passing lane and brake check me when i'm on your ass
and i'll park my 3500lb suv in the ass of your 1500 lb prius
you'll show me
Just slam the brakes.
If the fuck rear-ends you he's 100% at fault.
you slowpoke faggots are getting people killed
Hey faggot it is illegal to do that in the left lane in a lot of states now, also do that shit in georgia and the officer will target you before a speeder. Down in the south I see faggots like you paying incredible fines because you want to be a dumb kike and think you can hold up a PASSING lane by going slow. Also if you do that in the left lane in georgia cops WILL fine you up to 1000 dollars they do it because you dumb niggers hold up traffic and on top of that going a stagnant speed in a passing lane regardless of speed tells an officer you may be under the influence, so keep being an idiot.
I find that tailgaters are often fat women or rednecks in pickups
>implying you can sue after not following at a safe distance
>go to court
>lose your ass for rear ending OP
>and then speeding up diagonally to the next car so they can't switch lanes
Congratulations on being a self-righteous asshole?
t. ricer chink who thinks 60mph in a 45 is impressing someone
Right lane aka entering/exiting highway lane aka slow lane.
Middle lane, faster than right lane, must go at least the speed limit, no need to move for faster traffic.
Left lane aka passing lane aka fast lane, used to pass slower drivers in the middle, approach slower cars and allow them to move to the middle to let you pass.
These rules are very simple and yet people either oblivious of them or blatantly disregards them ruins any commute and possibly causes accidents or even death.
If someones blocks the overtaking lane ill be right up their ass
You are a fucking tail gater who texts while driving
an arrogant prick, worse than a drunk driver
> amirite?
Ive won a lawsuit over this already and Ill win another, try me nigger
>driving the speed limit is "slow poke"
Kill yourself.
we got a tough guy over here
They're running emphasis patrols around here for them now.
I always slow down for them and keep slowing down until they get the message. They're free to pass me whenever they want.
Tailgaters are assholes with mental issues who will tailgate you at any speed, so you might as well serve your own interest and drop your speed to lessen any potential impact.
beta faggot detected
stay mad in your corolla cuckboi
only niggers pursue serial law suits, nigger
>You are supposed to drive at a speed WITH the flow of traffic
Human trash.
Wrong. You'll be put in jail for road rage.
Also you could lose control of your vehicle in a self pit maneuver
Hitler gassed the wrong people. Tailgaters should have been his target.
nice larp, you probably ride a bicycle
>I can recklessly break the law because I need to get to my destination 20 seconds faster! Wahhh let me passsss so i can break the lawwwwwwww
t. nigger
How? A squirrel ran out onto the road.
hahaha faggot.
Yeah it's called being a RESPONSIBLE ADULT. If I know I have to be somewhere at a specific time I leave earlier. I don't speed down the interstate slamming my fist against the steering wheel because other people are obeying the speedlimit.
Americans have no fucking lane discipline. Left lane = fast lane. If you can't get fast enough then get the fuck out, that's how it works in civilized countries, but also 3rd world slavshit like ours. You drive like cows.
Most sensible post in this thread, follow these rules and driving will be very smooth for all.
Driving in the fast lane going the speed limit. Pick another lane asshole.
Lmao good job kike, they must not have taught you basic math, you really hate money don't you?
if ur not going 10 miles over the speed limit but less than 15 miles over the speed limit then get the fuck off the road
>overdramatic shareblue sjw
You guys are such pussies, i can easily imagine one of you self rightous faggots driving around in a prius or smart car with some gay little dog holding up traffic
check out the balls on this big bad motherfucker we've got us a future Rahowa captain right here
many americans don't respect the speed limit too?
In a rear-end collision, the vehicle doing the rear-ending is always at fault unless the driver of the vehicle getting rear-ended is under the influence or otherwise has abnormal driving ability.
If you hit someone in the ass, you were just driving too fucking close and it's your fault you caused the wreck.
The lesson?
1. Don't tailgate.
2. Pay attention to the vehicle in front of you.
>things that never happened
besides. You wouldn't be able to over come me simply saying a bird flew real low near my windshield so I had so slow down.
When you find out lots of Americans carry guns in their cars you'll start to mellow out on little shit like this tbqh.
No driving stuff makes me mad anymore ever since I started carrying.
No it isn't, you fucking pleb. If you break suddenly and unnecessarily it's your fault, not his. It's only his fault if your breaking was righteous.
Found the guy with several speeding tickets.
I hope you're followed home and executed
stay out of the fast lane you fucking faggot
Probably fucking DUIs too. He's nigger-tier
Following the law isn't policing the road,
What about that squirrel that just jumped out in front of me?
>thinking anyone is talking about the passing lane on a freeway.
btw asshole, on normal two lane roads, the left lane isn't the passing lane. It's the lane you get in when you're going to eventually turn left. Dumb fuck.
lots of niggers in this thread
really sprinkles my cake
i drive or ride 25 over all the time cops dont pull you over if youre white and have a nice car/bike
Should have ran the squirrel over. You just lost your court case, son.
You are not a police officer, you are not responsible for enforcing laws. By staying in the passing lane you are CAUSING traffic. Eat a dick and get the fuck off the road.
Sup Forums always acts like they are all about following the rules and bitching at other people breaking laws, until it's about a law they want to break. Then all of a sudden it's "what are you a cop or something".
It's illegal to not brake for animals crossing the road
>He thinks he knows law
When a jew takes you to court after you brakecheck him and you lose everything you are going to be the one saying "B-b-but muh laws!". Claiming something ran infront of you won't hold up, also we have dashcams to counter retards like you thinking you can go slow and brakecheck others.
No these are just faggot degenerates.
And he didn't see it because he was right on my ass.
i've never been pulled over and i commute 3 hours a day
>hurrr brakecheck
Hitting someone from behind is a much easier case to push. You're fucked.
>you're in the "fast-lane"
If you're coasting in the passing lane at 70 then you're an actual degenerate. Get into the traveling lane once you're done passing. That is the law, and what "adults" do, you fucking child.
You kind of have to wonder the savings of money and lives if people did as you said and hit the road even five minutes earlier or did not place such a pathologically high value on getting home five minutes sooner.
In my experience, the time difference between the best and worst commutes I have is about 13 minutes.
And for the life of me I cannot fathom the stupidity of people screaming down the Interstate at 5:30 in the morning at 80 clicks when their destination is...their fucking job.
>"b-but it's Sup Forums related because I inserted the word degenerate somewhere in my post!"
I'm sorry, but it is the responsibility of the person behind you to stop if needed, if they are to close to stop in time then they should be to blame.
I have already won a case with said action, you would be more $$$s to my bankaccount, go ahead and try
holding up traffic is degenerate
Or you could just not be a faggot and cruise the left lane when you're not activenly passing anyone. You know, like you're supposed to do you fucking degenerate.
I can see you now in your faggot fag-150 ridding on my ass. Tailgaiting fags must die.
>thinking the left lane on city roads is a passing lane
What are you a fucking idiot?
I stick with +5 in the right lane, pass if I have to. If someone wants to be a faggot, let them hit me. That's why I drive a shitty old car instead of buying a nice new one.
He's not following the law. Coasting in the passing lane is illegal, and so is break checking. By actively coasting in the passing lane at 70 or below fully knowing it will slow down others, he is policing the road like a retard.
I love getting in front of these faggot lane blockers and slowing down untill they're forced to move over
Cool, I've won 5 cases against tailgaters who tried to screech about brake checking
If everyone drove the limit and didn't tailgate there would be less accidents and no traffic jams other than those caused by crashes, traffic jams are caused by the chain reaction of one person braking and everyone behind having to brake as well, it snowballs until the end result is far greater than the initial slowdown.
If everyone followed at the distance they were taught when they got their license and drove the limit no one behind would have to break and we would all get where we are going faster, especially in areas with high traffic volume.
Troll post lol
BTW, it's possible to speed and NOT drive like an asshole.
I always give other drivers plenty of room and use proper signaling. And I don't get impatient.
Most people though...
Suck at basic driving tech.
>It's the lane you get in when you're going to eventually turn left.
Have you ever even fucking driven on a fucking highway holy shit. You know whats left of you? Another fucking highway, except going the opposite direction.
Are you autistic?
Going the speed limit in the fast lane is fucking stupid. Move over to the slow lane, you moron.
If you intentionally jam your brakes to cause an accident you will be charged with rode rage. This has happened to someone I know, I've also seen cops pulling over pepe after witnessing then brake checking. Anti road rage laws have ramped up.
Just don't do it in the left lane.
doing gods work user
Incorrect, it would have to be deemed a reasonable emergency stop by the court. A squirrel would not constitute reasonable. A deer or cow on the other hand, would.
>Have you ever even fucking driven on a fucking highway holy shit. You know whats left of you? Another fucking highway, except going the opposite direction.
That is correct. It also fails to make a point of any kind.
ok kiddo. if you rear end someone youre automatically at fault though in the real world.
t. someone who has been rear ended 3 times and got away with felony insurance fraud.