>be me >want to get more religiously involved and surround myself with more red pilled >go to new super church my parents are raving about and decide give it a try >Preacher strait up says there's nothing wrong with being a faggot and that if you take part in any religion you're worshiping the same god
have ((they)) really inflitrated most churches this badly or am I just looking in the wrong places
>Super Church Drop that shit right there friend, it's garbage.
Leo Rodriguez
yea I figured thats probably it
Cameron Morris
Not most churches, but Christianity has been inflitrated. Young Christians have been raised in such a comfortable setting that even small levels of social isolation because of their faith is too much. I also think the influence of pop culture has warped their minds; the majority of mainstream denominations used to teach that the TV is an evil tool for brainwashing, but only really Oneness Pentecostal teach that now. Christians have become too comfortable and have too much exposure to pop culture
Juan Lopez
>even small levels of social isolation because of their faith is too much this describes almost every young christian in the first world its scary
Charles Clark
Eastern Orthodox Churches are still based. They shouldn't be too hard to find if you live near by the city.
Cooper Jenkins
>go to eastern orthodox church in my town >filled with shitskin greeks that give me weird looks Yeah no.
Jackson Jones
Well then what do you want? At least their churches don't look like fucking toolsheds like protestants.
Brody Cruz
I might give orthodox a shot. I don't want to get involved with idol worshiping Catholicism or nigger-tier baptist inbreds
Jackson Diaz
Orthodox worship idols just as much. As you see in
Lincoln Gray
youtube channels >husky394xp and >robert breaker
nondenominational all the way only thing that's needed is the Word of God and a group of people to congregate with, to avoid "pathology" and misinterpretation.
Parker Kelly
Look at how stupid and retarded you are. Does that picture and all the sin and death it signifies, look like a fucking heterosexual couple or two fags? That apple is the snake's penis and woman is the vessel for his sloppy seconds. Muh faaaaags. Everything you thought you knew about Bible and fags are lies that couldn't possibly exist. In fact many devils try and get you to focus too much on the vaginal Jew that can replace Christ. Fags can even reproduce through surrogacies. God put their soul. Their lives are getting better and sexualities are beyond our control. If you wanna lump any more bullshit on top just know it all came from Eve. Not from Steve. In fact they were blessed all over the place in the Bible. It is physically impossible and against all laws and common sense to read any homophobia into the Bible. It simply doesn't exist because it cannot and is contradicted absolutely everywhere. Homos are simply on the level of virgins and of eunuchs. They also make a good soldier
Sebastian Rodriguez
homosexuality thing is correct other is wrong
Caleb Campbell
Try Russian Orthodox Church then
Michael Garcia
I'm not a fan of baptism, I do like Catholics and Lutherans. Try conservative lutheranism!
Daniel Perry
I don't think he thinks Russians are white.
Ayden Martin
Jaxson Hill
For pedos. For grab ems. Which the latter is real sodomy not the fake impossible lied about cover up straw man kind
Jaxon Hernandez
but life is suffering?
Leo Wright
What we're seeing is corporate churches desperately trying to keep the next generation of their congregations. Certain denominations are more apt to change their message in order to not alienate anyone.
A couple of things to keep in mind: >The Word of God is absolute truth. Find a church that teaches from scripture, and isn't politically motivated.
>Mega churches (usually defined as having over >400 attendees) are hit-or-miss. Some of them don't care about you. If you've been attending regularly, tithing, and being truly involved, but the pastor or priest can't be bothered to know your name, you need to go elsewhere.
>Don't settle for a church that makes you feel comfortable, but doesn't engage you. Worship isn't meant to always be comforting. It's supposed to guide you spiritually. You'll never be a perfect follower of Christ, but a church that teaches you what you're doing wrong and how to fix it will help you be better.
Landon Foster
Bible history = white history
Come home white man
Levi Flores
>stealing sumerian OC Yawehfags are G A Y
Brody Reed
>Babylon Research the 144,000. You are on the side of shekinah hoax and platonic complementarity. You listen to Leviticus as though you are an Israelite priest. You ignore female beds. You call Molech temple whoredom and pimps, "homosexuals". The concepts existed but Freud invented that term. I could go on and on. Don't feel like it
Christianity has been weakened so much it's ridiculous, just stand up for what you believe the religion should mean and never back down, don't even bother to explain to outsiders either, they being outsiders don't deserve it(cept in the rare cases where the outsider has your respect)
Jack Jones
Not in my paradise.
Nathan Richardson
thanks for the suggestions
Mason Harris
even my synagogue is more redpilled than that
Logan Thomas
Give a better look at the fruit.
Tyler Allen
Depends on where you are. If it's a big city keep looking there are churches out there that don't teach heresy. Also if your in the south then most churches will tech that part biblically. You just have to be careful with establishment churches. I prefer more independent non denominational churches myself.
Gabriel Gomez
>synagogue you have to go back
Isaiah Smith
not in my paradise
Hudson Perry
no ;^) what's the matter user? Jews can't be redpilled too?
Leo Roberts
Not in my paradise The rainbow as sign of covenant in Genesis? What the fuck is the matter with you?
Noah Perez
Stop going to bitch church's
Go to the real Roman Catholic ones
Grayson Powell
The essays tab on the home page is really the place to start.
If you have time to listen, Alex Lionheart has dedicated a YouTube channel to all the radio broadcasts. The "Two-Seedline Explained" lays it out, as well as "Discussion on the Settlement of Europe"
Nolan Kelly
Good to see some of you guys are still in exile.
Jackson Walker
Stop writing fucking short stories.
No one gives a fuck about your opinion that much.
Fucking French Canadian faggot
Lucas Phillips
maybe I'll go back once Israel removes 100% of kebab
Asher Wright
not in my paradise
Dominic Wright
There is a mosque that hates gays next to my place.
That's always a good place to hate gays at
Caleb Peterson
Fuck off you stupid pussy licking cuck
William Rodriguez
Jonathan Reyes
Pussy licking is great.
Are you anti trump? Why would you not want to like pussy?
Jose Brown
Enjoy the fungal-based throat cancer
Carson Stewart
I mean it's better than having dick breath
Austin Ramirez
not in my paradise
John Mitchell
Fuck off and burn kike. >For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
>And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
John Davis
not in my paradise
Jeremiah Butler
Remove your origin of your own dick breath smell emanator
Nolan Cruz
Why would you even go to a Liberal church?
Even catering to every pozzed leftist fag.... They are still shrinking in numbers.
Luke Sanders
Your paradise in Middle America? Be a Red Pill on the coast and the whole world is your oyster
Blake Adams
Hey so question if you believe all that stuff. How do you reconcile mark 12:31 love your neighbor as yourself?
Daniel Gonzalez
>for this cause What cause? For denying God. For being pagan whores in their temples. It was an epidemic. And spoken right near there. In the part you deleted. In leviticus. And in corinth. And in rome. You don't know what you're talking about
Evan Smith
I wish I was religious. I want my future wife to be a strong Christian, and I will try and raise my child Christian.
But I just think believing in God is such bullshit. But I think that Christianity is the only thing that can hold degeneracy at bay.
Easton Adams
not in my paradise
Wyatt Miller
Muh pozzed. Hi Truvada. Truvada that doesn't work of pussies. Hi zika. Hi 90% of people have herpes. Hi incurable gonorrhea
Mason Carter
*on pussies
Jonathan Jenkins
Why bullshit?
Jacob Campbell
Read the Bible and watch Jordan Peterson videos.
Parker Cooper
No. Do NOT do the second part
Parker Sullivan
Your feature Christian wife will be a whore.
After being a slut in college and her early 20s she will go to church to find a good man.
She will take all kinds of dick but she will "love you" and that's all that matters
Matthew Perez
The law is for Israelites only. Jesus came only for the lost sheep of Israel (dispersed into Europe after the Assyrian Black Sea captivity through the Scythians and other white adamic tribes)
Your "neighbors" are those close to you, your genetic kinsmen. Christ never preached universalism or a gospel to the other races.
Ayden Gray
For denying the Lord's truth, faggot. >For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
>Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Being an atheist literally turns you gay.
Isaiah Martin
>cult of Yahweh >red pilled
Cameron Hall
But Jerusalem is presently trampled by Gentiles. Why even debate circumcision of the heart if the stupid "cows" are not even supposed to be preached to? Why hate the pharisees so much if it was all just a joo festival
Christopher Jones
not in my paradise
Julian Torres
>deny God's plan Bon appetite.
Christopher Phillips
Not in this guys paradise!
Wyatt Ross
"not in my paradise" Be wary of Catholicism. I would recommend the Methodist Church (Protestant), they get the doctrine from the source and are very strict, so Jewish subversion wouldn't easily work on them.
Jackson Fisher
Christian women go on mission trips to Africa to get fucked by packs of feral niggers but won't suck their husbands' dicks because "it's a sin"
Isaac Sanders
Christian churches have been run by white men for 2000 years....And like everything white men control for any extended period of time they have gone to total shit, embraced all manor of cuckoldry, and the Christian """leaders"""" have become sniveling, pathetic, beta-males.
Nothing to see here. This is to be expected. Give up on religion you weak minded faggots. Maybe there is a god and maybe there isn't...National Socialism and Race-Realism are all you need to lead your life.
Daniel Miller
Not the law in the New Testament. And how do you reach the under standing that it refers to genetic kinsman. It seems to imply anyone who you love in community with.
Hudson Thomas
I'm not a disbeliever. I am not a blasphemer. A pagan. A paid slut. I do not throw my children into a furnace. They did that. And got blowm out. Where is "homosexual" or "gay" even in there? Where are they there other than nowhere, as the cause of all that? He turned them over. When. And why. You understand neither. I don't listen to the synagogue of satan. The Kenites. Who ignore whom is their father. The serpent. And what YOU did in the garden. Not me. In any way. You have much to learn. I do not. Bye.
Dylan Ortiz
And so do early Christians
Chapter 13. The funeral pile is erected
This, then, was carried into effect with greater speed than it was spoken, the multitudes immediately gathering together wood and fagots out of the shops and baths; the Jews especially, according to custom, eagerly assisting them in it. And when the funeral pile was ready, Polycarp, laying aside all his garments, and loosing his girdle, sought also to take off his sandals,— a thing he was not accustomed to do, inasmuch as every one of the faithful was always eager who should first touch his skin. For, on account of his holy life, he was, even before his martyrdom, adorned with every kind of good. Immediately then they surrounded him with those substances which had been prepared for the funeral pile. But when they were about also to fix him with nails, he said, Leave me as I am; for He that gives me strength to endure the fire, will also enable me, without your securing me by nails, to remain without moving in the pile.
Mason Peterson
Gavin Moore
If you worship the God of Abraham, are you not worshipping the same God as the followers of the Last Prophet?
Joseph Scott
Try Southern Baptist. They are based and friendly and no icon idolatry or praying to dead people. Relatively informal.
For more formal "high church" try Wisconsin synod Lutheranism. Avoid Episcopalians, Methodists, and similar liberal heretical garbage.
Cooper Wright
And yet all the early church fathers deny the five solaes
Funny isn't it
Jordan Gomez
James Butler
All the early Christians deny protestantism
Deal with it
Chapter 13. The funeral pile is erected
This, then, was carried into effect with greater speed than it was spoken, the multitudes immediately gathering together wood and fagots out of the shops and baths; the Jews especially, according to custom, eagerly assisting them in it. And when the funeral pile was ready, Polycarp, laying aside all his garments, and loosing his girdle, sought also to take off his sandals,— a thing he was not accustomed to do, inasmuch as every one of the faithful was always eager who should first touch his skin. For, on account of his holy life, he was, even before his martyrdom, adorned with every kind of good. Immediately then they surrounded him with those substances which had been prepared for the funeral pile. But when they were about also to fix him with nails, he said, Leave me as I am; for He that gives me strength to endure the fire, will also enable me, without your securing me by nails, to remain without moving in the pile.
Camden Martin
In theory yes. But in practice the two are so different that the answer is no. Christianity teaches peace. And Islam teachers violence.
Carson Miller
You gotta find the right church.
There will be many wrong ones, you'll know when you find the right one. There will always be ones that pervert the message for the morals of the current age, don't settle.
Christopher Morris
>super church
I know that America is a nation of protestants, but still...
Robert Gray
Gof to the Greek Orthodox Church. We actually stand up to degenerate shit like Muslims, gays, and liberalism.
Julian Howard
>Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
>But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
>Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
Why are you compelled to lie?
Samuel Williams
Meanwhile in early christianity
Sola Fide btfo
Parker Smith
Chapter 13? Of what?
Jaxon Green
ill give it a listen
Julian Walker
>For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Says it plain and simple.
The Bible isn't a buffet that you can pick and choose from.
Jack Peterson
Listen to my youtube thingy too guys
Evan Gutierrez
Martyrdom of Polycarp
Look at up and see how it is idolatry
Charles Hughes
>socialism Socialism is for the lazy and weak. You know how I know you're a loser?
Kevin Edwards
Becausr the female priestesses. Worshipped shekinah baphomet. The fall. Plato. Molech. Like you do. I don't. This is why you're a hypocrite and closet case. You're also a sodomite and not a Christian. Christ did NOT turn us away. I'm not debating this. I have my purpose. God put me here this way. Mind your own fucking business. Liar! I'm gone. To do more research. Keep lying amongst yourselves
Cooper Collins
Polycarp is the guy whose bones are supposed to be holy right?
Daniel Stewart
The entire economy is a zionist usurious worthless fiat interest payment ponzi scheme. They run daddy's fucking lemonade stands and only masons think like you
Carter Bennett
The great apostasy is well underway look for a small congregation of bible believing people/ home church. Run away from the mega "churches"
William Martinez
Hello again gay preacher leaf
Thomas Cooper
>lifetime of suffering I'm pretty sure we've been dealing with the bullshit from that for at least a few thousand years.