Helen Zille, former leader of opposition party in South Africa is in deep shit for this tweet

Helen Zille, former mayor of Cape Town, former leader of the Democratic Alliance, and current premier of the Western Cape province in South Africa is in deep shit for this tweet.

It seems like white people in South Africa are demonized for everything single minuscule thing but when black politicians like Julius Malema joke about genociding white people, nobody gives a shit.

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She's considered an anti-apartheid hero by the way. She exposed the prison guards who beat a black guy to death.

Why do white people live in South Africa? You would think they would be long gone by now.

I have to ask. When whites become a minority in the US and the anti-white left-wing agenda becomes a dominant force, are you going to leave your home?

>Julius Malema joke about genociding white people, nobody gives a shit.

That's because it isn't really a joke, it's like when you "joke" about racist shit to your bluepill friends, you're only half joking.

I'll fight. I'll stay and fight as hard as I can. And if it become to dangerous I'll move my family somewhere else but continue to fight from abroad and back here is I can

South Africa will go the way of Rhodesia, it will just take longer. The colonial infrastructure had more time and population behind it, and it will take longer to crumble.

I'd like to also add that the South African current (the rand) used to be worth like 2 or 3 US dollars.

Now the US dollar is worth around 15 rand. It's tough immigrating to other countries when your money is worth shit.

It also makes me wonder if the rand is purposely being devalued by the black-controlled govt. South Africa is extremely rich is valuable resources like gold, diamonds and platinum. Something like 80% of all platinum comes from SA.

I meant currency of course.

my keyboard is all sticky from cum. i need to stop jerking off so much

Meanwhile Zuma tells blacks to gang up on whites and it's all fun&games..
Or am I getting ahead of myself here?

If we become as outnumbered as you are, fuckin'a right I am. You can drive across hundreds of miles in entire states here and hardly expect to see a black face, whereas you're living in tiny clusters of whites in a BLACK CONTINENT. Yes, you should have bailed out decades ago.

Hell no, where would I run to? Germany?

If America goes, I go with it.

Fair points, but American whites are becoming a minority slowly, and we have nowhere else to go. Eventually it has to come to a head before we lose political power, right?

I think SA was different because a small minority of whites completely lost power overnight. There was all of europe, the rest of the commonwealth, and america to leave to, before the economy completely blew up.

Still, I understand your point, but I think the situation for whites in SA is and always was untenable.

April 6th user

Well she's not wrong...

Looks like she's backpedaling to save face though, which is bullshit.

"I never meant to defend colonialism"

Wtf? That's what made South Africa, South Africa. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot, who didnt take the time to read a wikipedia article.

And it doesn't even make sense, because she clearly did, so I dont know why she thinks that tactic will work.

Whats gonna happen on the april 6th?

The day that the land claim is put into order, most South African bros on here refuted it and said that if anything was to happen, it'd be around/after the 2019 elections.

You talking about when Zuma asked Parliament to amend the Constitution to allow the govt to expropriate land without compensation?


It may not work on whites but niggers are stupid. Maybe they'll believe it.

I still cannot believe the world is completely silent about this issue.

Nothing but crickets. It's just white people being affected though so who gives a fuck, right?

>politicians like Julius Malema joke about genociding white people
They're not joking. They incite the crowd knowing they're at worst getting a slap on the wrist for it.

The difference is a matter of degree of danger. And chance of success. Trump proved that America still has a chance. But if the natives decide to riot and kill all white people, there's nothing the South Africans can do.

Protect whites in SA and stop white genocide.

Arent there any legions we can join for this? Like in the Spanish and Chinese civil wars of the 30's

The legacy of colonialism was nothing but good but it's over now.


They're not natives. The bantu blacks come from central Africa.

The true indigenous people of South Africa are the Khoikhoi and San people (also known as Bushmen).

They're racially very different from the bantu negroid and they don't even consider themselves black.

maybe I'm just a filthy race-mixing degenerate, but i wanna suck on those big black titties

>black politicians like Julius
Why do black people use white names like this? It just cheapens the name.

She is 100% right and factually accurate.

Fuck leftists.

They can't keep running.

Both of those groups also were attacked and murdered en masse by the fucking Bantu. They're just rats from afar, drawn to the scent of progress. Once SA is bled dry, they'll just move somewhere else.

Nowhere else to move for those cunts who blindly vote for the ANC every single fucking time.

If the ANC doesn't lose power in 2019, all whites need to leave South Africa. Countries like the US, UK and Sweden should start taking white South Africans as refugees. They're responsible for the mess since they funded the ANC and put sanctions on South Africa to ensure they gained power.


The white South Africans can stay there and be genocided down to the last white child.

YOU RETARDS BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELVES. You wanted cheap black labor for the Afrikaner farms, and the Brits wanted that same black labor for the African mines.

You could have EASILY wiped out the Bantu when you still had power, but you let your greed get the best of you. You aren't going to be rewarded for your stupidity.

White people need an example of where multi-culturalism ultimately leads, and a genocide in South Africa would serve that purpose.

Don't worry, whites will be a minority in the US soon too.

We're already witnessing tons of white all-American sluts getting fucked by Hispanic and black guys.

Mexican stunt cock from GDP fucking all those white sluts.

So you think black people are incapable of inventing any of those things? Racist much?
They'd actually probably be much better off if white people never showed up to exploit them, the only reason they're having problems is colonialism.

The afrikaners took a desolate wasteland and erected civilization and you expect them to give all that up just to appease some worthless nigger animals?

Nah get fucked cunt

We need to further culturally enrich Canada.

I'm so happy Trudeau is the PM. Bless him. He is paving the path for mass immigration to Canada.


If it was just the united states that had whites - a small number at that, compared to a massively larger number of exponentially growing niggers surrounding our country - then I'd run. I'd have to; victory would be absolutely impossible, unless we went to nuclear war, and nuked the niggers off the face of the west.

If the race war happened in a time where there were still hundreds of millions of whites in the US, then I'd stay and fight.
There's a difference between knowing when to quit, and standing up for what's yours.
Africa is a shithole, and it will forever maintain itself as such; any white existence there will be rejected like a rejected organ; the rest of the body will fight until death just to get rid of it.

Without an established military, nothing can combat the literal millions of nigger militias that exist in SA. SA is full of libshits who are too brainwashed and in denial to even see that they're being hunted; they won't believe it until they're dead. The other half is only a few million people strong; men, women, children, old and young alike. Unless they were all armed and could shoot to kill - which is something that must be trained into you - then it is suicide.

kill the boer with da da da machine gun kill the boer, yeeeeeeeeeeehaw

yes and I honestly, truly hope the United States becomes hell on Earth for white people, me included. We brought this on ourselves with half of us embracing leftism, and the other half being Republicucks sucking Jesus's flaccid little weiner, and 100% of our women being coalburning whores.

White people everywhere need a big fucking wake-up call, and the only way that will happen is with widespread Colored on White violence.

>everywhere looks like LA
Paco, just because you want something to happen, doesn't mean it's going to happen. We all know you want that white pussy, but your greasy little shitskin fingers will probably never get a chance to get close

>Without an established military, nothing can combat the literal millions of nigger militias that exist in SA. SA is full of libshits who are too brainwashed and in denial to even see that they're being hunted; they won't believe it until they're dead. The other half is only a few million people strong; men, women, children, old and young alike. Unless they were all armed and could shoot to kill - which is something that must be trained into you - then it is suicide.

White people were able to rule South Africa from the 1600's to 1994.

There was no problem with that until faggots from other countries decided to stick their nose into the internal affairs of South Africa and put sanctions on SA.

>The afrikaners took a desolate wasteland and erected civilization and you expect them to give all that up just to appease some worthless nigger animals?
>Nah get fucked cunt

>meanwhile, most major urban centers in America (and Europe) have become, in just one or two generations, mainly black and/or hispanic
Sounds like you're the one getting fucked. I don't see you doing anything to get our great industrial centers back, like Chicago and Detroit.

yep, immigrants grow our economy which benefits everyone here

and at the same time crime will go up and white Canadian women are going to get their pussies plowed by brown and black cocks

>it didn't matter much until people got involved

Which is why they will never win. You know, -someone- will fund for their deaths, and people will die just like they did in rhodasia.
It wont matter if anyone stands up, if you're outnumbered 200 to 1, and the enemy is armed, supplied and on the payroll of jews across the world.

keep telling yourself that bret hart

what about the based Zulu king who said life was better for the blacks when the whites were in charge?

do niggers ever get nostalgic? they gotta notice that things have totally gone to shit under their watch no?

Obviously they are incapable of inventing those things, they aren't even capable of maintaining them when given free money to do it with.
You're right that they would be better off without Whites showing up, they would never have increased their population to this point. They'd still be in the bush eating twigs and berries, never knowing or caring about anything else.


>jacob "rape and kill jan pieriwet and his entire family" zuma
>jacob "your taxes pay for my pool" zuma
>jacob "i dont have aids, i took a shower" zuma

Isn't she just quoting Life of Brian but switching out Romans for racist white South Africans?

Most blacks cannot into cause and effect or understand long term consequences. They just know that things are bad and want someone to fix it and/or someone to blame for it.

Look I know I'm going to get some heat for this but it's an oversimplification to say it's the Jews' fault.

Yes, a lot of South African Jews were anti-apartheid but they rejected the call for sanctions and they don't support the current ANC government.

Also, Israel was South Africa's greatest military ally during the apartheid era. South Africa developed a nuclear arsenal with long-range capabilities thanks to Israel.

>You can drive across hundreds of miles in entire states here and hardly expect to see a black face,

This is why I love America. I can drive for an hour and be practically off the grid, and I live in the city.

>Israel was South Africa's greatest military ally
And they're ours too. So what?

Yeah, if you live in the middle of nowhere.

I live in a state with a large population relative to its area and diversity is off the charts here.

The fact is whites will be a minority in the coming decades.

Israel doesn't benefit the US in the same way they benefited the South African military.

>joke about genociding white people
I hope you like redpills friend.
Anyone have the pics of all the dead white farmers?

percentages is not the deciding factor. It's the sheer size of our people.

>nuclear proliferation is a good thing
M8, the jewish supported end of apartheid was what threw SA into the fucking path of hell that it's on now. The only good thing that came out of the jews coming there were the fucking bagels.

You know it was the kikes who formed the ANC and destroyed South Africa, right?

If that's true..I wonder what they thought of Israel militarizing the apartheid regime and giving them powerful weapons.

exactly this, they've been living in poverty robbing and killing each other doing drugs and generally being menaces to society for decades now and they have no idea why their lives suck, and in fact most don't think their lives suck I'd bet. they are one of the worst things that ever happened to America.


Usually I don't care about what ugly troglodytes say online but this is one faggot I wouldn't mind beating the shit out of

>says the guy whose country imported blacks from halfway across the world for cheap labour

But I agree with you.

Of course if we'd actually done that we'd probably have had to go out and do it all the way up to the Sahara or the locals would just be replaced with more of the same. Illegal immigration into South Africa has always been high, even during apartheid (funny how that works, isn't it).

We'll take their whites, They can have our niggers

Did the apartheid regime even try blocking all the illegal immigration?

I mean that's a lot of fucking blacks that managed to get through the border. That's a lot worse than the situation with Mexico and the US.

I'm exploiting my half-Han background and moving to a country in the Sinosphere if it comes to that. I'd rather live under a Chicom jackboot and die early of lung cancer than have everything I love destroyed bit by bit by a Zuma-style "blame whitey" government.

The third world will always be streaming to whatever pasture is greener, then complaining that it isn't green enough. We played our part in making the situation worse for ourselves, for sure.

Hmm you're right. We should do something about it.

>Racist much?

so niggers preaching genocide of whites will get their hands on nukes?

awesome future

South Africa is the only country to ever divest itself of its nukes. Was one of the things the NP did before transferring power in 94. And thank God.

No, the Jews bought the nukes back before the ANC got power. They made money on the whole deal of course. Their support of SA was a scam just like everything else they do.

From what I understand initially Israel, under Meir, supported Mandela at Rivonia. I believe it was the influence of the Jews involved in Debeers and the mining which caused them to temporarily prop up the country, but that was temporary. Even now Israel is gladly forgetting the past and supporting the new government.


Look up Nadine Gordimer, the kikes have been aiming to destroy the whites there for a long time.

No, the apartheid regime voluntarily dismantled all of South Africa's nuclear weapons.

The world should be very thankful for that too because I don't know what would've happened if the current chimpanzees running the government had access to nukes.

thank god

Colonialism is the reason why South Africa is more developed than any other African nation, as well as being the wealthiest up until recently. Leftists love to talk ill about colonialism but they always fail to address the fact that colonialism = development. You should see some of the DA MPs responses to it. They take the racial bait so easily

A glimpse at what the South African parliament is like nowadays.



Every time I see someone getting in trouble for a "controversial tweet" it's always just them stating an obvious, but uncomfortable, truth.

Holy fuck your MP's are fucking cucked.
I am so sorry for you friend

It's not like they have a choice. They have to fully appeal to the black majority otherwise the opposition party will never have a chance of taking power from the ANC.

Im not south african, but it would seem to me, that colonialism, and apartheid are two different things.

Yes, descendants of the white settlers installed the apartheid regime, but they also made it a modern country with things like, proper farming technique, plumbing, and electrical power. Did any surrounding countries advance as quick as SA?

You can't expect much from a neo-liberal party that works closely with the Lib Dems. They govern better than the ANC, but they've become far too anti white lately. I won't be supporting them again

How do you say Cuck in Afrikans?

There's no one else to support though!

The only other option is popularizing provincial secessions but that won't happen.

As a native-born Capetonian, I would love for the Western Cape to secede from that shithole. That's why I support the Cape Party.

Colonialism was the period of African countries being taken over as European colonies. Apartheid was a movement for an independent South Africa, so they're 2 different things. Colonialism was designed to "westernise" and modernise blacks whilst apartheid was designed to separate the different races. No African country has developed quite on our level, but Botswana is growing fast

Probably just cuck. I don't know, I'm not Afrikaans

>Muh infrastructure
Typical colonial response

In an instant, no question

I'm going to singapore boys, and probably long before we're a minority

I'm tired of you liberal fucking faggots

I'd love to see the Cape party gaining some traction. I think if they really tried they could swing coloured people's perceptions of the ANC/DA


fuck yeah
moving to Kekistan with the first wave of colonists

Why Singapore?

It's totally true though. The European Africans installed all of that shit, maintained it well, and now that the blacks are in charge, those systems are failing.

I hate to say it that way, but there's no other way to say it. The Afrikaners ran shit better when they had control

god knows
Singapore is a prison

It's really weird when South Africans say "cuck", because it sounds a lot like the Afrikaans swear "kak" which means shit.

Well how would it fit with you when the colonies say that all the first world infrastructure you have today was built on our exploitation?