You guys aren't actually racists are you? Please tell me this board is just roleplay.
You guys aren't actually racists are you? Please tell me this board is just roleplay
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cats don't act like that
I believe this is the website you are looking for.
Racists, hell no.
Fuck niggers tho.
Im a genocidist.
We took care of all of the racists on the board
Ultimate redpill: "white supremacists" have been right about practically everything the whole time.
It's just satire
Fucking this. OP, please explain why my ancestors built boats and conquered the world while niggers were and are still building huts of mud? Why is there a bloodthirsty nigger warlord always in power?
>this board is just roleplay.
yep,for sure.
From what I gather, some of the people here are white nationalists for real. Others are just nationalists who don't buy into the specific way liberals try to implement equality. And I think most people here realize that race and immigration have been weaponized to wage cultural war and further globalization.
Also, "racism" can mean many things. Just acknowledging that there are real, measurable, statistically significant differences between races (which is a fact) can count as racism. Doesn't necessarily mean you'd want to genocide them though. Or that the differences are all that significant compared to culture. But in large populations the differences will have a statistical effect. Pretending otherwise just makes you wrong and the racists right.
Some here truly seem to want the other races deported or segregated though. They want each races to have their own countries. That's pretty extreme and not very realistic, but they're serious about it.
Others just want to save the family unit and up their birth rates. This means whites should have more babies but that's mostly for cultural reasons.
And lots of people here are joking about everything and just being edgy.
Also, OP is a nigger.
yeah the race of leafs should be raked
I guess I'm a rakist
I was a racist, but then I had sex and now I'm happy.
Glad I don't go to /r9k/ anymore, that place is 10x more toxic than posts here.
Racism is a crime and crime is for niggers so no
If liberals were serious about ending racism they'd have sex with me to end it. But they don't so I can't take their ideology seriously.
so which one of them are you?
>They want each race to have their own countries.
You dont?
I'll never tell.
niggers aren't human so it's not racist to hate them
Well yeah, if you're happy then you're less likely to buy into racist ideas, but that doesn't mean the races are equal.
yeah completely satire keep reading for v funny satire and not serious jokes
Of course not, who could possibly oppose replacing whites with inferior races? That would just be silly.
You know what, maybe that's ideal. But it's a bit too late for that.
The whole "cultural marxist" thing is kind of real (even though it's a misnomer) and it has to end. Globalization and mass immigration has to end too. The way it's being done anyway. That's what I care about.
But the non-whites that are here, well shit they're citizens now. We have to do right by them. At least those that have been there for a while.
inb4 cuck, but I'm convinced the problems with the blacks in the US is due to culture and economics. That doesn't mean the liberals are right thought. They're dead wrong in the way they attempt to solve that. They're worsening it on purpose.