Hey Sup Forums,
I'm having some trouble with Paul.
I...don't believe anything he fucking says. It's like he was placed in the Bible specifically to deceive readers.
I feel like the only thing I should be reading is the Gospel.
Hey Sup Forums,
I'm having some trouble with Paul.
I...don't believe anything he fucking says. It's like he was placed in the Bible specifically to deceive readers.
I feel like the only thing I should be reading is the Gospel.
What parts don't you agree with?
I mean, this is really bugging me and I'm not memeing at all. Literally everything.
go with that. there were communities in early christianity felt the same about Paul.
I'm going to try and read through again. He's just...suspect.
This is what a shill would respond with. Can't name anything from the book. I hope you burn in Hell.
Paul is like the clause of a contract that legitimises everything else, "Yeah we're fucking you, but it's okay".
Also paves the way nicely for organised religion, so obviously they left it all in.
I've always been suspect of bald spiritual leaders and never knew why. Seeing Paul always depicted as bald puts me on edge.
Woah woah woah. What?
Again, pretty much everything I think he says is suspect.
I mean, just fundamentally starting with he says that Jesus appeared to him and made him the 13th apostle, even though this happens to no one else and no one else witnesses this, etc. There are about 1,000 more things where he contradicts the Christ.
This didn't just come out of the blue to shill. I like having interesting discussions here. This place, I feel at least, is far more knowledgeable and interested in religion than any other place in my life, at least right now.
Not OP but one of my problems is that he constantly contradicts himself.
For instance in one book he says
>Hey guys it's totally cool to eat meat that was sacrificed at the temple since their gods aren't real
but then in another book he says
Jewish Pharisee that is also a Roman Citizen claims to be the 13th apostle...
nothing to worry about here goys
You might find this helpful.
I'll check it out.
The long and short of it is, the apostles were for Jews and Paul was the gospel for the gentiles in the church age after the death of Christ.
I'm not saying Paul didn't help spread Christianity, I'm questioning what version of Christianity he was spreading.
Also Peter and a lot of other apostles didn't like or agree with Paul which should tell you something
Right. That's part of what I'm looking into.
I mean, Paul's writing is nearly 2/3rd of the NT. That seems strange.
The New Testament is a deceptively crafted abomination of the truth.
Are you a Jew?
Constantine (57th emperor of Rome) spread Christianity when he made it thee official religion of Deutschland, I mean Rome!!
>I feel like the only thing I should be reading is the Gospel.
Pretty much.
He's full of shit. He knows Jesus better than James, Jesus' own brother? Jesus didn't come to change the Mosaic Law, this faggot did it to get more fellowers from Gentiles
So I've watched a little bit of this guy and I'm really not thinking this guy knows what he's talking about. Not trying to be a dick, but he seems to fundamentally misunderstand Christianity. I'm going to keep watching a bit longer but...I'm not sure this is the guy you ought to be listening to, user...
If you're calling Paul's letters into question in the Bible, you're calling the entirety of the Bible into question, because what you're doing is suggesting that it was not divinely inspired.
Jesus DIDN'T change Mosaic law. Mosaic law doesn't apply to gentiles.
Not at all. The entirety of the Bible can still be divinely inspired if it includes an individual you should not follow to teach as a lesson to not be deceived.
ok. the bible is a collection of texts that were agreed upon by the catholic church to be "cannon". These decisions are all fucking arbitrary and you should only claim texts you 100% believe in to be gospel
nice bait
>only thing I should be reading is the Gospel
Me too, Paul says we're not under law anymore but Jesus says the opposite and says that we are still under law
>mfw paul is mentioned in the gnostic gospels, and personally led by christ to the 12 apostles.
What verses are these?
I don't like acts, it implies some people can be more blessed by God than others and if you can speak in tongues you are closer to God. it also implies that its a way to prove your righteousness to other people when all that matters is God's judgement
The key apostle supported his mission and teachings.
Not at all true. Jesus parses the monastic law from God's law often. Instances like with the divorce teachings.
I have my criticisms of the bible, it doesn't come with an instruction manual for the inner workings of the body
quite frankly the new testament is riddled with hindu mythology
U wot
you heard me you shill
Explain how it is at all similar, user.
Jew's don't believe in the Old Testament neither though.
if I don't like a book am I calling the entire library into question?
Yeah, out of all the major religions, Hinduism is probably the furthest from Christianity.
Key elements in Christianity
>water baptism
>god being the spirit of love, and the source of all creation
>moving mountains with faith doing impossible things with faith Matthew 17:20
>handling serpents, healing the sick, casting out demons and speaking in tongues, and drinking deadly poisonous things with no harmful effects (rasputin) mark 16:18
>repentance and destruction of sin and its consequences
>in 2 of the 4 gospels in the greek, Jesus was nailed to a tree not a cross, in the other 2 he was nailed to a cross
>walking on water and strange miracles
>fish symbolism
>reincarnation is biblical hebrews 9:27 can be implied that you are judged more than one time, countless times before the final judgement
>4 headed cherubim ox, eagle(or serpent) lion and man with some eyes covering its entire body
>micheal, meaning he who is like god
>satan decieves the entire world 12:9
>jesus reincarnates while riding a white horse to destroy evil and filth from the land
>water baptism
>brahman, the supreme being being the spirit of love, and the source of all creation
>Krishna moved a mountain with his faith on his fingertip to protect his family
>hindus play with snakes, drink poison, cast out demons with their faith in god, and do impossible tasks with their faith
>krisha was nailed to a tree
>repentance, penance, destruction of sin, and living a righteous life
>fish symbolism
>the have a noah story with Manu surviving a great flood with 7 sons/ssages on an ark
>4 headed Devas with some eyes covering its entire body with wildly different heads
>final judgement at the end of the age
>Kali Yuga, an age where evil forces deceive the entire world
>similar life spans, and degradation of life span from hundreds or thousands of years to barely 100 if you're lucky
>Krisna returns riding on a white horse to destroy evil and filth from the land
God is not so dull that he would only speak to one nation
and the story of Krisna is older than the story of Christ
You shill dont you know that Saint Paul was told to preach at the Command of Saint Pater?
Do you really think that a man who was crucified for his faith upside down would let some shlomo lie to you after EVERYTHING TEY FUCKING WENT THROUGH
pretty jewwy post rabbi.
Opie, an indepth analysis of Paul was done here:
טאַקע ניט, יווע געווארן קאַט
your chart is based on misconceptions and poor understanding of what the same key elements are
Both was sent from heaven to earth in the form of a man.
Both were called Savior, and the second person of the Trinity.
: His adoptive human father was a carpenter.
A spirit or ghost was their actual father.
Krishna and Jesus were of royal descent.
Both were visited at birth by wise men and shepherds, guided by a star.
Angels in both cases issued a warning that the local dictator planned to kill the baby and had issued a decree for his assassination. The parents fled. Mary and Joseph stayed in Muturea; Krishna's parents stayed in Mathura.
Both Yeshua and Krishna withdrew to the wilderness as adults, and fasted.
Both were identified as "the seed of the woman bruising the serpent's head."
Jesus was called "the lion of the tribe of Judah." Krishna was called "the lion of the tribe of Saki."
Both claimed: "I am the Resurrection."
Both referred to themselves having existed before their birth on earth.
Both were "without sin."
Both were god-men: being considered both human and divine.
They were both considered omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
Both performed many miracles, including the healing of disease. One of the first miracles that both performed was to make a leper whole. Each cured "all manner of diseases."
Both cast out indwelling demons, and raised the dead.
Both selected disciples to spread his teachings.
Both were meek, and merciful. Both were criticized for associating with sinners.
Both encountered a Gentile woman at a well.
Both celebrated a last supper. Both forgave his enemies.
Both descended into Hell, and were resurrected. Many people witnessed their ascensions into heaven.
Errors in Graves' book:
Due either to carelessness, or the primitive knowledge of religious history in the late 19th century, it appears that Graves made some errors in his book. He reported that:
Both Krishna and Yeshua were born on December 25.
Actually, Krishna is traditionally believed to have been born during August. The festival Janmashtami is held in honor of this birth.
The birth day of Jesus is unknown, but is believed by many to have also been about August during some year between 4 and 7 BCE.
December 25th was chosen for Christmas to coincide with a pre-existent Pagan Roman holiday, Saturnalia. December 25th was also recognized in ancient times as the birth day of various other god-men such as Attis and Mithra. All were linked to the winter solstice, which occurs about DEC-21.
Jesus' and Krishna's mothers were holy virgins:
Actually, the virginal state of Mary when she conceived Jesus is a matter of debate. Paul and the author(s) of the Gospel of John appear to directly reject the concept. The author of the Gospel of Mark appears to have been unaware of it. The authors of Matthew and Luke accepted the belief. Christians today are divided.
bullet The virginal state of Devaki is also a matter of debate. One tradition states that Krishna was her eighth child. Another states that it was a virgin birth: "In the context of myth and religion, the virgin birth is applied to any miraculous conception and birth. In this sense, whether the mother is technically a virgin is of secondary importance to the fact that she conceives and gives birth by some means other than the ordinary....the divine Vishnu himself descended into the womb of Devaki and was born as her son Krishna." 11
Jesus' and Krishna's mothers had similar names: Miriam (Mary) and Maia
In reality, Krishna's mother may have been referred to as Maia, but only because this is the Hindi word for "mother." His mother's actual name was Devaki; his foster mother's name was Yashoda.
Spotted the Zietgiest shithead
New age deceived detected
man oh man, spotted the stupid nigger who thinks I'm shilling for communist propoganda
try again buddy. I'm a flat earth shit head.
The knew Mosaic law but at that time they stricly followed the Talmud which is spoken word of god (is just made up stuff that only benefited the Jewish people making gentiles less then animals)
riddle me this fidoo, do you think God is so dull that he would only speak to some kikes in the middle east?
>water baptism
Isn't in Hinduism. The washing in the Ganges doesn't amount to baptism and the only possible equivalent is the head shaving ceremony.
>God in relation to creation
God is ontological extremely different from Brahman and they aren't comparable concepts.
>faith doing things
Existed in Judaism as a belief before classical Hinduism made an equivalent
U wot
>overcoming sins
Exists in Judaism from before classical Hinduism.
>The gospels are inconsistent!
This is totally random and unrelated to your topic
>it has supernatural things
>So it's like Hinduism
>using fish as symbols
>hindu in essence or even seen the same way
>hebrews 9:27
It literally says you only die once.
>anything like angels at all even down to imagery
>hindu influence
>Jesus reincarnated
Jesus isn't a soul. The understanding of how Jesus is God is incompatible with Hindu reincarnation. Further, you are criticizing Christianity for being like classical Hinduism when that itself came about during the time of Jesus and the first Christians, if not only slightly before.
This is ridiculous. Not only in comparison but in trying to say these are Hindu concepts sent to that area
No one says God only spoke there. Just that the history of working there is noted as it was plan to originate the church there.
The problem I have with Paul is that he never knew Jesus yet he has the nerve to call himself an apostle.
My name is Paul
GO fuck yourself entitled little bitch. Not everything I wrote was meant to be interpreted by some little priss on a Cambodian fishing blogsite
Fucking pleb lol
In all honesty those were my most inner thoughts and I just wanted to perhaps share them. Now you got it all out of context and shit. Retards I swear the lot of you.
This is the word of Paul.
Blessed are we to receive such direct wisdom.
Hebrews 9:27
>It literally says you only die once.
it says once men die, they are judged. if there are 13000 more years until the final judgement in revelation, I probably have 13000 more years on earth until I get into heaven or hell.
the soul is eternal, its been in and out of flesh for a long time, there's a reason the phrase old soul exists
>faith doing things
>Existed in Judaism as a belief before classical Hinduism made an equivalent
Hindu mythology is older than Judaic mythology. Moses only came around at 1000bc. Krishna was born about 3000BC. Abraham was born about 2000BC. both put the great flood at about the same time
Rasputin allegedly drank and ate cyanide knowingly, knowing it wouldn't hurt him
>The washing in the Ganges doesn't amount to baptism
somehow a water baptism doesn't equate to a water baptism.
>overcoming sins
>Existed in Judaism as a belief before classical Hinduism made an equivalent
speaking in total ignorance of timelines isn't an argument
>God is ontological extremely different from Brahman and they aren't comparable concepts.
Brahman and Yahweh are the same being, and are comparable concepts, you just want to be a nigger about it.
>overcoming sins
Exists in Judaism from before classical Hinduism.
except hindu mythology is older than jewish mythology
>This is totally random and unrelated to your topic
the gospels are consistent, they're written in multiple timelines
>. Further, you are criticizing Christianity for being like classical Hinduism when that itself came about during the time of Jesus and the first Christians, if not only slightly before.
I'm not. I'm pointing out that Jesus left clues to look for in other nations for scriptures.
>This is ridiculous. Not only in comparison but in trying to say these are Hindu concepts sent to that area
I'm not saying they are hindu concepts. I'm saying they are universal concepts. repenting for your sins being the main one.
answer me this here
all of the other apostles accepted him and his claims though
Paul is very trustworthy and you should believe anything he says, silly goy ;^)
The other apostles were dead
>13000 more years on earth
does that imply reincarnation or purgatory?
there's no conclusive evidence for that. honestly if one question's Paul authenticity than that pretty much nullifies all of the Patristic theologians (not to even mention later ones). By doing so you also remove any notion of divine influence of the scripture which puts everything under question and readily sets up the idea that Christ is not the son of God/God. Then the whole thing is pointless as there's nothing worse than a secular Christ
>overcoming sins
>Exists in Judaism from before classical Hinduism.
aslo jews were stoned for sinning, there was no repentance or forgiveness to and from God in judaic mythology until after Christ, there was getting hit in the fucking head with a bunch of rocks, and going through grotesque punishments.
this has to be one of the most ignorant things I've ever had to respond to
there was no chance to overcome sin in judaism, unless you could overcome getting hit with a bunch of fucking rocks.
Acts 17:11, having pre-installed prejudices from what are basically idiot church fathers
> Just that the history of working there is noted as it was plan to originate the church there.
if you knew your bible from a doorknob, you'd understand that the roman catholic church is Paganism disguised as christianity. St. Peter is Jupiter, Isis is the Virgin Mary, and the wife of Nimrod who gives birth to the anti christ.
anti christ in greek doesn't mean against, it can, and does mean substitute
all the titles of the roman church add up to 666 with gematria.
the gospels aren't really consistent, Mathew, Mark and Luke overlap but John is kinda like a guy on drugs trying to remember shit
no they weren't
oh you and your backwards Yidisms
Well he was a jew so you shouldn't believe what he said, same goes for everyone else in the bible
the first 3 gospels deal with his human side, his life as a servant, his lineage as the king of the jews, and his acts as the savoir.
john dealt with his divinity as the son of god. which is why in john the first thing deals with his lineage from god, while Matthew deals with his lineage from abraham, and luke and mark don't mention his lineage as all.
That's alright, although the Bible is God's word, his word reaches everyone different. He made everyone different, but perfect, because we each play a role for his will. The only thing you need to keep close to your heart and unquestioned are the 10 commandments
1. I am you God, there are no other gods before me.
2. Do not worship false idols.
3. Remember the Sabbath, keep it holy.
4. Honor thy Mother, and Father.
5. Do not use the Lord's name in vain.
6. You shall not kill
7. You shall not steal.
8. You shall not commit adultery.
9. DO NOT bare false witness
10. Do not covet thy neighbor's wife, lady servant, man servant, or that which you do not have....
and avoid the 7 deadly sins
Hope this helps some of you faggots. Also fuck Allah.
what specifically do you take issue with?
Btw, keeping the Sabbath Day (on the 7th day, God rested)= Saturday, Holy, doesn't mean not working, it just means sacrifice something. There's a bunch of ways to sacrifice... Fasting, avoiding sweets, whatever it is just make sure it gradually expands.
I like his head covering Enoch stuff but he made up his own words to describe the pagan shrine hookers we later mistranslated as the non existing "homosexual"