Who could have done this?
Unknown attack helicopter attacks refugee boat, kills 42
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thanks herk
Sounds like some shit Hungary would do tbqh
Just Trump making deals with the Saudis.
Nothing to see here. It was a bonding exercise.
>survivors report hearing accordion music as the helicopter sped away
>yfw Martin Shkreli bought a helicopter and is saving western civilization
Woah awesome
> good night my sides
I wonder...
>Sounds like some shit Hungary would do tbqh
Are you retarded?
this is some interesting shit. Who is this helicopter man and why does he wear the mask?
Celebrating the death of innocent human beings is wrong.
But they're not innocent and they're not human beings
wtf? i love islam now
You Brit shitposters and your bantz
>that swedish flag boat
Honestly if we let them keep breeding and importing them they are going to eventually cover the entire world, you realize that right? They don't just vanish. They aren't dying off anymore, they're coming to western countries and taking women/jobs. Kinda a big deal. I know it's sad, but eventually it's going to happen. There's no avoiding it. It's pretty easy to see this.
can hungary afford attack helicopters?
rip great scientists
Praise KEK
>Implying you know me or my opinions to conclude that I'm a hypocrite
Also with all of the faults of the Jews niggers are objectively just simple amimals
At least Jews have the intelligence to be subversive
>tfw this was a real show about christian values
It was /pol navy
It me Dinko
>tfw you'll never own a small submarine that silently tears holes in their boats
Notice how the boat has Sweden's flag colors
I must have missed out on the Go Fund Me for buying Sup Forums an attack helicopter
But in all seriousness, whoever did it obviously has strong feelings about the social constructs of gender and is just living out live as the person they really are
it were me Dinko
>Women and children were among those killed
We all know the boat was full of grown men. Why do they open the article with bs lies?
[muffled helicopter machine gun sounds in the distance]
What is bullshit about this is Yemen and another arab nigger nations are allowed to do this, yet any western country that does the same 'they are the rassist!'
if you wear a dress, you can identify as a woman these days
they probably wrecked themselves and made up the helicopter story
Look, it worked for Thomas. They thought this would would work.
With faces like that.
Based Merchant knows what's up.
>80 survivors
They're invading hordes Ahmed.
Soon you will join them at the bottom of the seas.
You have been visited by the unknown attack helicopter of peace! He will kill more refugees, but only if you reply with thank you Unknown Attack Helicopter!
yeah right and 9/11 isn't funny.
thanks mom.
> Yemeni refugees fleeing Saudis and Americans
> People that are invading Europe
Fuck you Sup Forums, this was the very acts that are driving people from the Middle East.
America = Bestest Ally of ((( Saudis )))
Women and children were among those killed.
>Who could have done this?
God emperor Trump.
Y E M E N I S - C O N T R O L L E D - T H E - B O A T
>Celebrating the death of innocent human beings is wrong.
I get to celebrate all of the dead redcoats every Fourth of July. Whatcha gon do about it?
Thank god. Ive been saying this is the way to do it for almost a year now.
>Ride of the Valkyries playing in the background.
You're welcome buddys
hmmmmm rly make u think
thanks fried
That's 42 people who won't be able to claim their gibs in Germany or Sweden. Good work based attack helicopter.
underrated. how will HIV be cured
Lauren Southern strikes again
chop chop chop chop chop
True, for all we know, the helicopter attack may be entirely made up to make it seem like these refugees faced danger and persecution back home and on their way to Europe.
Maybe not... but maybe that's just what Hungary wants us to think, maybe they've got a huge black budget that just builds military hardware to hunt "refugees." Seriously how would we know? Does anyone even bother to spy on Hungary anymore?
its litterally anti semitism to disagree with what this jew said
hes a paki m8
Well shit, don't wanna be an anti-semite, to show solidarity with Israel we should all adopt the same immigration and refugee policies as Israel!
walls and shoot them the second they say one wrong word
if its good enough for the jew its good enough for the west
Lurk more
Are those Swedish vikings?
How about you stop invading weak peoples in the Middle East, driving them like cattle into the whore that you call Liberty?
None of these people would've been migrating en masse if you didn't decide to invade half of the Middle East with Proxy Mercenary armies.
> fucking scum
Right? Color me shocked some refugees can't operate a boat, coming from a desert and all..
that statue was erected when america needed to be colonized and farmed by the white europeans
it is now colonized,that motto no longer applies
and the anglo does what he wants
>Who could have done this?
Should we start a GoFundMe to collect funds for resupply of ammunition?
The merchant is right about this one, goys.
yeah, if you were there you wouldnt be laughing. the reality of the situation would be sobering.
What makes them not innocent? And I'd think an jewish person of all people sympathise with people calling others subhuman.
i don't see how that's relevant
if you are happy that they were killed because of their religion, that makes you an awful person
My name isn't Ahmed. And empty threats mean nothing.
You're correct, they aren't funny.
I'm not.
>What makes them not innocent?
Invading Europe.
>And I'd think an jewish person of all people sympathise with people calling others
What an ugly stereotype.
Why is my gender in the news?
boards.Sup Forums. Sup Forumsthread/117302497
put the .org in it
its a pretty flipping sweet thread guys
Also the Arabs are subhuman, but they are also Muslim which makes them objectively a worthless cancer on the west. The niggers are not subhuman, they are animals.
>Brought to you by the International Organization for Migration.
Fake news.
Probably pirates shot up by Americans
They should have done this from the very beginning so those mudslimes, niggers and turkroaches wouldn't have invaded Europe.
Cry more
Go read Camp of the Saints, then come back and tell us what you think about 3rd world out of control immigration.