In any functioning society, the penalty for adultery is death.

Marriage is the foundation of civilization, and adultery is an attack upon that.

Silly Jews pushed the meme that adultery is about empowerment, and preached self-love over love of Volk. For example, look at this bitch's punchable face:

As a civilized man, I sacrifice for the good of my civilization. I expect to be paid...I expect to father children who are biologically my own.

Jews tricked women into breaking this contract, and feeling entitled to put themselves first before their families and their children.

Since many women have literally told me to "love myself", and have told literal roomfuls of women that it's ok to "put themselves first" and "take care of their own needs" the spirit of feminism and egalitarianism that is exactly what I am going to do.

My uncles are all either painfully divorced or married to obese bitches. Men I respect and look up to lost 70% of what they had built due to a divorce, and suffered the shame of an openly cheating wife continuing to financially rape them through the legal system.

It's about my health. I need to enjoy the pleasure of being incredibly racist and sexist to ensure my tank stays full of good feelings and my blood pressure stays low. You don't want me to neglect my health, do you, user?

Please, reinstate the death penalty for infidelity, so I can be civilized again.

Other urls found in this thread:


Marriage is the glue that holds society together.

> t. me, beta engineer
> keep getting dumped and lied to
> doing great work, promoted, etc.
> my equations do not wet the pussy
> meet engineer-businessman I look up to
> he gets divorced, loses 70% of his assets, loses custody of his son, learns wife was cheating on him, sees wife move the guy she's been cheating with into his house, loses his fully-equipped garage and classic ferrari workshop, seriously contemplates suicide, instead takes an easy job with shit pay.
> see this guy's story
> think about my uncles who are all either divorced or married to an obese bitch
> nope.gif

I just ordered some dietary supplements online to begin my transition from beta engineer to Outlaw Pirate, because the jews created a world where the only reason for a woman to marry a beta engineer is to rape him in the divorce. My entire life has been a lie.

Please, make infidelity illegal again, before I turn into a toxic unstable mix of Jordan Belfort, Hitler and Zyzz.

Only Islam can make this happen.

So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)

You're double posting of a wall'o'text deserves a death sentence.

He's right, my cucked little friend

These are the stories that make me so fucking thankful I still live in the south, where a remnant of oldschool thinking still resides and I married one.

No hat + no sunscreen + snow white = skin cancer, ergo death penalty.
Wear sunscreen, cunts

I honestly don't understand adultery, I just can't.

for me it just seems so degenerate, so infamous, such a depraved behavior.

Betraying that way your partner, a person that has surrendered in flesh and spirit to you, It's just so disgusting and inmoral, it makes me vomit.

>Jews tricked women into breaking this contract,
I would gladly bring back honor killings. But only if you admit, that perhaps on this specific issue, no one had to trick women into wanting to abolish honor killings.

Vikings and the Romans had honor killings. Even in Denmark it is only like 150-200 years ago we were setting females on fire.

>beta engineers
There's electrical/mechanical emgineers where I work and they're all pretty solid guys. Is it a terrible thing to get into? I've been contemplating it. Also:
>uncle dates woman from church
>she cheats never tells him he has to find out
>they break up roughly
>back together in like a week
>she gets pregnant later on
>he proposes
>she says no
>stay together and move in together with her daughter from another guy and her new baby still not married
>tfw I may share genes with this man

if you could get laid, then this might be a problem. as it is, nothing to worry about

Our alimony laws are outdated. Women want equal rights, well you get the same rights as a man.
When they realize that life without the extra income from their spouse will reduce their life style they will be more hesitant to leave or cheat. The thing you don't understand about women is that they have evolved look out for them self's. It worked by protecting the sex that gave birth, but with the current system it incentivises divorce because they only gain from it. All women deep down are greedy cunts.

Old concepts from a more honest time:

Status today:

allow me to illustrate graphically, shill.

wtf is this

fuck off retard, go live with the other shitslam subhumans if that's what you think

engineer = beta male

it's alright work but it's not for ambitious people. go into finance or sales if you like power and sex.

bro the women voted to bring in huge numbers of shitskin subhumans

i don't have to go to them. they come to me.

>bro the women voted to bring in huge numbers of shitskin subhumans
>i don't have to go to them. they come to me.
Fucking exellent point you just made there.

>haha it's just sex who cares :)

is what every skank and slut defending male will tell you

these are the two currents of sexuality

either it's a highly significant relationship between two people


it's a hobby to be done at any time one fancies with whichever reasonably attractive person is nearby

>wtf is this
Its you. From the future.

>In any functioning society
what are you talking about.

the west has been the epicenter for prosperity for centuries, and the penalty has never been death.

Something's wrong with your .jpg...

I feel you bro
Sad tiems

>I will never have a wife this hot

why live?

she was probably cold wasnt she, and damn i didnt know you could have ginger pubes.

>the west has been the epicenter for prosperity for centuries, and the penalty has never been death.
Wrong. Besides, just back in the 60's you could at least dicipline them with a belt. Ffs, YOU CAN'T EVEN USE A BELT ANYMORE! THAT SHIT IS INSANE! Ok, ok, don't stab her, don't set her on fire, don't throw acid in her face, but when she starts talking smack, can I at least use the belt. NO! What the fuck is this world we live in?

sure thing
and at the same time if you lose your job and spend but a minute playing video games instead of looking for another one to provide for your family the woman's father and brother come over and beat you senseless and your name is shamed over the whole community because you're a loser neet who's too fucking lazy provide for a family

not saying that this is what op is
but this type of society carries ramifications for all sorts of things and females aren't the only ones of whom expectations are had

i'm 100% down with it though

What supplements did you order?

I want rape a white woman.

Did you steal that computer?

>150-200 years ago
>Some aristocrat setting a female a blaze
>"Quite the lovely evening we will have today gentlemen"

White skin and blonde hair is just the epitome of purity and beauty.

100% agree. If adultery can be proven, there is zero reason not to publicly execute the offender.


Honestly, it is not even a matter of choice. Western civilization is slipping under our feets because we don't have that kind of society, or something along those lines. We want civilization, well then we all better act civilized.

T. Achmed

Artificial wombs, nigger. Modern western women are barely even salvageable. The only way to stop adultery at this point is to genetically engineer women to have higher loyalty.

>t. assblasted roastie

Please, tell me how such a crime should go excused. It shows a person is utterly amoral, and as such, is a detriment to society that must be removed immediately.

slavs are not white

if they work as expected then i'll come plug them here

Sounds good dude. I know it's a fit topic, but keep us posted here. I cycle with Cellucor and find it does boost gains.

Man, is she going to be fat

>The only way to stop adultery at this point is to genetically engineer women to have higher loyalty.
I gurantee you, if we reinstitute honor killings it will have a positive impact on womens loyalty.
Every summer we celebrate it in Denmark. Just have to start using real women again.

Moving to Denmark.

scientific fact:
male lobsters in a boiling pot of water will build a chain so that some of the lobsters can climb out.
female lobsters will refuse to work together and claw each other back down as they try to escape.
>The sound in my head of those 60,000 screaming cunts tearing their eyes out in the imaginary soccer stadium.

>I recommend white cock

Solid advice for all the white whores out there, brother.

>In any functioning society, the penalty for adultery is death.

name a place where this is true

Choose an Islamic country

>functioning society

Saudi Arabia isn't functioning?

their most successful workforce is comprised primarily of migrants and they fund terrorism that plagues actual non-shit countries

so no, it's not

although I guess OP didn't say "well functioning"

You are female.
The Islamic countries are functioning because they are not being replaced by foreign invaders invited by treachours cunts and cucks, with regards to their low technology, well that is their iq and lack of rational thought and lack of belief in science. We in the West do not have that problem. We will just kill you in the name if science, see pic.
Women have been killed in the name of Odin, God, Allah, Honor, Zeus and the list goes on, now we kill you in the name of science.

Are you saying feminism is wrong? Islam is literally a feminist religio--


If you put a lobster in a boiling pot of water it dies instantly you fucking retard.

You're thinking of crabs in a bucket and you still fucked that up.

Hey girly girl. What you just wrote makes no sense.
The difference is that women don’t place as much value on Truth as they do upon self-preservation, and therefore their reasoning processes do not abort when self-contradiction is reached. They’ll just rationalize their way out of that too, if exposed.

Fuck you sexually repressed beta cuck. Get a wife and cheat on her on business trips like us successful men do.

>Fuck you sexually repressed beta cuck. Get a wife and cheat on her on business trips like us successful men do.
What does that have to with honor killing if she whores around?
Are the females chimping out now?

Oh, hey, how about this...DON'T MARRY A WHITE WOMAN

Black women are way too paranoid to cross a man like that.

>needs a website called "the rational male" to be a rational male
You make a joke out of yourself.

Jokes on you, cause I am still a male, while you are a dumb birthmachine.
One house.
One football game
One time Beyonce plays "who run the world girls" in a stadium with only females.
You can't fucking do it.

>Get a wife and cheat on her on business trips like us successful men do
Wow, so impressive, so cool. You truly are the alpha male.

Not my fault youre a fucking loser. Take your impotent rage on someone else.

Women are litteraly destroying Western Civilization in front of our eyes.
"impotent rage"

I think death is a little far OP. The dead can be buried and forgotten but a living, walking billboard of suffering is harder to ignore.

Adultery is a mortal sin and the punishment should be severe however going full sand nigger would be counter productive in the long run.

You have NO IDEA how much value you're leaving on the table by using engineers as mere chattel in your zero-sum power games. If the Nazis had won and your kind had perished or reformed in labor camps, then we would have self-sufficient Mars bases and mass-produced immortality serum by now. But you'd rather rule on Earth than serve in a Heaven. Nigger.

Sadly, after years of reading and struggling, I cannot see an alternative to joining your kind.

If I am to be a scumbag, then I shall do it right.
(((The Economist))) fears a mix of:
> Nationalism
> Corporatism
> the Internet that is what I shall create, a tool to bind everyone into my empire of light. I know we have the technology. I would worry about the extinction risk posed by a single globe-spanning organization (rather than many isolated habitats that allowed evolution of civilizations), but I see that if I don't take power then someone more corrupt will instead. Goddamn, this will be a lot of work. And I spent a decade training up the wrong skills...

Prove you're not a basement-dweller. How many kids do you have?

Very juicy redpill at the end there (meaningful vs. hobby). Makes me realise why I feel so empty when dating most girls, it's really just for sex no matter how I spin it. Sad.

i suspect there's a Jewish plot to make White men abandon marriage under the name of rationality.
> the rational male shills for men to turn into herpes-spreading sterile date-rapists
> lesswrong shills for men to join an insane cult where they grind for a jew's anti-white political cause
> others...
goddammit. sometimes I miss the days when I thought being racist and sexist was a bad thing.

Monkey is wise. If we tattoed "dumb birthmachine" in their forehead, it would make them suffer, it would remind other women who saw them, and it would be 100% factual.

I agree with you, the most mindblowing thing is how utterly brainwashed people seem to defend something absolutely indefensible.
There isnt a SINGLE good argument against making adultery a crime. NOT ONE.
Adultery is fraud just like any other fraud.
But forget that, it's as simple as this: Why would you even defend adultery, the only reason that could possibly be for this is if you yourself want to be an adulterer. Any other faithful, loyal, normal person would obviously want some kind of punishment for adultery.
Forget about death penalty for a second.
ANY kind of punishment for it.
It absolutely stupifies me how people defend adultery.
Maybe our society is doomed way worse than I thought or I have perception bias for mostly talking to online people and people online seem to be absolute degenerates. Then again, maybe only online and anonymously do they show their real colors.
Point is that adultery is absolutely indefensible.
Keep in mind also that adultery isnt even generic "cheating on your parter". No, adultery is just:
"voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband"

Cheating should also be illegal, if you promise your partner that you will be faithful and you arent, that is a break of trust. But beyond that, society's laws are there to benefit society and peace and prosperity. We dont have them for fun. So cheating is obviously a detrimental thing for society, for producing children and trust and producing good people.
Yet it's still legal.

I guess I would impregnant her

This picture is awesome.
Give me a painful truth any day of the week.

>he hasn't seen the echo chamber full of Dwumpfkinis defending the latest impotent rage filled tweet of their beloved cryptojew leader.

After a while the gloss wears off m8.

>Any other faithful, loyal, normal person would obviously want some kind of punishment for adultery.
>Forget about death penalty for a second.
>ANY kind of punishment for it.

women almost always line up a "new" guy BEFORE dumping the "old" guy...something they learned from history when being without male support meant death.

adultery is legal because the kind of people who become powerful are the kind of people who love to do adultery, and they lobbied for it as part of feminism, with "no fault divorce". They spun it as being good for men.

dumb cuck men leapt at the chance to "free women" from "oppressive marriages"...unfortunately for the dumb cuck men women don't fuck down no matter how many favors they receive.

> society's laws are there to benefit society and peace and prosperity. We don't have them for fun.
That's where you're wrong kiddo. Society's laws exist for the amusement of the powerful.

Where do we go from here? Hell if I know. Defeat 19 other men in the battle to be top-5% in looks, fuck a stream of untamed degenerate pussy, and wait for the Jews to unleash the Whites against Islam. Or, marry down and act like an outlaw pirate to get children. Or, figure out how to make the alt-right turn a profit, so your children will survive the next war.

remember the days before the jewing of society.

>and they lobbied for it as part of feminism, with "no fault divorce". They spun it as being good for men.
So when women got the vote in Denmark our king was against it. Our "house of lords", our nobles, they were against it. But our parliment, the ones voted in by the common man? Every single party(we have more then just 2) voted for it. The common man wanted to give women the vote, and constantly I see the common man blaming everyone else but themselves for this situation, it is getting pathetic. There is no grand conspiracy, just the common beta being beta.

the common man is shaped by the education system set up by the elite.
You dont get to blame dumb people for being dumb if you put them through 12+ years of anti-male, anti-freedom education in school to make them into factory workers.

Not entirely true, because that was not the case in 1915 when danish men gave women the vote.But what you write is true today. Except that you still blame the "elite". The 12+ years education system is created by women.
"his arises from their deficiency in the power of reasoning already referred to, and reflection, but is also partly due to the fact that Nature has not destined them, as the weaker sex, to be dependent on strength but on cunning; this is why they are instinctively crafty, and have an ineradicable tendency to lie. For as lions are furnished with claws and teeth, elephants with tusks, boars with fangs, bulls with horns, and the cuttlefish with its dark, inky fluid, so Nature has provided woman for her protection and defence with the faculty of dissimulation, and all the power which Nature has given to man in the form of bodily strength and reason has been conferred on woman in this form."
They really are master-manipulators. I can win a discussion with women online, but in the real world, shit, I still have to raise my voice or get angry or else they trick me.
It is true about the jews though, they are the biggest cucks of them all. So I understand where the anti-semitism comes from, I am no big fan of jews myself at the moment.

This arises, not his

Marriage is no the foundation of civilization. Marriage is just a formal symbol used to show the union of two families and the emotional bond between two people.

The foundation of civilization is the family (not the nuclear family meme) and the reproductive pairing of people within the family so that there is now a link in blood. The family has been dead in the west for over a hundred years.

The problem here, however, is with women and the men who don't know how to deal with the women. Both are terrible communicators, and today, where people are more idealistic than ever, they cannot bring themselves to properly communicate because they expect too much out of everything and see doing work on it as beneath them. People seek ideals, but do not try to meet those ideals or at least do not try to aspire to them.

Women should be made property.

Then you won't get shit dumbass

I could go buy one.

I dont know about a death sentence, but there should definitely be consequences.

The damage to ones psyche alone is enough to merit a law against it.

Peoples lives are usually left in ruin.

That's a nice girl, whats your bid

5 goats

It's not Jews doing this shit. It's Satanists. The "Jewish" names are a shield, and discredits anyone who challenges them...and thus discredits all of the "racist conspiracy theories" that they were exploring.

OK kid.
Pick one

>Every summer we celebrate burning alive cheating whores


Good fucking kill me. I hate this life.

I'm taking my goats and going home

No you faggots, this isn't the way, because in the long run after a handful of beautiful cheaters get put down, the white knight army of betas and cucks will start rebelling against order.

It's way better to train men not to be cucks and little faggots. Also that way their women will keep their legs closed to others because they want to, not because they are forced to, thus eliminating the taboo factor as well

this is irrelevant and hence untrue, women will do whatever men want them to do. If left to their own devices, they will scheme and be bad, who cares.
The system that gave them the freedom to voice their idiotic opinions and have power over children is to blame, not women who are objects by nature.
Blaming a gender is one of the most idiotic things you can do, when will a gender ever change? Yeah thats right, never.

I don't think I can handle the amount of cringe autism in these two posts alone. I am scared to scroll down lest there be more.

>and damn i didnt know you could have ginger pubes.

And this pretty much confirms that people with lower IQs than niggers in Africa post on this board. You what, mate? You didn't know pubic hair could be ginger? Are you that mentally fucking retarded? I don't even know why I come here anymore.

You've never even seen fucking ginger pubes in your life, or on a chick in porn? Or heard the insult 'ginger pubes', 'fire crotch'? What?

>penalty for adultery is death.

Nice try Ahmed. Fuck off back to your own country.

Fuck off you subhuman lardfaggot

>The system that gave them the freedom to voice their idiotic opinions and have power over children is to blame, not women who are objects by nature.
Ahh, "The System". The "Elites". Again, the common mand did this to himself, becaues the common man is beta and just wants to be womens bitches, that is why the betas gave women the vote. You can argue I should not waste time on blaming women. Fine, I blame the betas, you fuckers did this to yourself. And it is not the fucking first time, every time we try demovracy beta fuckers do this, and every time I discuss it with betas, somehow, someway, they find a reason for why they should take some of my money and give the to women.
"Women had no political rights in pre-Revolutionary France; they were considered "passive" citizens; forced to rely on men to determine what was best for them. That changed dramatically in theory as there seemingly were great advances in feminism. Feminism emerged in Paris as part of a broad demand for social and political reform. The women demanded equality to men and then moved on to a demand for the end of male domination."
"Most of these outwardly activist women were punished for their militancy. The kind of punishment received during the Revolution included public denouncement, arrest, execution, or exile. Théroigne de Méricourt was arrested, publicly flogged and then spent the rest of her life sentenced to an insane asylum. Pauline Léon and Claire Lacombe were arrested, later released, and continued to receive ridicule and abuse for their activism. Many of the women of the Revolution were even publicly executed for "conspiring against the unity and the indivisibility of the Republic".[23]"

Jewish insane beta-cuck Lenin
"hey should all know that the proletarian dictatorship will mean to them complete equality of rights with men, both legal and in practice, in the family, the state and in society, and that it also spells the annihilation of the power of the bourgeoisie ... The government of the proletarian dictatorship - jointly with the Communist Party and the trade unions of course - makes every effort to overcome the backward views of men and women and thus uproot the old, non-communist psychology. It goes without saying that men and women are absolutely equal before the law. A sincere desire to give effect to this equality is evident in all spheres. We are enlisting women to work in the economy, the administration, legislation and government. All courses and educational institutions are open to them, so that they can improve their professional and social training. We are organising community kitchens and public dining-rooms, laundries and repair shops, crêches, kindergartens, children’s homes and educational institutions of every kind. In brief, we are quite in earnest about carrying out the requirements of our programme to shift the functions of housekeeping and education from the individual household to society. Woman is thus being relieved from her old domestic slavery and all dependence on her husband."