Red pill me on getting a vasectomy

Do you consider it an extreme measure for someone who is certain that they do not want kids?

Other urls found in this thread:

I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.

Sup Forums isn't your personal doctor oz faggot

Might ass well cut off your dick

Just cut your dick off you're basically a woman already.

Just kill yourself to make sure

It's the most cucked thing you can possibly do

Thank you


>not wanting kids

low test cuck, I have 2 and I still want more

you can always get it reversed, or fuck guys.

filthy breeder go live in a high rise

I consider it a viable option if you

a) Already have kids and don't want any more
b) Have terrible genes
c) Is Black
d) Are a sexual predator


>filthy breeder

>abloobooo muh white race dying out! [spoiler][/spoiler] - pol

Well no wonder with this mentality

I have bad genes I don't want to spread and will be getting a vasectomy. Look up nerurofibromatosis. Why would I risk giving that shit to my kid? May as well end it in my line of the family since I'm the only one with it.

Holy fucking shit, user. I'm sorry

I recommend castration, OP. It's safer and healthier.

>reproductive system shared with urinary system
>vans deferens going over the bladder
>key reproductive organs, testes, localized in front of the body fully exposed to frontal attacks
why are our bodies so retardedly designed?

I'm sorry user :(

I got a vasectomy, and will be getting it undone in the next couple of years. I thought I didn't want kids, and then I came on Sup Forums
t. white 21 year old

That's an honorable decision.

What does pol think about a penectomy? No pic on me but the procedure is to remove your penis and leave the balls.
Instead of a penis you will have a hole that can cum and puss but you can only get off from anal stimulation

Because you shouldn't pass on your genes.

t. a nigger

This, taking one for the team.

>neutering yourself

Literal cuck tier.

Kek, fuck what others think OP. I got one a couple years ago and lucked out finding a GF who loves cum. They are getting better at reversing them these days too, expensive as hell though. If you have a long term GF/wife who doesn't like cum don't bother, my ex hated it so being sterile was basically pointless.

Maybe you should get a wife and kids on your own before your race goes extinct :^)

Why would you do this. With everything out there today. You still want to hack and slash at your groin

What. In the fuck. Is this.

>not having several illegitimate children and being a dead beat dad that gets thrown in jail for not paying child support

Don't be a cuck.

it's okay if you have at least three or are not white