Why so sexist, user? Can't handle the sight of a Woman Scientist?
Why men don't want women in STEM fields?
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youre right i just cant handle it :P
So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)
because if you make a mistake people die.
It is not if we want you in or not we want everyone that can do the job if you can't do the job go home.
I honestly have no fucking clue why no men do gender studies either
Also stupid questions get stupid answers like this
Jesus H. Christ we give scholarships to these whores to do important work.
In 1950 they'd be housewives and homemakers.
>implying anyone on Sup Forums has a high education level
Men don't care. They just laugh because women typically don't like STEM fields. This has been proven by societies that allow men and women to choose their own courses. They naturally steer away from them and lean more towards psychology, the arts, and such.
lowering standards to allow women into a fact based field is so counter productive to the field it should be a criminal offense because we are talking health and safety here they get in want to do an experiment and poison fuckloads of people it has happened already with flint michigan because mah diversity.
If they cannot do the job they should not continue complaining they cannot do the job.
This ain't like accidently putting tomato on someones sub.
Because they make it about their vaginas and not about what we're actually trying to accomplish
>Be male
>Go to a gender studies class
>The class and teacher literally cannot stop grilling you and telling you what a fucking privileged shitbag you are
Gee, I wonder why.
You are a very disturbed person, but this is a great text and will be saved to my screencaps folder. Kek be with ye
Im an Irish male, Just do what I do flip the fuck out and attack everyone.
>works for black people when they get called nigger, Saying Priviledged to an Irish person is the exact same thing.
Either bait, or mental dissonance. Women in male dominated jobs typically get paid better with less qualifications so that companies get their special tax exemption status. Women just don't like hard science, and don't want to work/live the way needed for it.
>implying anyone on Sup Forums has an education
And thank fuck for that.
The Intellectuals don't even know what the word fucking means.
Search Results
noun: education; noun: an education
the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.
"a course of education"
>tfw made the mistake to go to a private university known for its engineering department
>place was a sausagefest 2-1 male-to-female ratio
>most of those women must have been studying everything besides engineering because they were less than 10% of my classes.
>Guys would do anything just to get the women in our classes talking to them, helping with homework and projects and studying.
>Nobody ever said "reeeee girls aren't allowed!"
Engineering males are a bunch of thirsty betas
Yeah what of it? You got something against a dominate males?
This is now a Male Power Thread
>No Homo allowed.
>implying education = intelligence
"good useful idiot, keep destroying your society"
It depends on where you are. In my classes there are some alphas but ALOT are betas. Also it really depends on Major Computer science has more betas than say Aerospace engineering
It's true. I didn't discover the red pill until a few years ago. Before that I was completely blue pilled. The rest of my classmates were the same way back then, so I don't know how many of them have woken up since those days.
Women are sexual objects, and they know it, but will never assume it.
They behave like one, they improve their looks to attract more male attention and quality males, and their most strong instincts are all based in the idea of conquering male attention with their sex appeal.
They even compete with themselves to be the sexiest and most attractive sex toy for ultra quality man.
There is zero doubt about it in my mind that they all understand this to be true, but will never admit it to anyone, not even themselves.
No good in taking any women seriously, take the black pill when it comes to women. You can't fight nature.
Biology is at least 30% women now. I suppose not having more then the most basic stats really helps bring them in (only up to calc 2 at my school). Also all of my classmates are crazed sjws. I got yelled at the other day because I didn't call illegals "undocumented immigrants".
I will never give a woman or minority respect in the STEM field. You can't tell if they actually earned anything, or if they were just affirmative actioned through.
These are the useless cunts who will be designing the infrastructure in the future. We're going to be a joke, Chinese levels of failure.
Just look at what they created, don't be harsh with them because of WHO they are. But don't accept their stupid politics at all. Accept their results and the value they provide to the discipline, or their brilliance. Never accept cuck politics tho.
Most women I know of who attempted engineering couldn't get past precalc. If they did, physics killed the them. Only one girl I know of who is actually, truly intelligent. EE, autist in a cute way.
Only one girl has earned it, but other white males I give a standard of respect to.
Instructors are a great example, it's almost universal that female instructors are garbage, especially compared to their male counterparts.
OP's picture though
>this almost looks like a black dick
>I better start sucking it
honestly, one of the worst parts of stem is there aren't hot women who are smart and decent human beings that end up in the field. I'd welcome them as long as it's merit based.
>that girl in the op pic
she looks like she'll do well in a field of stems
no one's stopping them. They're either not good enough to be in stem fields or they just prefer taking gender studies or women's history
>You give women a phallic object and they unconsciously start to suck or grasp it
What is wrong with women?
White girls le current year
>know female white engineer
>her grades are shit
>dean was going to give her a talk and emailed her to let her know she needs a talking
>she was on holiday and didn't read/respond
>year later she is still in course
No doubt she would have gotten kicked out if she was a dude. They bring the standards down, or cry sexism if you don't.
>literally giving the microscope blow job
DESU that's extremely accurate. In high school and girls will suck water bottles, its kinda obsessive.
i would like to have women coworkers, but they're just not a good fit for the job.
they're not smart enough or whatever. I don't know why but they just struggle so much. all the girls in my engineering degree required a lot more help than the guys
my graduating class had one girl in it
With these, absolutely nothing.
Ther's no proof that this is what they thought about.
>implying it is at the level of thought and not entirely subconscious
They probably just finished listening to rap music before class
education is codeword for (((indoctrination)))
>Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry
do you go around licking rugs?
Fellow Americans, I come to you in the wake of recent events to issue a call to reason. Let no human deny the perils of our time.
While we battle one another, divided by the petty strife of our common history, the tide of a greater conflict is turning against us, threatening to destroy all that we have accomplished. It is time for us as nations, and as individuals to set aside our longstanding feuds and unite.
The tides of an unwinnable war are upon us, and we must seek refuge upon higher ground, lest we be swept away by the flood.
The Obama Administration is no more. Whatever semblance of unity and protection it once provided is a phantom, a memory. With our enemies left unchecked, who will you turn to for protection?
The devastation wrought by the Muslim invaders is self-evident. We have seen our homes and communities destroyed by the calculated blows of the Black Lives Matters movement. We have seen firsthand our friends and loved ones consumed by the nightmarish ISIS. Uprecedented, and unimaginable though they may be, these are the signs of our times.
The time has come my fellow Americans, to rally to a new banner. In unity lies strength. Already many of the dissident factions have joined us.
Out of the many we shall forge an indivisible whole, capitulating ONLY to a single throne. And from that throne... I shall watch over you.
From this day forward, let no American make war upon any other American. Let no American agency conspire against this new beginning. And let no man consort with terrorist powers. And to all the enemies of western civilization, seek not to bar our way. For we shall win through, NO MATTER THE COST! DEUS VULT
Have you never seen a woman try into logic? It's like Poland try into space.
Alex Jones listener detected
I don't understand this meme.
No math class has a professor that just constantly churns out sex humor.
No engineering class jokes about how fucking dumb women are and how they shouldn't be in the class.
It's just constant encouragement ever since the 90s. It's why you see so many women in every STEM field except for computer science and engineering.
What's the best way to break the conditioning on liberals? They constantly see a superficial disparity in participation and immediately think of systemic discrimination.
>Can't handle the sight of a Woman Scientist?
I actually don't know how to react when I see a woman in my Computer Science classes. One of two things pops into my head:
> 1. "I might finally find a girl who shares my interests and isn't ugly as shit!" (provided said woman is not ugly as shit or fat)
> 2. "She's here because they've made the field more accessible for diversity quotas and I'm getting a shittier program of courses as a result, and that makes me sad."
Women should do what the fuck they want and stop blaming us for shit being difficult. It sounds so simple but holy fuck you'd think it was rocket science. Oh, wait...
That's right user, women are doing science now, deal with it
Damn right, user.
[/spoiler] *bumps chest* respect [/spoiler]
90% of women just don't want to do that shit. They want to look pretty and have rich men they don't care about take care of them. I don't understand why this is treated like some fucking ancient secret.
Also women just fucking crave dick. I had some bitch living with me like four years ago. I took care of her, treated her like a princess, gave her somewhere to stay, fucked her every night, let her live in my home playing my video games all day and the bitch still fucking cheated on me.
Now I just treat women like talking dick holsters and I don't give a fuck.
Women don't want to be in STEM fields, and I respect their choice.
>can't appreciate the texture of a fine rug made by a sandman
hows your asian infested shithole doing?
Okay, armchair general. Get your head out of your six!
What about irish women, they good?
Haha Sup Forums can't handle competent women in stem.
Because creating problems to bitch about is easier than actually doing something productive.
Flasks of colored water meme is my favorite. So much science! Also take note that neither have notepads or are even bothering to collect any data ..
i can't handle women in construction either.
why do people still believe in AOC when these underage sluts are trying to deepthroat a microscope?
clearly they want men and should have been be married off by now
not only is it stupid its fucking dangerous.
>Men need more estrogen in their diets and i am a stronk independant womyn let me make that choice for them.
None of them.
Almost a Masters of Sci in MechEng at Georgia Tech.
>Projecting this much
You're obviously a beta cuck male and bring shame to your family. Girls only cheat on losers. And it's a known fact. It makes cum so much when I'm fucking a girl and i read on her phone her boyfriend texting some gay shit hahaha
sorry Pooland but I kek'd
muh dick
Why so racist user? Can't handle intelligent black people in stem
women belong in the kitchen
>it makes cum so much
Ahmed stop cucking me
But they're actually boys
We hitched a ride with blyats.
Also first true pioneer of space research was Konstanty Ciołkowski, half Polish.
"Although many called his ideas impractical,[11]:8,117 Tsiolkovsky influenced later rocket scientists throughout Europe, like Wernher von Braun. Russian search teams at Peenemünde found a German translation of a book by Tsiolkovsky of which "almost every page...was embellished by von Braun's comments and notes."[11]:27 Leading Soviet rocket-engine designer Valentin Glushko and rocket designer Sergey Korolev studied Tsiolkovsky's works as youths,[11]:6–7,333 and both sought to turn Tsiolkovsky's theories into reality.[11]:3,166,182,187,205–206,208 In particular, Korolev saw traveling to Mars as the more important priority,[11]:208,333,337 until in 1964 he decided to compete with the American Project Apollo for the moon.[11]:404"
Aoc is important because these girls are so obsessed with dick and yet still have minds of children. The law must protect them from themselves.
Because then, instead of doing insightful research when they're in their 40's and 50's, they bitch that they're old spinsters with no children.
she is literally taking a serious selfie, with her friend in outer space death gripping a microscope with her mouth on it. You know they don't know shit about bio simply based off that. Those microscopes are probably use to analyze bacteria, and she has her fucking hands all over it and her mouth on it. Then the other one is over there playing with filters to make it look like shes been outside more then once this year and make as unnatural facial expression as possible without being overtly fake. They're both literally only thinking about fucking. Their professor has been talking about shit all day and black hair in the back can only think about sucking his dick, nothings getting through to them. Their best bet is for one of them to flirt with some dude who gets at least a
B on tests so he sits in between them and they can both cheat. Otherwise, I don't see them getting through STEM courses.
Hitched a ride, exactly how women do stem. The reason there's less female scientists is biology. They're not as suited to analytical thought or abstract concepts. Doesn't mean none are, but it's a lower rate than men. Forcing them in is detrimental to subjects as important as engineering and research. I'd prefer my engineered goods and infrastructure to last, not need replacement every few years or just not work.
We aren't holding them back, they hold themselves back then bitch at us when we hire the elite males that sleep, eat, breathe and breed in calculus/algorithms. Women just don't do this, they aren't as obsessive about being top dog and have never occupied serious positions in the dominance heirarchy. That is all
>males that sleep, eat, breathe and breed in calculus/algorithms
that's funny you say that, i've lately been dreaming about sine/cosine functions and unit circles
yea im sure that aoc law is protecting them real well when they are fucking chad-lite in the school toilets
At least chad lite is in similar developmental stage, an adult male would take advantage of their ignorance.
STEM major here, the real reason, I shit you not, is the the undecided's almost always choose fucking gender studies over STEM.
The only women in STEM are those who have been planning on STEM since high school.
I talked with a freshman about joining stem, and told me something along the lines of;
"The STEM sciences are not important to female identity, I think it would be more important if I help fight for gender equality through a Gender Studies degree"
They think Gender Studies and Gender Psychology are hard science degrees, little do they know that they'll be serving pumpkin spice lattes by the end of the decade.
there is not one job market reserved for men but just having a cunt is enough for a middle class job already
fuck off stem you whores, you got enough
>tfw when the only female scientists worth a shit were Polish:
Why Polish women are so superior?
You're supposed to be at least 18 years of age to post here.
Because their men are no challenge.
Kaczynski is probably one of the smartest men alive.
Wut? Are men supposed to be a challenge for women?
I don't understand how a CS major would support AA and diversity hires. Literally anyone with a computer and internet connection can learn all of CS, all it takes is the will to do so.
Unless you meant worthless. Which is probably true.
I had a lab partner in the second half of calculus based physics who was more socially akward than most males. She chose me as her partner and then had trouble making eye contact, it was weird. She was attractive, and dressed normal, not someone you would think to be social defunct. I attempted making small talk with her and she just did not want to participate. Made me feel like I was an ugly akward pice of turd. I tried to actually answer questions as a group and she would just not really participate. Like she would just agree to whatever I said and give no real feedback or answer of her own. If there was something like deriving an equation, I'd work in silence until I got the answer and then try and explain it to her since doing it together proved too time consuming. Then she would literally ignore my answer and keep working on her own. She had a bunch of shit written down that didn't mean anything, and I would politely wait for her to finish before moving on. Almost every other group finished with about an hour left that day. She held me up, to the end of class and I didn't get full credit for that lab. The next week another guy joined our group partway through since a piece of our equipment broke. We were measuring something with a protractor. We let her do the measuring and he read numbers off while I did some calculations on the computer. We spent 30 minutes collecting this data and it didn't make sense at the end. The new guy asks her to measure something real quick, and she proceeds to do it. He realizes she has no clue how to use a protractor... and she got to calc based physics 2 somehow. He called her out and she just shut down and stopped talking. We finished the lab and I asked if she needed help with the last couple of questions. She was stuck deriving an equation again with a shitload of nonsense on her paper. After that day she dropped the class. I see her around campus still, walking out of the gender studies building
That's sad
If I recall correctly Frederick the great didn't consider poles good enough to clean the muck in stables.
Truly a sad lot.
Women are basically in STEM for the money and not because it interests them, that's why they always end up in oil and gas jobs instead of working with technology, design, or architecture.