Do you want Yemen children to die Sup Forums?
This is what Trump caused.
Do you want Yemen children to die Sup Forums?
why should we care?
dont give a shit about countries that aren't the USA. fix the problems here first
What did they do with the billions of $ we have to them in the past?
let china or germany give them money lol
This was caused by the Saudis, why are you asking for humanitarian aid when all you need to do is demand Trump pressure the Saudis to leave Yemen?
niggers can never support themselves
its for the best if they all just died
Not our Job to save the world. Yemen should have planned for their people better.
>Because its americas job to feed yemenis, a country on the other side of the world.
Nigga there are people starving in Alabama why the fuck should we be helpin Yemen
A government's only responsibility should be to its own people.
I don't care.
that's actually huma abudin as a kid
I case you shills haven't noticed... WE DON'T CARE! There are bigger, more important issues and issues that relate to us.
We better take a few million refugees I suppose. Right is right.
But just ignore the fact that there is a fucking war going on there right now, which may interfere with normal supply lines.
1. Sage
2. Report
3. Hide
After 8 years of Obama desensitizing us all to endless secret warfare I'm having a hard time remembering how or why I should care anymore.
Thanks Obama.
We need to take care of our own and get our own affairs in order. The world depends on us too much. When we can focus again, fine, we should help. Until then, these people are on their own.
Maybe they should stop breeding.
Wow I don't care :D
There are seven and a half billion people on the planet.
When the fuck were we made the ones in charge of feeding them all?
How is Saudi Arabia invading Yemen Trumps fault?
I bet they are in the areas held by Saudi loyalists too. The Houthis wouldn't starve people to death.
>brown baby
>in possible distress
Own country first.
If the country handled the money better there would be no problem at all.
>Do you want Yemen children to die Sup Forums?
thx 4 the reacion image famalam
>everything bad on this earth is Trumps fault
Yes. All of them.
Why was that child conceived in the first place
>Do you want Yemen children to die Sup Forums?
Yes. They're Muslim.
Reason before emotions.
No emotional foreign politics, and no manipulation of normies feelz plz, all things being considered, it wouldn't hurt to help this child in the picture
>Country can't feed it's population
>Give it money
>They breed like rabbits
>now you have more people dependent on you
Looks like they learned their lesson from Africa, funding their population explosion will only lead to more starving people, let the population equalize and call it Darwinism.
It was used to feed people who would have normally died which resulted in the next generation having even more kids (resulting population explosion), which are now hungry again.. it's almost like there's some kind of pattern going on...
How about the Saudis and Iranians do something. It's their fault Jemen is fucked up. But wait, only Christians care for other people.
not my problem
maybe yemen should take care of itself
>using Pictures of starving children to boost your agenda
horrible and shitty. I'm starting to realize that this tactic will probably be used in the near future for near harmless mundane things
>*pic of starving malnourished Somalian baby*
>"this child starves due to {crises #21134} and now GameStop has decided to charge an extra $40 for VR at their retail stores instead of donating money"
Doktor Goebbels, I'm CIA
this, even if there were hundreds of millions of shekels earmarked for humanitarian aid it would never actually get to any of these people as they're in the areas the saudis are trying to pound into submission
Saudi Arabia is intervening in Yemen, has been for awhile. Won't they do something? Why do we have to do something?
>The only way to fix a country that produces no food is to give them food.
>Why are they still starving.
Did you know, that Africa has lots of farms, yet still needs food from other countries?
Did you know that for some reason, Africans also burned down those same farms, while screaming for more humanitarian aide?
You cant solve a problem by splashing cash and hand outs on it. Its a hard truth that people for some reason forgot existed.
If you live in an area of the world that cant produce food or water, then you die, you dont continue to live, it means its an uninhabitable area for human life to sustain itself. In the past, it forced people to move from area to area, to water, rivers, and so forth.
Now its "I shall live on a rock and demand aid, its your fault I have no food nor water."
I feel bad for the people starving but the cold hard truth is just that, and in this cause in Yemin, the Saudi's are doing it, and then taking over 50% of the aid for themselves.
>Liberals want rights to kill children before they're born
>Liberals want to allow doctors to administer assisted suicide
>Liberals don't like forcing life or death on others
>Liberals want to force this suffering husk of a human to live because they feel bad
Wow, it's another example of hypocrisy by the left, for the sake of hating Trump. Almost as if only sickening pictures like this get them to think of others, for a chance, and this upsets them enough to warrant social moral outrage as a sort of knee jerk reaction. Huh.
To be fair, though, Gamestop are a bunch of filthy kikes
the comfort of the USA is achieved through the bones of babies, not sure whats new here
kick the united states out of america
Season it with nuclear fallout
what has the starving african population ever done for me?
Why the fuck are they breeding if they can't fucking feed themselves? These people are fucking monsters.
>7 pictures thatll make you say "fuck using taxpayer money effectively 'n sheeeit"
>Exactly. They should have donated more money instead of charging me extra for these entertainment media products, but that's besides the point!
Causes it's a thriller
i laugh at dying babies
>This is what Trump caused.
You realize NOBODY is preventing you or this disingenuous (((journalist))) from sending their own money to pay these third worlders to breed beyond their means, right?
Maybe middle-easternes should not fuck up their own countries.
maybe liberals should ease up the sanctions on them ?
Just a thought.
>expecting empathy for non-whites on Sup Forums
Feeding the world is stupid.
All it does is create more people dependent on western aid.
>give a man a fish you feed him for a day
>teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime
>if a nigger can't learn to fish he should starve
>A country with only 3% of its land suitable for farming
>Imports nearly a billion dollars of food every year
>Purge them
Why do they even have a child if this is going to be the result? What's the fucking point?
Reminder that Israel is the country that receives the most American (((aid)))
Fuck you and that bullshit image. If the Yeah Man can't feed its own people, then so be it. You brought it onto yourself following that pedo loving prophet of yours and bending over backwards to be Saudi Arabia's little bitch. Poop dog has some turds to shit out for you and your family - eat shit!
>Muh (((Children)))
Let them handle it. Past funding clearly didn't do anything. Keeping people alive just so they can multiply and ask for even more money isn't a winning strategy.
Actually it is your problem, at least indirectly. We arm Wahhabi Saudis with millions of dollars worth of weaponry, which are then used on Yemen for not sucking sunni dick. It would be a little difficult for Yemen to take care of itself while the US is overseeing and funding its destruction.
Unless your idea of taking care of itself is switching their aim from Saudi targets (which they're quite good at hitting) and instead aiming at the US ships stationed there.
preach on brother. we need to help our own before we worry about the rest of the world.
>You Die
The faggot who posts that probably dickrode Clinton, who was financed by the people who are CAUSING THE FUCKING FAMINE, THE SAUDIS. Trump dicksucks them too, but Hillary was fucking paid for by them.
>Saudis fuck up Yemen
>it's trump's fault
1 post OPs need to be permab&.
This, Saudi Arabia is the real source of the problem and could easily aid the problem as they possess the wealth to provide for these people.
isnt yemen a map on bo2....
>reminisces of "good old days"...
wait what was this thread about?
Where are the parents?
Yep, le xD
If there's such a terrible famine as they say there is, then how are the women still able to get pregnant and produce more kids?
over here allahu ackbaring
>can't afford or access food
>have children
hmmm, really jump-starts the membranes
So you're saying for that matter US needs to keep feeding everybody?
>Hey lets give birth to the next generation while supplies are low and our economy is shit
Only the poor do this, government aid should be for the working class and those who contribute to society only
Maybe Saudi Arabia, right next door, should use the million-capacity tent city in Mecca with running water and air conditioning to help?
Remove aid now and let them build back up naturally, or continue aid and make the inevitable much more horrific
No, but it's erroneous to say it isn't our problem when we literally gave the Saudis the weapons, funding, and very likely actual military support that has led to this famine. I don't know where you got that strawman but that's pretty irrelevant to what I originally said.
Even if all the problems here were fixed I still wouldn't give a shit about any other country.
Better them than us. If muslims were such great and peaceful people they'd fix this fucking shit themselves instead of asking christian nations to solve all their fucking problems
How is that our problem? I'd rather have my tax dollars be spent on something that benefits me, rather than growing the horde of shitskins.
See Trump is stopping the whole "funding both sides" thing which is costing you buckets of money simply to appease a couple of people with political correctness.
In Syria Obama was fighting ISIS while funding "moderate" rebels (i.e. ISIS), his administration was quite literally funding the people they were fighting, an intentional unending conflict. Trump wants to fight ISIS, so fuck funding moderates (ISIS).
Same with this crisis.
Yemen crisis is caused by Saudi Arabia with the help of burgerdollars and burger equipment. You can't stop sending your burger stuff to Saudi Arabia because of Oil. If you can't stop sending stuff to Saudi Arabia you can't stop Yemen crisis. Sending Humanitarian aid is a waste of money at that point, it is just pumping money in on both sides of the conflict/problem.
If you are funding and helping whatever it is that is causing the crisis in the first place, which as said you are basically forced to do, then humanitarian aid is merely a very weak PR stunt akin to a most disinterested "oh noo, that's not cool, please don't do that".
I don't want any children to die but this is Saudi Arabias fault, go appeal to their emotions,
or just stop bullying them and bombing the shit out of the country
The governments will use humanitarian aid to help their people
>Implying that we ever will or should care about the rest of the world.
Honestly when will they realize that I just dont give a single shit about third world/pure ghetto countries. This is just reinforcing my belief that we need to focus on America first because if this crap is happening, there is no way just humanitarian aid is gonna help.